About 50 people gathered at the Kempinski Hotel in London on Friday 11th May, to show their solidarity with the victims of the G8 raids in Germany last week, and to express their opposition to the upcoming G8 Summit of early June [call]. Kempinski is the hotel group hosting this year's Summit of the world's eight most powerful states in Heiligendamm, Germany.
The Met had 'designated' a pen on the opposite side of the street, but protesters refused to be penned in and stayed by the hotel, without entirely blocking the pavement. Some leaflets were given out whilst, as it has become the norm in London, the FIT kept harrassing protestors by trying to get good shots of their faces.
Photos: 1 and 2 | Video
Many more solidarity demonstrations have taken place throughout the world, including one in Edinburgh where the German consulate was also attacked with paint. Next G8 UK mobilisation meeting in London May 17th.
From the demo call:
"Why at Kempinski London?
Kempinski is the Hotel Group which hosts the G8 Summit in 2007. Kempinski has privatised large parts of the village of Heiligendamm, as well as beaches around it. Heiligendamm is the town in northern Germany where this year's G8 summit will take place. Bacause of this, the whole area around the town is fast becoming a no-go area even for the local people.
By choosing the symbolic site of the Kempinski Hotel in London we will protest against the upcoming G8 in Germany and the capitalist system it represents."