Journalist - the magazine of the National Union of Journalists

January/February 2007 - page 31
'911 Truth' campaigner TONY GOSLING says the media should not call people 'suicide bombers' without real evidence
I AM becoming increasingly alarmed, in the run-up to a possible invasion of Iran, by the way British newspapers and broadcasters are reporting terrorism. Through systematic bias and the influence of a lying government, the BBC, which is supposed to be our national benchmark medium, has turned on the public and become an accessory to the crime.
The coverage of the July 7 London bombings has become a frightening case of trial by television. Unfortunately, as evidence to the contrary trickles out, our media editors' verdict looks increasingly questionable.
The BBC crossed a lethal professional line when it decided to refer to the four 7/7 suspects as 'suicide bombers'. Ignored is inconvenient evidence including the advance warning to the Israeli embassy and the untidily Photoshopped Luton CCTV image (a railing behind the figure at the back passes in front of his arm).
By rubber stamping Muslim guilt here in the UK the corporation has taken on a leading role in an anti-Muslim pogrom. BBC spin now flies in the face of its motto carved on Broadcasting House, "Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation", as its one-sided presentation of modern terrorism builds a neo-con case for a religious war against Islam, and for Islamic oil and opium.
A professional journalistic blunder is committed with almost every new story of a "suicide bomber". Whether a bomb explodes accidentally, by remote control or if a "bomber" believes he has a shipment of cocaine in his bag he's still most likely to be termed a "suicide bomber" in the news.
In April 2004 Bush's Iraq chief Paul Bremer initiated the Iraqi insurgency by closing down the Al Sadr newspaper. The reason? The editor had printed a front-page lead story that a "suicide bomb" in a bus queue was, according to eyewitnesses, a missile fired from a helicopter. The newspaper was closed down by the US Army the next day.
This simple lie, referring to a "suicide bomber" on the say-so of anonymous military contacts with little or no evidence, is a propaganda narrative of which Josef Goebbels himself would have been proud. It sends out a clear message demonising the target racial or religious group as insane, murderous and impossible to reason with. Dead men condemned with no proof and no court case - the presumption of the "suicide bomber" is not only bad journalism, it seeds genuine terrorism.
When a racial or religious group, after false-flag attacks, becomes demonised and targeted by racists it begins to fight back and real terrorism is born.
See the photoshopped Luton CCTV image on the Scotland Yard site here, take a deep breath, and save to your hard drive it in case a masonic mole takes it down.

full size 'cctv frame grab'

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