A dozen Hijacker secret agents came along for the action, and visited Nike Town, Top Shop, HMV, Selfridges and others on the day. Nike as always were the least impressed with our antics, with a pack of over eager security guards ushering us out of the store within about 5 mins. Top Shop were far to vast to catch us, and totally confused by our actions.
assistant with clip board: what are you doing here.
Hijacker: just here to help
acb: where are you from.
Hijacker: I'm from London.
acb: no one told me you where coming(pause) why are you here
Hijacker: just here to help
acb: but your are not on the plan(leaves confused)
HMV were clear winners with a security guard exclaiming:
"You have to stop tidying things up, you're being illegal, you have to leave!"
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