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Nadine Saawka

Russell White | 07.11.2006 22:46 | Repression | Social Struggles | London

Nadine Saawka of Notting Hill Housing Trust, Grove House, 27 Hammersmith Grove, Hammersmith, London W6 0JL

Nadine Saakwa works for Notting Hill Housing Trust which is based at Grove House, 27 Hammersmith Grove, London W6 and has worked there for some considerable time. She is extremely corrupt, and, as the evidence indicates she has perpetrated numerous frauds. Amongst other vile methods used, the most abhorrent practice Nadine Saakwa is engaged in, is setting up vulnerable tenants of a charitable Trust by telling lies to the Housing Benefit Office of the Local Authority to stop the vulnerable tenants 'housing Benefit. No one will know that housing benefit has been inhibited, who will find out? The vulnerable tenants certainly will not. Once that happens, rent arrears begin to accrue, leading to possession proceedings being brought by Notting Hill Housing Trust in the county court with a view to seek possession of the vulnerable tenant's property and evict them.

The Notting Hill Housing Trust is a charitable charity which does not pay any corporation taxes on its 19'000 properties across the London boroughs and is excempt from all taxes. Nadine Saakwa has frequently involved the police to assist her in instigating malicious criminal prosecutions against numerous vulnerable tenants as a ploy to seek vaccant possession of these valuable properties. She even requests tenants to fill out requests for information to the local police station giving their authorisation to the police to disclose information about the tenant to Notting Hill Housing Trust so that she can use that information against the tenants. In one case she 'stitched up' two vulnerable women one of whom is in a wheel chair with severe disabilities. Nadine Saakwa arranged for the police to come to the home of the disabled woman and arrest her. Nadine Saakwa engineered hearsay evidence to achieve this false arrest. The other matters which she specialises in is bricking up people's garden's and fabricating tenancies, favourable only to a particular group of ethnic minority. Most reasonable individuals would believe, on the strength of the evidence, that Nadine Saakwa is a vile, nasty and filthy bitch who uses deception and fraud to pave her way inside Notting Hill Housing Trust and she needs to be sorted out.

Of all the corrupt employees at Notting Hill Housing Trust, Nadine Saakwa is one of the worst. She will remain unchallenged because the vulnerability of people permanently housed by Notting Hill Housing Trust inhibits them from taking any form of legal action. That being the case, this abuse will continue. However, on the basis of the evidence, there is more than enough to bring charges against her in a court of law. To contact Nadine Saakwa please call 0208 357 4633, alternatively she can be reached on her mobile 07736 171 725. Email:
I am sure she will deny all these statements of fact which are supported with evidence.

The civil wrongs, abuse, fraud and corruption carried out by Nadine Saakwa must be exposed for the whole world to know about. This criminal individual inside the organisation has a name [Nadine Saawka] and a face.

Russell White


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Nadine Saakwa

07.11.2006 23:36

I know of that person by that name. My sister lives in a house owned by notting hill trust.
For your information its not Nadine Saawka, but Nadine SAAKWA. She used to be a Housing Officer there. Its true what you say, my sister's neighbour was stitched up by her a few years ago. She got the police round to his house claiming he was drunk and causing a nuisance when he wasn't. The houses round there are worth a lot of money and she probably gets a commission for evicting disadvantaged people coz they easy to evict.



08.11.2006 00:12

What a shocking and unsubstantiated libel.



08.11.2006 02:26

What a cruel and sadistic woman. If any such person worked in my office they would be summarily dismissed for gross misconduct and struck off from ever working with vulnerable people. Surely, Notting Hill Housing Trust has a complaints procedure in place and ought to investigate her in light of these allegations. Absolutely shocking.

Barnard Gerlis


08.11.2006 13:56

"She is extremely corrupt, and, as the evidence indicates she has perpetrated numerous frauds."

Russell White

"Surely, Notting Hill Housing Trust has a complaints procedure in place and ought to investigate her in light of these allegations."

Barnard Gerlis

Not so much an 'allegation' as portrayed as fact.

Shocking, if you had the gut to say this in public without hiding behind a false name and false reply's you would be in court faster than you can say madeupstory.


this Nadine Sackher

09.11.2006 04:05

There's no smoke without fire. Maybe this woman really is a bitch, who's to tell. No one will go out of their way to write something unless there was truth in it. The man says he's got evidence so it can't be libel. Its strange that someone who gives no name claims that the other people who make comments arn't who they say they are, otherwise they too, would give no name if they really chose to remain anonymous.


Right wing?

09.11.2006 15:07

I can't get my head round all the postings on here on the Notting Hill Housing Trust (and no, yet again, I don't work for them) (or for the BBC, or M16, or whoever you want to accuse me of working for this week).

A lot of very scandalous allegations are made about people who work for them, but never an indication of what evidence there is to back them up. What makes you think this woman has anything to do with the arrests you describe, for instance? Did the police mention it? Did she say so? Was it part of the court case or the arrest, given in legal evidence?

Paranoids I've met have tended to latch onto one person and start blaming them for all sorts of things which cannot possibly be in their control. This has happened recently to a friend who works as a drugs action worker - she's suffering complaints from a user that she's personally cut off his benefits, got him kicked out of housing and so on, when (very obviously to the rest of the sane planet) she's had nothing to do with it.

Some of the NHHT postings we've had on here seem more deranged than others. But what seems to connect them, often, is an apparently right-wing tone.

A previous message ranted about protecting "indigenous people" from "Londonistan".

This one talks about how the woman in question has a habit of "fabricating tenancies, favourable only to a particular group of ethnic minority"

Norville B

Nadine Saakwa

11.11.2006 20:55

Well, how very interesting.

No Norville B, these people here are NOT paranoids as you would like them to be.

They know exactly what they are talking about.

Having collected evidence from other tenants, we too, can substanciate what they say.

Many tenants have come up with very interesting (and damning) letters which implicate Nadine saakwa of the many frauds she is accused of committing.

The woman in question does in fact have a habit of, as Russell said, "Stitching vulnerable people up" and a habit of giving tenancies to those who she prefers.

This woman has written many letters.

Here's a fore taste of what we have come up with.

Committee for Tenants

Nadine Sack-her

17.11.2006 22:59

I knew it !!!!! yes. This Nadine cow really is a nasty bitch. They need to sack her and ensure she never gets to work with vulnerable again. GET RID OF HER!



03.12.2006 19:41

Well, if they have not got rid of her yet, that organisation who hired her is just as bad as she is. Whilst she is to blame, all responsibility rests with her employer. They can be sued with her.


Nadine Saakwa - Notting Hill Housing Trust - the corrupt have all lost the plot

15.02.2007 14:13

I blame the chief executive she's meant to be in charge of management

All she seems to do is avoid responsibility, confronts tenants, blames others, is overpaid, has unlimited expense budget, spends money like water and uses her pa and an expensive public relations company - - because she is a weak leader, a calculating coward who won't take the blame for all her many faults. She hides behind her confrontational managers that she gets to bully vulnerable others.

Any idiot could do that - on an unlimited expense account!!!


NADINE SAAQWA uses confrontational tactics - a sign of weak NHHT management

15.02.2007 14:23

before you post comments about libel - you should look up the word libel - it means statements that are published that are without foundation

the statements that are published are with more than foundation - they have a strong structure and are concrete and can withstand any amount of pathetic attempts by the corupt Notting Hill Housing Trust management from trying to deceive others in trying to challenge the truth of the publisher of the facts.


Response to Nathan - you certainly know how they work Nathan

15.02.2007 14:35

It's clear that Notting Hill Housing Trust and its chief executive, Kate Davies, are liable for the wrongs of its incompetent management. Yet who is meant to be giving the orders. Isn't it meant to be that not very good chief executive who was chosen only because she sucked up to the discredited chairman of NHHT after she kept going on about her Labour Party membership and always wanting to support "the Party" (no matter the deception or the corruption).


norville b gives the game away

16.02.2007 14:41

Norville b, if you can't get your head round all the postings on here and if you are not part of the notting hill housing group, perhaps you should start asking tenants who have been confronted by the management of their landlord. Try speaking to all those tenants suffering in serious disrepair. Try talking to those tenants who have had their windows bricked up by notting hill housing management. But you might not know about such matters.

It appears you seem deluded that someone is accusing you of something when no one knows who you are. A stay in r & r might do you good?

It's clear according to the foolish things that norville b parrots that norville is ignorant and not worth bothering about.

The things said on the websites i've seen are true. The people norville b says they know seem to be confrontational. The woman nadine saakwa, like the other employees, are linked with the arrests.

Seems like norville b knows far too much about these issues. Come on norville, what tempts you to work at 27 Hammersmith Grove? The money? expenses? or the perks?

Norville b seems to know too much about her so called paranoids that she says she has met.

Norville b also seems to know rather a lot about drugs - she says it was a friend - of course, norville.

A bit like Clinton who said he never inhaled - of course.

Nothing, norville, is obvious, though what might be obvious to you might not be obvious to others.

Some of the NHHT postings on here seem very informed. It only appears that yours norville b is the only deranged posting.

What is a right wing tone norville b?

If anyone said anything about some place called Londonistan, perhaps that is their own experience? why not talk to others. Smell the coffee! We don't all live in some air conditioned penthouse suite in park lane.

Norbville b seems vague and not at all clear nor sure about the supposed facts of some woman she mentions.

Before you waste other peoples time norville, why not get your facts straight.

In the meantime, we'll listen to those who want to make a serious point.



15.08.2013 15:06

CEO Kate Davies is facebook friends with Nadine Saawka - that says it all really!


Nhht Staff antics

15.08.2013 16:15

Even in 2013 things dont change. The housing officers are a disgrace and speak down to tenants, delete files, dont want to help with issues and say derogatory things about the tenants. They lie and cover up for each other. They are so rude on the phone, thats if you can actually reach them on the phone. The whole organisation sucks and not to be trusted at all.

Peter Clark

Poor Nadine Saakwa

03.03.2016 16:21

I remember she was actually one of my nicest housing officers! I have dealt with a lot of devils @nhhg. They have bullied me continuously whilst leaving me in disrepair. When I attempt to complain they say I am being unreasonable in my communication and ignore me. I have however received countless compensations due to service failure mostly. No amount can replace the fear of being made homeless with my baby when they attempted to take me to court to seek possession. Or when they left us in an unsafe building (housing drunks & men that hit women) with no front door lock and I was badly assaulted in my own home as a result! I paid for chubb locks and cctv. I am disabled now and they STILL treat me badly. I can't blame the housing officers although they are liars it is the practice of NHHG. They at the top advice the staff to be as underhanded as possible! You cannot trust any of them. I have been bullied by the managers! One even scratched my car as the housing officer acted as a look out! So much more. The rent thing happened to me to which was weird as my disability has no cure so is life long. I have been left without heating or hot water for 2 weeks during winter. So so so sooooooooo much more. I had to realise that housing is the same as healthcare. If you are poor then nobody cares about you. In this country you get what you pay for! Cheap rent = cheap housing. A manager still had the cheek to tell me I was lucky to be housed in the home they gave to me to move into with a number of outstanding VOID WORKS, broken window (glass smashed), front door could not fit frame, no kitchen door, dog faeces AND dirty condoms. 20 empty liquor bottles, a washing machine in the middle of the living room etc so so so much more. Just the other day a drain was blocked and nhhg were trying to change the drain cover instead of paying a private firm to flush it because I refused I have again been ex - communicated aka ignored. I had a slab of concrete sticking out of the ground in the unlit back area of my home that they told me was safe until I had a bad fall. Then after legal assistance they fixed it and the area is now lit. They don't abide by any rules except cut costs. They treat tenants rather badly.

nhhg tenant


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