The Notting Hill Housing Trust is a charitable charity which does not pay any corporation taxes on its 19'000 properties across the London boroughs and is excempt from all taxes. Nadine Saakwa has frequently involved the police to assist her in instigating malicious criminal prosecutions against numerous vulnerable tenants as a ploy to seek vaccant possession of these valuable properties. She even requests tenants to fill out requests for information to the local police station giving their authorisation to the police to disclose information about the tenant to Notting Hill Housing Trust so that she can use that information against the tenants. In one case she 'stitched up' two vulnerable women one of whom is in a wheel chair with severe disabilities. Nadine Saakwa arranged for the police to come to the home of the disabled woman and arrest her. Nadine Saakwa engineered hearsay evidence to achieve this false arrest. The other matters which she specialises in is bricking up people's garden's and fabricating tenancies, favourable only to a particular group of ethnic minority. Most reasonable individuals would believe, on the strength of the evidence, that Nadine Saakwa is a vile, nasty and filthy bitch who uses deception and fraud to pave her way inside Notting Hill Housing Trust and she needs to be sorted out.
Of all the corrupt employees at Notting Hill Housing Trust, Nadine Saakwa is one of the worst. She will remain unchallenged because the vulnerability of people permanently housed by Notting Hill Housing Trust inhibits them from taking any form of legal action. That being the case, this abuse will continue. However, on the basis of the evidence, there is more than enough to bring charges against her in a court of law. To contact Nadine Saakwa please call 0208 357 4633, alternatively she can be reached on her mobile 07736 171 725. Email:

I am sure she will deny all these statements of fact which are supported with evidence.
The civil wrongs, abuse, fraud and corruption carried out by Nadine Saakwa must be exposed for the whole world to know about. This criminal individual inside the organisation has a name [Nadine Saawka] and a face.
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