This video can be seen on 'commemorative 911' DVDs and videos which are available everywhere.
The repercussions of this evidence could be incalculable and it is clearly being taken very seriously by government agencies in the US and UK (including the CIA and MI5) as well as elsewhere (as is illustrated by the WHOIS IP site log).

Oh, and for anybody that thinks this is all the work of a few sad, lonely conspiracy theorists, you might like to read 'The New Pearl Harbor' by Professor David Ray Griffin:

The mainstream media have completely ignored the claims that there was much more involvement by US authorities than mere incompetence and scoff at any such suggestion. Channel 5's recent 'documentary' piss take on the top ten conspiracy theories didn't even mention it, yet any Google search (their research tool!) will reveal that there are about 555,000 web pages which mention it - compared to the 361,000 of JFK which was second in their top ten to mind control (which had only 70,700). Indeed, the programmes presenter, Daniel Abineri, told me himself that there was no waty that Channel 5 would even mention September 11th.
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