Read on.

It seems that a founding member of the Bristol IMC, freelance journalist Tony Gosling, has been complaining about a clique of Indymedia admin volunteers manipulating passwords to exclude him from Indymedia administration because he had complained about Newswire posts being hidden in an intolerant and unaccountable way. When a member of Indycymru, Ilyan, defended Gosling on the Bristol IMC e-mail list, the link to Indycymru on the UK Indymedia front page was removed shortly afterwards because he was "branded a loony", alleges Gosling.
Here is a durect link to a posting from Gosling which alleges this.

Is this the real reason, why Indycymru was removed from the list of IMCs?
I don't know Gosling or Ilyan, and have no particular brief for either of them, but I think that Indymedia should have been more transparent and given an explanation on the UK Indymedia front page when the Indycymru link was removed.
My previous post, and a reply, on this subject is here:

And in general there is too much censorship of relation to Newswire posts--too many busybody admin "volunteers" hiding posts for no valid reason, apart perhaps from grinding their political axes. Racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-working class, and other blatently oppressive content must not of course be given a platform on indymedia. But apart from that, readers of Indymedia are all big boys and girls and are quite capable of making their own minds up about the worth, or otherwise, of Newswire posts. They don't need thought police to do their thinking for them--thanks very much. Let the conspiracy theorists and left political parties have their say.
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