Backing up the normal bewildered footsoldiers of the Metropolitan Police were the local inspector and superintendent forcing fictional laws down upon us. They came out with the old stories that no megaphones were allowed and that we weren't allowed to attach banners to the railings or lamposts as 'police officers may harm themselves if they had to remove such decorations in an emergency.'
Can you believe it!
Well anyhow, needless to say we weren't taking any of this crap lying down. We tied a huge rope between two trees like a washing line and hung banners from them, we then proceeded to tie placards to our bodies and shouted and drummed in chorus to chants in support of Palestine. The funny thing was that despite the increased police repression it actually led to a better picket, in fact it was probably one of the best pickets in week (helped by the fact that the fascist Betar counter-demo could only muster pathetic numbers and support).
But you see, this isn't surprising. Repression will always lead to resolve and ingenuity. This is the reality of the dialetic process and cannot be disputed. People when oppressed WILL always revolt. This is not some subjective abstraction which can be bent and manipulated. It is a material fact. People will rebel when oppressed - from Palestine to Iraq to Nepal to Latin America to the streets of Oxford St. Ultimately there is no enslaved ego in mankind but just evolutionary freedom taking it's course - and it will take it's course. It is the political, social and spiritual nature of our species and there is no path other than this - the revolutionary and evolutionary path. Palestinians have been treated like animals by the Zionists, they have been ethnically cleansed, murdered, ridiculed and ghettoised. But they are not animals, they are human beings and as such they are fighting back against occupation. We support them in their struggle, which is also our struggle, the one struggle. This is the only way.
Help bring about an end to Zionism! Help bring about a Palestinian state for Muslims, Jews, Christians and all people!
Boycott M&S, biggest British corporate sponsor of Israel! Victory to the Intifada!
As certain as revolution is further reaction though. Below will be the normal weekly lies and comments of mindlessness from Zionists: 'suicide bombers this, anti-Semites that.'
Indymedia's a good site viewed on the whole by intelligent people. People who know what's really going on in Palestine. Feel free to get into tit-for-tat arguments with these fascists. I on the other hand will not and urge you to come join the pickets of M&S each week instead.
Every Thursday 6-8pm. Marks and Spencer Oxford St (Marble Arch end). Join us!
Also come join Victory to the Intifada on this Saturday's demonstration against the war. We will be a part of the anti-imperialist bloc meeting at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park from 11am to 12pm.
Hide the following 11 comments
lets be srious for a bit
19.03.2004 11:44
im going to make a suggestion, we both have spent the last 6 months supporting our cause(well we have you lot are not even arabs mostly) but anyway....
we both have the same faces, numbers we have proved our points, you are not compleatly thick you must know the old bill are trying to make this very difficult by imposing stupid laws, the latest being we cant put flags on our barriers in case it causes offence.
the megaphone law has been brought in now(which you normally abuse) but you didnt last night.
we spoke with the top cop and get the impression they will impose little laws each week until eventully we will not be allowed any banners , there will be litter laws about paper, they will stop chanting(disturbance) and we will be left as 2 groups caged up with nothing to give or say.
to sum up the cops can do what they like and i belive will, so we the zionists are saying to you lets call it a day we could stand there every thursday for the next 10 years if you want but dont you think the point is proved and usless with so many restrictions.
we will not back down unless you agree with a truce.
up to you just remember we could bring hundreds down we keep a lot of people away and the hindus want to get involved too.
zionist and active
19.03.2004 11:46
which seeks to promote the human rights of all
Palestinian people. The idea is to connect NGO
workers in UK so that they can share information
about how to push the plight of the Palestinians
higher up the agenda of their organisations.
If people want to subscribe they should go to
how about a truce?
19.03.2004 12:41
im going to make a suggestion which you i think will reject, lets not mess about here you talk crap when you say the new old bill laws helped you you know they dont.
the police made it clear to us last night this is the start of many little laws we feel they will bring in, no megaphones, no putting flags on their barriers, they mentioned there are litter laws so we know they will soon ban leaflets, then chanting under some disturbing the peace law.
we will end up 2 gangs in a cage with nothing.
we have both over the last 6 months had numbers on and off the same we have both proved our point, and we are willing to stand there for the next 20 years , in fact we keep away loads of others who are willing to help and the hindus are trying to get involved and in fact will when ready take your cage and have their own demo, but i propose we call it a day.
the police hate both groups they will make it more difficult each week until they start arresting people, whats the point of going on, it dosent affect marks and spencers business at all(have you seen the amount of arabs in there) and its just tit for tat us v you.
like i said if you stay we stay and we will win eventully we are too clever for you and have many plans, but we are willing to call it a day if you are.
zionist cheif
19.03.2004 12:45
back from the dead?
19.03.2004 13:16
VTI's post contains an actual lie, they said Betar's turn out was bad. Actually 35 people came to our picket (people turned up a bit late, problems on the tube again)compared to VTI's 15 or so.
But lets put everything into percpective. Mr Che Guevara tells readers of indymedia not to read any comments other than his. How dare he tell anyone what to read and what not to. We are all adults and can be rational in our choice of what to read. Lets not let this middle-upper class public school educated freak who pretends to be working class tell us what to do.
betar activist
19.03.2004 13:31
19.03.2004 13:35
There is only one place for Zionist like this and it's deep blue and salty
There is nothing wrong with Marks and Spencer or Israel
19.03.2004 13:42
Your e-mail is 'victory intefadah'
19.03.2004 13:45
into the sea be careful
19.03.2004 14:12
well done.
where is palestine
19.03.2004 23:26