London Indymedia

Boycott M&S! Boycott Israeli Apartheid!

Che Guevara | 19.03.2004 10:49 | Anti-racism | London

More police repression leads to better demonstration.

David Blunkett has just rintroduced yet more 'anti-terrorist' legislation to back up the powers of the police and the state, each time the fascist opens his mouth one shudders at what new Draconian restrictions he's going to spout out. This was represented again on the picket of Marks and Spencers last night when the police came out in force with a very hard line.
Backing up the normal bewildered footsoldiers of the Metropolitan Police were the local inspector and superintendent forcing fictional laws down upon us. They came out with the old stories that no megaphones were allowed and that we weren't allowed to attach banners to the railings or lamposts as 'police officers may harm themselves if they had to remove such decorations in an emergency.'

Can you believe it!

Well anyhow, needless to say we weren't taking any of this crap lying down. We tied a huge rope between two trees like a washing line and hung banners from them, we then proceeded to tie placards to our bodies and shouted and drummed in chorus to chants in support of Palestine. The funny thing was that despite the increased police repression it actually led to a better picket, in fact it was probably one of the best pickets in week (helped by the fact that the fascist Betar counter-demo could only muster pathetic numbers and support).

But you see, this isn't surprising. Repression will always lead to resolve and ingenuity. This is the reality of the dialetic process and cannot be disputed. People when oppressed WILL always revolt. This is not some subjective abstraction which can be bent and manipulated. It is a material fact. People will rebel when oppressed - from Palestine to Iraq to Nepal to Latin America to the streets of Oxford St. Ultimately there is no enslaved ego in mankind but just evolutionary freedom taking it's course - and it will take it's course. It is the political, social and spiritual nature of our species and there is no path other than this - the revolutionary and evolutionary path. Palestinians have been treated like animals by the Zionists, they have been ethnically cleansed, murdered, ridiculed and ghettoised. But they are not animals, they are human beings and as such they are fighting back against occupation. We support them in their struggle, which is also our struggle, the one struggle. This is the only way.

Help bring about an end to Zionism! Help bring about a Palestinian state for Muslims, Jews, Christians and all people!
Boycott M&S, biggest British corporate sponsor of Israel! Victory to the Intifada!

As certain as revolution is further reaction though. Below will be the normal weekly lies and comments of mindlessness from Zionists: 'suicide bombers this, anti-Semites that.'
Indymedia's a good site viewed on the whole by intelligent people. People who know what's really going on in Palestine. Feel free to get into tit-for-tat arguments with these fascists. I on the other hand will not and urge you to come join the pickets of M&S each week instead.

Every Thursday 6-8pm. Marks and Spencer Oxford St (Marble Arch end). Join us!
Also come join Victory to the Intifada on this Saturday's demonstration against the war. We will be a part of the anti-imperialist bloc meeting at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park from 11am to 12pm.

Che Guevara
- e-mail:


Display the following 11 comments

  1. lets be srious for a bit — zionist and active
  2. Palestine_support — Palestine_support
  3. how about a truce? — zionist cheif
  4. Disgusting — PC
  5. back from the dead? — betar activist
  6. Racist? — David
  7. Lifeboat — INTO THE SEA
  8. There is nothing wrong with Marks and Spencer or Israel — unbiased
  9. Your e-mail is 'victory intefadah' — Dom
  10. into the sea be careful — watcher
  11. where is palestine — Jabotinsky


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