Latest reports | Free Simon Chapman campaign
Five Anti-capitalists, imprisoned on false charges following demos around the EU summit in Thessaloniki have been on hungerstrike since between 21 Sept and 7 October.
The physical condition of the 5 Thessaloniki hungerstrikers is critical, but they are holding their grounds. Solidarity actions are held all over the world, the Greek state TV showed the footage which shows Simon being framed, a supreme court prosecutor ordered an investigation into his claims. But the probability that one of them falls in a coma is increasing every day. In this case, the Thessaloniki Prisoners Support Group will hold an immediate demo that day at 4pm outside the Greek Tourist Board, in Conduit Street, W1 (off Regent St) [flyer].
Since 8 Nov, they have been in hospital. After refusing liquids on Nov 10 and 11, their (very basic!) demands were met. The dramatic escalation in their protest was in response to a denial of their rights, especially since their admission to hospital. Only after a thirst strike, they were allowed to * contact their lawyer. * make phone calls. * privacy when using the toilet. Although very weak, they were forced on a several hours transport to another hospital (Athens).
The Thessaloniki prisoner support group held a protests outside the Greek Embassy in London on Nov 11.
On November 14, a benefit night took place in Hackney Wick, London. *********************************************** They are there for us. We are here for them. *********************************************** Greek Embassy 1A Holland Park, London W11 3TP e-mail: Homepage:
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its a pity
01.12.2003 15:34
I was very disappointed when the Greeks caved in, as they have done so well so far and before you even try to mention it is “because of public pressure”, the vast majority of the public in the countries you have mounted your protests in have never heard of the “hunger strikers”, and even if they did would be behind the Greeks in their treatment of these toy terrorists.
I was happy to see the Greek police didn’t mess around with the “activists” and treated them in a manner commensurate with their intentions, i.e. met anarchist violence with their own, more organised, disciplined violence, the only language that people who would travel from all over Europe to riot obviously understand, and it will make them think twice about causing grief in Greece again.
Lets look at the evidence:
1- Why was Simon Chapman on Thessaloniki?
He was there as part of an anti establishment group drawn from tiny irrelevant groups throughout Europe.
2- When the rioting started, did he make himself scarce?
No, he was obviously close enough to Greek police lines to be arrested, even after he had already been injured (in all likelihood after attacking the Greek security forces).
3- Why would the Greeks plant evidence on him?
They wouldn’t, and unless he was causing trouble, the simple fact is that the police, who were quite understandably irritated by foreigners coming to their beautiful island to wreck it, would not even have noticed him
4- Does he have gainful employment to come back to?
No, he is one of those strange beasts called “full time activists”, who really have nothing better to do other than cause problem for people who DO have better things to do
5- Did police beat him?
Probably, not known for their restraint, the Greek police probably filled him in, and who could blame them? Someone is caught in their country who has EXPRESSLY come there to create public disorder and disruption, as far as I’m concerned the minute he stepped on that plane to go to Greece, he lost any of what activists refer to as “his human rights”, which is OK since he has ignored the human rights of the Greek people who had to live in the area him and his “activist” chums were looking to lay waste too.
Its always the same with activists, they are only happy when everything is going their own way, and the yare allowed to burn and destroy to their hearts content, but cry foul if the security forces in whatever country they are causing their chaos in go in and forcibly stop them from causing harm.
You have to realise that the general public view you are a shower of thugs, hell bent on destruction and mayhem, not as political activists, and I must admit that I agree with that view.
How about getting a job and perhaps doing something productive with your lives, instead of trying to carry out pathetic, ineffectual protests which no one is really interested in.
I pity you, because one day you will wake up and realise just how stupid youve been, and deep down most of you know that.
Sean Williams