11-01-2016 12:04
Tommy "Tit" Robinson like so many demifuhrers on the far right likes to think of himself as a tough guy, but when it comes to a one-to-one fist fight, the convicted wifebeater runs off crying like a baby whenever trouble heads his way. In other words, Tommy is soft as shite. Getting others to do the bidding and yet claiming the credit once the fighting's over, Stephen Yaxley Lennon is the archetypal coward, and always has been ever since his overplayed "hooligan" days. Being a supposed football hooligan has been used to his advantage as a professional moneymaker, cashing in on every commercial opportunity since day one. Even his pseudonym was borrowed without permission from a real football hooligan, the real Tommy Robinson six feet under and unable to express disgust at Lennon's unauthorised misappropriation of his name. As for Luton's firm "Men In Gear", Tommy registered the MIG tag as his own "intellectual property" for the fashion label he self-promoted on his "New Era" Twitter account, rubbing salt in the wounds of genuine footie hooligans, stealing credit for a street culture he opportunistically latched onto, just to make money.
10-01-2016 11:06
Tommy "The Tit" Robinson has announced the route of Pegida UK's Birmingham goosestep, much to the consternation of their battleweary PegEDL footsoldiers. They will assemble at Birmingham International Airport train station at 2pm onwards, ready to march at 3pm on a splishy, splashy twenty minute monotonous trek along a rain-soaked main road a mile and a half to the NEC, where a boring little car park is awaiting their arrival with baited breath. Forget "muzrats". Let's hope the no-life, loner nazis bring with them their trainspotting cagoules or they will resemble drowned rats wreaking of stale beer and urine. Whilst most armies tend to march on their stomachs, EDLers and Pegidans march on their bladders. Unless the heavier drinkers who got inebriated at BIA Airport's Wetherspoons or Birmingham City Centre from midday are equipped with adult nappies, many will arrive dripping wet at the NEC car park come rain or shine, smelling the worst.
04-01-2016 20:02
URGENT CALL OUT! Daily Express have revealed that Pegida UK are to make a return to Newcastle later this month, January, under the fuhrership of Tommy "The Tit" Robinson. Birmingham is still happening on Saturday February the 5th 2016, however Newcastle will be the very first of Tommeh's Pegida goosesteps. Just as Pegida Birmingham coincides with the UAF conference, their march in Newcastle is expected to coincide with the national ANTIFA call-out in Dover. Tommy is shit scared that antifascists will get the better of him with a much larger turn-out, thus Tommy has decided to hold Pegida demos the same time as other events are happening.
04-01-2016 19:18
URGENT CALL OUT! The Daily Express have revealed that Pegida UK are to make a return to Newcastle later this month, January, under the fuhrership of Tommy "The Tit" Robinson. Birmingham is still happening on Saturday February the 5th 2016, however Newcastle will be the very first of Tommeh's Pegida goosesteps. Just as Pegida Birmingham coincides with the UAF conference, their march in Newcastle is expected to coincide with the national ANTIFA call-out in Dover. Tommy is shit scared that antifascists will get the better of him with a much larger turn-out, thus Tommy has decided to hold Pegida demos the same time as other events are happening.
04-01-2016 11:34
Coming at a time when hatred and suspicion of Muslims worldwide is at all-time high, Katie Hopkins of all people has surprisingly received a call which "blows her away" by justifying her opinions in one fell swoop. A supposedly honest, supposedly devout Muslim caller rang up Katie's controversial LBC phone-in, and claimed that he had to keep his children away from mosques as they were teaching kids to be terrorists. Alarming yet easily dismissable by the (un-Murdochified) facts that the vast majority of British Muslims abhor terror, this controversial caller has been automatically believed by many sections of the media, without being verified as authentic. Few if any radio talk-show callers are verifiable, but few if any callers are believed to be genuine sources of true information. The caller might or might not have been real. He could have been a genuine person with worries on his mind albeit groundless ones. Some people are afraid of bogeymen in the night, and shield their kids from the dark. Whatever his status, the caller's anti-Islamic fears given credence, is yet another setback for those of us striving for peace, justice and equality.
03-01-2016 10:55
#LEADERTOMMY, Luton's Pegida Fuhrer Tommy "The Tit" Robinson has relented from his earlier position, and is now openly reaching out to all fascist orgs including hardcore Hitler-worshipping neo-Nazi groups who he had originally said were not welcome. Such is the nature of his backtrack that American white supremacist organisation "Pioneer Little Europe" have promised to attend, PLE friends with the KKK. Those in the British far right with any semblance of a brain cell have serious cause for concern. The call for "unity" has to be too good to be true for self-proclaimed neo-Nazis, when Tommy has a track record of shopping far right radicals to the police. Still, many full-on fascists are likely to stroll willingly head first into the Pegida mousetrap, eagerly swallowing the bait like the idiots they are.
29-12-2015 14:52
Whilst banged up in prison, Pegida UK Fuhrer Tommy "The Tit" Robinson ghost-wrote his very own Islamophobic version of Mein Kampf with the assistance of puppeteer Helen "Growler", believing his clueless subordinates of the far right political scene would go "ape shit" for the book. When the sales he hoped for, didn't materialise, Tommy decided to hatch the ultimate plot of betrayal, using Pegidans as cannon-fodder to help the cash flow faster into his bank account. Liable to flog his own granny for drugs coffers, Tommy is plotting to sell out his loyal supporters for a few measly quid, having arranged the infamous Pickfords Plot a few years back, where he set up a van full of numpties before shopping them to the cops. Best of all, the lemmings who worship him are blissfully unaware of his dastardly plot.
16-12-2015 12:44
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One of Bluehand's supposedly reformed neo-Nazis, UKIP supporting Pixie Lott fan club organiser Mike Faulkner, who claims not to support nationalist politics, nor like the BF, the EDL or any other far right orgs, has been tweeting extreme race hatred to his #bluehand buddies, calling for Muslims to be killed. Faulkner calls for packs of starving packs of dogs to be set upon Muslims, whilst at the same time, making overtures recently to antifascists, however the screenshots of his tweets show he is not a changed man. Once a nazi, always a nazi.
04-12-2015 14:34
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ANTIFA NATIONAL CALL OUT - BIRMINGHAM 06/02/16 - Tommy Robinson, convicted wifebeater and fraudster has officially announced on his Twitter that Birmingham will be the location of the upcoming Germanic neo-Nazi goosestep. The date to make a note of in your antifascist diaries is Saturday the 6th of February, which, as intended, because Yaxo is shit-scared of the UAF, is the date of their London conference. What Tommy and puppeteer Hel "Growler" Gower have failed to understand, having been so long out of the far right scene is ANTIFA (proper antifascists) are now the antifascist force on the streets, and will not be penned in by the cops. Aided by Irish Republicans.
04-12-2015 09:40
Last night, UKIP were well and truly hammered in the Oldham by-election, and as such, a serious dose of egg was self-administered to their extreme rightwing faces. For all of the inane posturing about how they would beat Labour and help "trash" Jeremy Corbyn, when it came down to the nitty-gritty of polling day, there was no imaginary surge towards UKIP that the idiots had been tweeting and Facebooking for weeks.
03-12-2015 22:52
Neo-nazi loner formerly of the BNP and the National Culturalists, Jack Buckby identifies the bumbling, brainless "Muslamic Ray Guns" / "What's That Symbol All Over Oldham" clone who Tommy has appointed his deputy, who gave his name as "Scott" on the Channel Four documentary as Tim Arnold. Is this his actual name???
Is this in any way true??? Is his surname Arnold? If so, can his Facebook profile be tracked down and screenshotted???
01-12-2015 15:47
The most unwelcome Australian import since Rolf Harris are planning a series of fascist marches in 2016, starting in the North East of Britain. "Reclaim Britain" (lol) the UK branch of the neo-nazi hate group from down under, "Reclaim Australia", are invading the UK with a series of hatemongering goosestomps, feeding on the diseased corpse of the EDL like starving vultures. Like the Hitler-lickers of German neo-Nazi group Pegida, far right battalions across the globe see the disintegration of the EDL as their chance to get a steaming, stinking, worm-infested piece of the action.
"Know what it is yet, mate?????"
Yes we do! It's called Nazism"
01-12-2015 12:30
As if being a sickening homophobe was not enough, Britain's undefeated world heavyweight boxing champion from an immigrant Irish Traveller background, has come out on a YouTube training video as a vile racist who accuses immigrants of blowing up British people. And now, from being derided by Kippers, Fury is now their darling. Even the BNP, who openly said Travellers should be shot during the Dale Farm evictions, are now championing their support for this racist, Christian fundamentalist Irish Traveller Uncle Tom.
30-11-2015 10:09
One of the most vilest and hateful racist / Islamophobic twitter accounts is Juliette (@juliet777777) who pretends they live in the United Kingdom. Obsessively tweeting extreme hatred against Muslims throughout the day or night, an early tweet from 2011 reveals "Juliette" to be a male hedge fund ex-banker from Hudson, New York called Bruce Krasting. Leading a double life, in the public eye as a seemingly non-radical financial markets commentator appearing on Fox and other media outlets, and online as vile far right Islamophobic troll @juliet777777, Krasting's beliefs are driven by extremist Rapturist Christianity which wants to see all Muslims dead, a philosophy which bastardises The Second Thessalonians, Gospel of Matthew, First Corinthians and the Book of Revelations, "Juliette" happily retweeting white supremacists and Hitler worshippers with shocking regularity.
16-11-2015 17:21
An anti-immigrant London chauffeur company with 50 thousand followers, which drives celebrities, politicians, sports people and worldwide dignitaries to the nation's capital is a vile anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim racist who supports UKIP and Tommy Robinson. He has set up a petition to stop all immigrants entering the United Kingdom. With so many followers amongst the rich and famous, you would think they would give him the cold shoulder, even if he didn't use a swastika as his logo. It goes to show how the upper classes don't care less about the politics behind the companies they use to provide services.
16-11-2015 14:42
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There is an unwritten rule for British fascists with fame credentials to hide their hate from the masses, but shamelessly, former Big Brother celebrity Josie Gibson has chosen to come out in support of Stephen Yaxley Lennon, betraying all the Asian and black voters who rang up and texted support for her, during the television talent show. And gaulingly, this brazen Islamophobe is happy to racialise the Paris attacks to 300,000 young UK followers for cheap publicity. This pathetic excuse of a celebrity is totally and utterly dispicable, knowing mainstream media voices like hers normalise neo-nazi hatred of minorities, ultimately resulting in discrimination, marginalisation and racial violence.
15-11-2015 16:22
A Learning Disabled Man from Manchester Given 9 years Prison for a offence that is questionable.
14-11-2015 14:33
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For all the hyperbole tweeted online, notorious neo-nazi rabble rousers such as @englishmaker and Liverpool's failed pub singer Les Seavor (@ublocks) pretending fascists would be descending upon Bradford in their thousands, only a splattering of eighty racist idiots according to the police and the media, could be arsed to show up and march, on the day. Dripping wet, noses running, trying their best to snarl and sneeze at the same time, the EDL's finest army of losers failed to capitalise on the Paris murders, soaked to the skin, sad and incredibly lonely, looking so pitiful, anti-facsist passers-by had to fight the temptation to drop pennies into their tacky merchandised hoodies.
12-11-2015 19:37
EMERGENCY CALL-OUT IN BRADFORD THIS SATURDAY. ARRIVE MIDDAY OR EARLIER. This is your chance to take to the streets to defend Bradford from facsist invasion as the violent drunken racists of the EDL will be allocated a pub to get drunk and marcth through the streets of Bradford along Hall Ings, shouting racial abuse at passers-by. Stay at home another week, as Bradford's diverse community needs antifacsist volunteers to defend the city from organised race hate thugs, especially post-march, when the police subside, when they are at their most dangerous.
07-11-2015 18:59
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A successful ANTIFA mobilisation requires careful thought, so nobody ends up mousetrapped into kettles arranged to trap antifash volunteers before they can disperse onto the streets. Let us remind ourselves what happened back in 2010 when a hackneyed "thin blue line" of uniforms blocked off Albion Street to stop anarchists and antifascists from making it to the streets and confronting fash scum before they could cause harm. Whilst the line of OB wasn't sufficient to stop everyone from entering and leaving the 1in12 club, it was a mere taste of how this year's mass ANTIFA call out WILL BE 100% DEFINATELY be subject to emergency kettling. Let's not kid ourselves - the council and police use twitter and facebook too.