UK Barcelona WB Newswire Archive
Barcelona 2001, personal account and analysis
03-07-2001 15:02
A personal account of the events in Barcelona this JuneStock Exchange to become a Peoples Building in Barcelona this Weekend:
20-06-2001 12:51
Summit protests are often symbollic days of action. True, we attempt to stop the powers of the capitalist system from functioning for the day, but the real goals are about organizing, showing a unified resistance, empowering ourselves, and further developing our alternative vision of the world.Barcelona 2001, Information in English
18-06-2001 15:23 now carries up to date information on the forthcoming events in Barcelona, in English. Loads of useful stuff, it even tells you how to say "fuck the police" in call to action in barcelona J25
27-05-2001 18:43
A new web site is being set up to "encourage and facilitate mass international mobilisation to Barcelona in June". It is being put together by a group, mainly based in the UK, who are excited by the prospect of doing a positive action, that celebrates our abillity and intent to chaqnge the world, in the most symbolic of places. It can be found at: