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Were you targeted by undercover police? An invitation from the Undercover Resear

URG | 26.01.2016 15:32 | Policing | Repression

Announcing a series of closed roundtables across the country for those who were spied on by undercover police.

The scandal of Mark Kennedy and the spying on the Lawrence family is only the tip of the iceberg. Political policing has targeted social justice and protest groups for a long time, but we are at a unique point in history where we have a chance to do something about it, not least learn the extent to which we were targeted.

This message is going out to all those political activists - left wing, blacklisted, anarchist, labour or union, environmental or animal rights, anti-fascist, peace and justice campaigners - who were spied on by undercover police or have strong reasons to believe they were.

We are organising a series of roundtable discussions around the country to serve several purposes:

1. To start hearing your story in a safe way; and to understand the effects of undercover policing on people and campaigns;

2. To share experience in researching suspicions;

3. To discuss what options are available in terms of legal action or the Public Inquiry into undercover policing; including identifying potential miscarriages of justice, understanding the disruption
caused, etc;

4. To develop a strong, collective message about the abuses done in the name of undercover policing and demand that the inquiry addresses them properly, not least by providing the necessary information to answer people's doubts and concerns.

This is not a public meeting or for those merely interested. Those will happen another time. For now we wish to focus on those affected by the presence of undercovers in their campaigns and lives.
These meetings are not open to the media, right-wing campaigners or police. Where possible we will seek to provide safe spaces as we are aware of how sensitive some of the state intrusion has been.

We are planning a number of these round-tables around the country:

9 Feb (Tue): Brighton
11 Feb (Thu): Oxford
21 Feb (Sun): Cardiff
22 Feb (Mon): Bristol
29 Feb (Mon): Nottingham

15 March (Tue): Leeds
16 March (Wed): Manchester
17 March (Thu): Liverpool
21 March (Mon): Norwich (TBC)

If you want to attend please drop us an email at . Please forward far and wide. If you cannot make one of these meeting but are interested please get in touch. For more information see

These events are supported by the Network for Police Monitoring} and the Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance (

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Police informer here, full story at -REMOVED-

26.01.2016 15:43

The story that Indymedia has been trying to hide for months is now the subject of an in depth story at -REMOVED- see REMOVED for the link.

-REMOVED- has been a police informer for nearly seven years and as the story makes clear is still linked to the infamous Met Police SO15 unit that monitors protest groups and activists. Despite this information being known to the other members of the UK Indymedia collective for many months no action has been taken and -REMOVED- maintains his codes in to the site and full access to the I.P. logs which we are all supposed to think they don't keep.

One of the current mods -REMOVED- has said the matter is closed and the collective will not be discussing it, I don't think that is good enough and neither did the person who wrote the article.

-REMOVED- is to be congratulated for taking a stand and pointing out the parallels between this situation and that of the undercover cops who screwed with women's lives for years, it is a fundamental breach of trust and cannot be swept under the carpet and ignored.

I have heard the excuses, "he was broke, it was a bad time for him, he said sorry, we've all moved on" if it had been another undercover cop would we have accepted that ? I think not.

Blower of whistles
mail e-mail: REMOVED
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Mixed message

27.01.2016 08:47

So let me get this straight. If the grass is an undercover cop then we discuss it, document it, warn others but if the grass is a member of the IMC collective we hide references to it, remove links to the evidence posted elsewhere and let the the person carry on doing the same job ?

Over at -REMOVED- all the evidence of what -REMOVED- has been doing for the past five or six years is fully documented and checked by trusted people. There is no more argument, Roy is and has been a grass and yet we have his friends here still trying to hide all references to the massive betrayal he undertook. Why is that ?

Confused of Tunbridge Wells

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@Confused of Tunbridge Wells

27.01.2016 11:56

For the last time.

This issue is closed, we will not discuss it or reply to emails about it.

The person involved is a valued, trusted member of the IMC UK collective who made some mistakes that we are now fully aware off and we are confident he will not repeat.

Any and all references to him or the issue will be hidden, links to other sites where this is being discussed will be removed and hidden.

If you do not like our approach to this stop reading Indymedia UK and find another source of news.

One of IMC UK

good luck

20.02.2016 22:23

I am interested in keeping up with these although I cant attend for various reasons, not least because they are bound to be spied on (ironically).

Please are you able to post updates and info shares?

many thanks.



27.02.2016 15:12



Does Indymedia ever intend to fix this site?

04.03.2016 11:49

Or is it game over?

so tell us

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@ One of UK IMC

07.03.2016 16:27

Well that was easy wasn't it ?

A massive betrayal of the Indy readership over several years brushed away with a wave of the hand and a refusal to offer an apology or an explanation of why this man gets a pass on what he has done.

This was not some cop who infiltrated the organisation for a couple of years. this was in your words "a trusted member" active in the collective for more than eleven years. Why is he still trusted - he sold us all out for money to the cops, why are you so confident he will not do it again? His current postings on Twitter indicate he is still active in a number of campaigns - have you warned those people ?

At the very least the Indymedia community deserves a statement on what is now known by you and what has been done to ensure our information is no longer being passed to the police.

Confused of Tunbridge Wells

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Warnings have been issued

17.03.2016 10:30

The information about this grass has now been passed to the London mental health groups he has been working with. We don't know if he is still grassing but they had a right to know about his past activities.

Morning Star writer

There were infiltrators left, reight and centre : center

25.03.2016 21:21

There were infiltrators and informers left, right and centre:center. This is a commonly accepted fact amongst many and the attacks on the liberal left and those motivated to form protests extend all the way to social centres:centers, housing co-ops and the social level in general. This has and is including the use of organised criminal elements to flood such groups with certain drugs and it has included intentional spiking of drinks, spliffs and even bar cellars. It is quite literally a war albeit underground.

Some of us have genetics that mean we are not as effected as much as others but the cancer rate and also poor mental health rate is starting to soar amongst activist groups that 'indulge' but it would be a mistake to blame pure indulgence as rather it is the case that it is all being spiked, really it is. My advice is and has been for quite some time is to go underground, rely on family and kinship networks and vet that way. Crunch time fast approaches so get yourself off the network scope, and yes even crypto and providers like activix and riseup are compromised, so that you are not in the 's-curve' projections. Face to face is the only safe way now or old style notes and esoteric cryptography etched by hand <--the most secure.

Heck, when the 'Lugano Report-esque' strategies are already under way on the general populace it is but a matter of course that the organised criminal elements would be deployed as such on the activist scene. I am not the only one that sees this but after all the shit that was attempted (and still in effect) on me, I 'aint afraid to voice it publicly but I understand why others are. Hopefully I will luck out and not get cancer by next year and being of strong mind, I 'aint going to fall that way boys'n'girls.


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Others at work

30.03.2016 14:01

Despite the efforts of some here to hide the information we have not forgotten that it was not just undercover cops who sold our information and our details to the State. An Indymedia uk moderator who is still part of the IMC project and who now is very active in the disabled benefits movement in London has been a paid police informer for over eight years.

Indymedia uk may be embarrassed by this information being known in the London activist world but that is no reason to hide it here.

We know what you did Roy and we will not forget it or let you forget it.

Not forgeting

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In reply to 'Others at work'

30.03.2016 14:59

We know. It's known by a lot of people involved with campaigns in London and elsewhere. He's a well dodgy bloke who recently has attached himself to some of the disabled rights work and some people are VERY suspicious of him and his motives. Once a grass always a grass they say but I suppose as long as he's got mates here covering for him he's still going to be active with IMC. I can't for the life of me think why they are doing it. Or can I....... :-)

Well Red Films
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See the full story

31.03.2016 08:44

If one takes a look at the hidden comments on this thread the whole story makes for very interesting reading.

I think we have a situation where it's probably only Roy who is still doing the moderating on the newswire and so he's the one hiding the information about his grassing despite it being known by loads of peeps in London and other places. All those like Jim in Leeds who maintained all long that Roy was an inside man intent on wrecking the Indymedia project were not that so far from the truth.


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Is there anything worse than a grass

18.04.2016 15:11

Only met Roy once, distrusted him the moment I did. Finding out he's a grass is no surprise whatsoever.


advice to sincere people

22.04.2016 23:15

Activist groups and organisations are full of lying, mentally unstable police informants. If anyone here is serious about changing society instead of just banging loose hippy girls I suggest you simply carry out whatever actions you are capable of on your own. Getting involved with pretty much any group is a sure way to have a lot of your time wasted and also have everything you say and do reported straight back to the police. It amazes me that so few people seem to have figured this out.


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In reply to 'nigel'

25.04.2016 15:42

I agree that the cops have been successful in either infiltrating groups or turning into informers existing members but what is different here is the reaction of people AFTER the informer was unmasked.

We have the collective at IMC fully aware that one of their number is an informer, they have been given evidence for how long he's been doing it, they've even been provided with the information he passed to the cops and he's admitted doing it but despite all that they have decided to simply ignore it, forgive him and have even refused to inform other groups that he is active with. It's really quite baffling and it's the reason why so many people now believe the problem her is probably a lot more that just Roy.

IMC blocks any links to the other sites where this has been documented but a Google search will soon lead you to the evidence if you fill in his name and 'informer' in the search.


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Information request

20.05.2016 14:54

I would appreciate if somebody would contact me via Twiiter in relation to the allegations made here about RB. In the past two years he has been very active in the London disabled rights campaigns and we have seen a very big increase in the amount of police harassment we have experienced since he became involved. We are not yet reaching firm conclusions but some people are concerned we are being pushed by him into ever more confrontational actions often leading to arrest. All comments are welcome

Paula Peters

Campaigner for mental health and rheumatoid arthritis

Paula Peters

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