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Starting a Revolution The Easy Way

Black Rose Syndicat | 13.02.2014 11:38

Even worse than being a politician is being a politician in a band. Real politicians never get to achieve a Revolution – unless they are puppets.

So how do you go about achieving an Revolution? Follow this simple step by step guide:

Firstly, you must be skint and on the dole. Anybody with a proper job or tied up with full time education will not have the time to devote to see it through. Also, being on the dole gives you a clearer perspective on how much of society is run. If you are already a politician stop being a member of a political party. It will become clearer later on but just take our word for it for the time being. Sitting around tinkering with the Communist Manifesto or a computer (either ancient or modern) just complicates and distracts you from the main objective.

Even worse than being a politician is being a politician in a band. Real politicians never get to achieve a Revolution – unless they are puppets.

If you are in a party you will undoubtedly be aware of the petty squabbles and bitching that develops within them. This only festers and grows proportionately as the party gets bigger and no party ever grows out of it. All party’s end in tantrums, tears and bitter acrimony.

The myth of a party being gang of lads out “against” the world (read as “to change”, “to shag” or “to save the world”) is pure wishful thinking to keep us all voting and reading the newspapers.
Mind you, it’s a myth that many party members want to believe themselves.

So if in a party, quit. Get out. Now.

That said, it can be very helpful to have a partner, someone who you can bounce ideas off and vice versa. Any more than two of you and factions develop and you may as well be in music. There is no place for the nostalgia of the four lads who shook the world or the last gang in town.

Decruit Yourself- Black Rose Syndicat

Black Rose Syndicat


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It´s glue sniffing fest at Whitehall again...

13.02.2014 16:25

...just in case anyone doubted that these are conservative voters overpaid for arriving at the consciousness level of an adolescent under the appearance of uh-oh-not-so-plausible deniability.

Puppets indeed - hereby exposed for all indigenous revolutionaries capable to see the strings to be pulled to make David Cameron dance his last tango.

Oh the disinformation from across the pond!!!



14.02.2014 00:17

>> Also, being on the dole gives you a clearer perspective on how much of society is run.

That society takes something off other people and gives it to people who have no food so that they don't starve?

Without society - how would you eat?
Obviously theft etc is assumed, but if avoiding that, how would you make food appear in your mouth if no one else was paying for it?
