Message to the Anti fascist movement england scotland wales
arnold | 10.02.2014 13:10 | Anti-racism | London | South Coast
police informers old boys ect will tell u in comments section not 2 pay atention to this ect ect...make ur own mind up and plees repost this for me on other anti sites anywhere u think about it spread the word///brighton needs all anti fascists to come to brighton to help stop mfe this day in the antifascist calendar matters mor than ever no matter the amount of filth we know will b coining it in..brighton is a solid support base countrywide for the antifascist movement//and u do not surrender one of your strongest support bases even if your enemy is on the backfoot..brighton mfe is more important then the evf piss paddle at parliment dont take your eye of the ball brothers and sisters brighton can hold us brighton supports us brighton needs us all this day//come to the sun come for the food beer and music free art come all unto brighton this day and well push them into the sea///and remember wen in seaside town allways keep your face to the sea and your backs to the town and escape back// ya basta
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Anti-fascists = violent thugs hell bent on destruction, violence and chaos
10.02.2014 14:19
Anti-fascists are real fascists
@Anti-fascists are real fascists
10.02.2014 15:10
Erm that youtube footage....
10.02.2014 16:34
Arnold - some advice
10.02.2014 18:38
That's all
For "anti-fascists are the real fascists"
10.02.2014 19:14
By the way I love how all these far right bellends are coming on here stamping their little feet and grizzling just because once again we have seen off one of your squalid little movements and ground it into the dust. The NF, The BNP and now the EDL have all been given the boot and although none of these are thoroughly dead yet all three have had their at one point sizeable strength reduced to the point that they are now jokes to be laughed at.
Now piss off.
10.02.2014 21:12
Sorry, but you DON'T understand what "fascist" is
10.02.2014 21:58
PLEASE, this is NOT intended as being in support of the right wing fascists.
But sorry, "fascism" as a political system/way of thought is NOT necessarily connected to left vs right in the economic dimension. The fact that 20th Century European history was dominated by "right wing"fascism doesn't mean that is the only sort possible. This might be easier to see from this side of the pond where we had (at that same time period) figures like Huey Long.
There WERE "left fascists" (who recognized themselves as such) and there ARE some on the left who are fascist without being able to recognize that reality.
If you don't understand the OTHER meanings/uses of the term fascist you will not be able to understand things like why the ecosocialists call some of the other deep greens "fascist", why somebody COULD say "Aldo Leopold's ideas were fascist" >
For example, if you don't believe that in a democratic society those that are fascists have the same right to organize a political party, demonstrate, etc. then perhaps you ARE a fascist. Well maybe not, but you'd certainly not be a believer in democracy.
11.02.2014 01:11
Have a nice day ;)
The anti-fascists of today hate the Jews, that is why they are real fascists!
11.02.2014 10:31
Stop the Jew hating so called anti-fascists!
I think
11.02.2014 10:57
Anti-fascists not violent? Explain that to the nurse who nearly had her eye taken out by a so called anti-fascist stone thrower.
Admit it.... violence plays a big part in both fascism and anti-fascism.
In a Venn Diagram, there are many similarities between the two, especially when you look from an external perspective that really doesn't care about either of the two groups of idjiots.
I really want fascism to go. But i don't want it replaced with anti-fascists.
The question also remains: If there was no fascists, what would all the anti-fascists do to satify their ingrained wolf-pack instincts for tribe style violence? If there are no fascists to beat, who would next fit the bill to beat instead? The middle-englanders like me - just because i don't like them? Probably.
Hence I'm against anti-fascists as much as i'm against fascists because i'm not part of either and am probably at threat from both.
middle england voter
people power
11.02.2014 12:25
Just show what can happen when good people get together to fight the corrupt system.
People power!
Clarification for the politically naive and short sighted.
12.02.2014 11:16
And to someone else who claimed they do not like fascism but did not want it replaced by anti-fasicsm. Anti - fascism is dependant upon the existence of fascism, no fascism = no anti-fascism, it is not a political system in itself but a reaction to and attempt to remove fascist ideology for a number of reasons (the threat it poses to progressive workers' movements, the threat to people from minority racial and gender preference groups etc.) Fascism will not be replaced by anti-fascism, anti-fascism will cease to exist when fascism does. anti-fascism in itself is not a political ideology that can replace another.
Sorry, but dead wrong about that
15.02.2014 15:56
I'm not SURE what your problem is in not being able to recognize that "left" fascists can exist and in fact have existed. There are a number of possibilities:
1) Maybe you are one of those on the "left" who considers ONLY one's own particular faction of leftism to be of the left (and all other factions are right wing counter-revolutionaries because THEIR theories about how to proceed are wrong minded, heretics who mis-interpret the gospel.
2) Maybe you have never studied leftist movements in general so don't know the history. Possibly that's because you only look at Europe and even there not into the byways of leftist movements or consider only where the descendents of some movement are now, not where they came from. Or because you consider some general movement to be "right wing" and so consider all components of that movement right wing.
Since this is a European site I will consider that part of "2" related to "other places" the place to start.
Here in the US the only time fascists movements were significant was the 30's. We had fascist movements BOTH of the right (say Father Coughlin") and of the left (say Huey Long). Look up Huey Long. If you don't think he was a fascist, explain why not. If you don't think he was of the left as opposed to the right, say why you think that.
not a perfect diagram...
19.02.2014 10:37
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