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Syria Peace Vigil this Tuesday as foreign ministers meet in London

dv | 20.10.2013 08:44 | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | Terror War | London | World

This Tuesday (22 October 2013), 11 foreign ministers and representatives of some Syrian opposition groups will meet in London to discuss the ongoing conflict in Syria and the upcoming Geneva peace talks:

All peace-loving people are warmly invited to join an all day peace vigil (non-partisan) outside the Foreign Office, to put forward the following demands:

To all Foreign Ministers:

- Stop fuelling the conflict with supplies of arms and other military equipment;

- We believe that the peace negotiations should be led by the Syrian people themselves rather than foreign elites, who should only play a facilitating role.

To the Syrian government and all armed groups:

- Call an indefinite ceasefire immediately;

- Cease all attacks against civilians - including peaceful protesters - and civilian infrastructure, like medical facilities;

- Immediately allow safe humanitarian access to all areas in need;

- Recognise the detrimental effects of continued violence, especially on children and other civilians, and therefore urgently commit to political negotiations to end the conflict and prevent further destruction and loss of life, injury, psychological damage and displacement of people.

The vigil will start at 10am and may continue until around 6pm (advisable to phone ahead if you plan to arrive later, in case vigil ends early, e.g. due to bad weather - see contact number below).

Location: Foreign and Commonwealth Office, King Charles Street (off Whitehall), London SW1A 2AH

Nearest tube: Westminster
Mobile contact (Dan): 07506 234 091
E-mail: vd2012-syriapeace [at]

In peace,
Some concerned global citizens

- e-mail: vd2012-syriapeace [at]


Hide the following 10 comments

Wrong target

21.10.2013 03:50

It's the Iranians and their Hezbollah stooges who need to get out of Syria. And Al Qaeda (both versions).

Reality Check

To 'Reality Check'

21.10.2013 08:08

Although Iran, Hezbollah, Russia, etc have not - as far as we know - been invited to the talks in London, please note that the first list of 'demands' are addressed "To ALL foreign ministers". We want to see an end to ALL fuelling of the conflict by foreign (and Syrian) actors in this ugly proxy war - which of course includes violent extremists such as those affiliated to Al Qaeda - and for all sides in the conflict to lay down their arms so that the terrible cycle of violence, suffering and vengeance can end, the conditions can be created for the process of peace and reconciliation to begin and the Syrian people can begin to determine their own future in a peaceful manner.

mail e-mail: vd2012-syriapeace [at]


21.10.2013 12:49

Reality Check is certainly a troll, who has been posting crap on indy on previous occasions. The 'Syrian' is probably a troll too.


Constructive comments welcome

21.10.2013 13:36

I'm all for hearing constructive suggestions as to what grassroots action people here in the UK could take to help end the vicious cycle of violence in Syria and bring about peace - without resorting to military intervention - but none seem to be forthcoming so far from the naysayer(s) who have offered their criticism on this thread. Do you actually have anything constructive to offer, or is your sole aim to rubbish the efforts of others? If anyone feels uncomfortable offering their suggestions publicly, feel free to e-mail me.

mail e-mail: vd2012-syriapeace [at]

Thanks for answering my question!

21.10.2013 16:12

I wrote (to naysayers): "Do you actually have anything constructive to offer, or is your sole aim to rubbish the efforts of others?"

- Well, it seems my question has been fully answered! Thanks for the input.


Stop foreign interference

21.10.2013 23:54

Kurds fleeing FSA massacre on July 29
Kurds fleeing FSA massacre on July 29

- Stop foreign interference and funding -

- end FSA and Al Quaeda massacres -

- Syria back to Syrians -

- no throat-cutters and car bombers in government.

Obama's "moderate rebels" have a program of mass slaughter and ethnic cleansing, which has killed thousands since May, but is hushed up by the Westwern press.

The "Free Syrian Army# is founded by the Muslim Brotherhood, which practiced extensive terrorism in the 1980s.

From September 2012, they have threatened a "blood bath" against groups which do not follow the "revolution":

New threats against sects by col. Zakaria May 2013:

Massacres on Shias followed in June, against Kurds and Alawites July-August, and Christians in September.

From July 29 onwards, they killed about 400 Kurds in the North:

Kurds fleeing FSA massacres:

August 4 - 11, they killed 400 - 800 villagers in Latakia Province

Mass graves are still being found.

In a video filmed nearby during the operation, FSA Gen. Salim Idris, is seen insisting that his forces played a leading role, in statements responding to criticism from Islamist groups that his fighters were hanging back.

Only two months later did Western press begin to pick up on the events.

Christians, Shiites and Druze are targeted by car bombs and mortar fire.

A "fatwa" allows seizure of the property of Christians.

Christians threatened in the East:

Brainwash of children:

Children trained as suicide bombers:

Top terrorist leaders

Main war criminals:

Abdel Salam Okeidi or Aqidi has been active from the start in Aleppo, reponsible for the massacres on Kurds end of July 2013.

Abdul Qader Saleh, chief of Tawheed (Unity) brigade in Aleppo played the major role in the attack July-August 2012 and the following massacres and plunder.

Also the destruction of the Souk and Mosque and the looting of the Aleppo factories are reported to have happened under Abdul Qader Saleh.

Zahran Alyoushi is the son of a Saudi-based religious scholar named sheikh Abdullah Mohammed Alloush.

The US continues training of terrorists in Jordan, including handling of chemical weapons.

More information on:


@ dv

22.10.2013 05:57

You are still not getting it are you ?

The constructive advice you are getting is contained in the posts above.


If you really want to make a difference go protest outside the Syrian embassy as a start, shout at the bastards who are killing their own people every day. Go protest outside the Iranian or Russian embassies who are funding the killing and shipping into the country about five times the amount of kit the British, French and Americans have supplied.

Get angry, get active.

Speaking slowly this time

The guiding hand behind the Syrian conflict

22.10.2013 07:44

The role of Israel as the guiding hand behind much of the fighting in Syria is being hidden by their friends in the Western media however some bloggers and street reporters have been able to get the information out to activists.

Israel needs and wants a destablised Syria and Lebanon while it continues to steal land from the Palestinians with new settlements for Zionist extemists.

The Israeli involvement in the gas attacks is now well understood by many and probably their biggest blunder so far in their war. Despite what might be thought by reading the likes of the BBC and CNN President Assad remains and always has been a well liked and popular leader in Syria, a country with high levels of literacy, good standard of living, high employment and a more or less free media. The Israelis despise little more than a well run Muslim country with a popular leader.


UK Government & War Crimes

23.10.2013 11:11

The British police force are failing in there duty and office. Proof is in the fact that they are not enforcing the law. A major failing point is the fact that they have to date arrested and charged no MP's past or present for war crimes and murder, further to this they are not enforcing the offences against persons act 1861. There are also many cases of fraud and corruption that need arresting in governments, banks, and corporate business. Until police enforce these laws they will command, but have little respect from the People of the United Kingdom. The time for talk is over the police must now act under oath to uphold the law, uphold the peace and the rights of the people, to protect both honour and integrity for without these there is naught but lies and deceit.

Accounting For War: Press Conference 2013

Your Country is being run by war criminals_War_Crimes Arrest UK war criminal's NOW TIME

JUSTICE must be done and seen to be done NOW TIME

Paying tax a crime? Chris Coverdale interviewed by Tony Farrell

Ongoing accumulative pressure action event/s

We ask you individually and collectively to take direct action.

Everywhere and anywhere, be there, all at once, collectively or individually.

It is advised that you print out the following and hand it directly to any and all law enforcement officers.
If you cannot make it to this location, we urge you to print out the following and take it along to your local law enforcement office, or give it to any & all police officers.
If you are not in the UK, we urge you to translate this letter and take it along to your law enforcement office and hand it out to any and all police officers.

This is not a political issue, it is one of law.
We must ALL stand UNITED and demand that the law is enforced resulting in the arrest and conviction of 557 MP's.

Please share this event with as many people as you can.

On behalf of ALL, Many thanks, People's Assembly of Justice

Calling on all who are of conscience to enforce the law.

Murder is always a crime, and the murder of children is the most heinous of crimes. There comes a time when women and men must align themselves to correct action and moral fortitude and persistence for truth & justice.

The message is to stop violence not to promote it.

There has been much deliberation with UK police regarding the law and UK war criminals. International laws and treaties have been quoted, but to date have failed to be recognised by the UK police.

Here is the law as set down in the UK

The offences against Person Act 1861

(4) "Whosoever shall solicit, encourage, persuade or endeavor to persuade, or shall propose to any person, to murder any other person, whether he( or she) be a subject of Her Majesty or not, and whether he (she) be within the Queens dominions or not, shall be guilty of an offence, and being convicted thereof shall be liable to imprisonment for life".

The guilty; Vote count by MP’s of the UK government participation in the air strikes on Libya; 557 MPs rallied behind David Cameron's new military adventure, while only 15 MPs opposed it (13 votes against, plus 2 'tellers').

These MP’s who voted in favor of air strikes in Libya, knew full well that they would result in the deaths of children, women and men. This was and still is murder. A list of MP’s who voted in favour of air strikes on Libya is available to police on request.

Murder or manslaughter abroad.

(9) Where any murder or manslaughter shall be committed on land out of the United Kingdom, whether within the Queen’s dominions or without, and whether the person killed were a subject of Her Majesty or not, every offence committed by any subject of Her Majesty in respect of any such case, whether the same shall amount to the offence of murder or of manslaughter, may be dealt with, inquired of, tried, determined, and punished in England or Ireland. Provided, that nothing herein contained shall prevent any person from being tried in any place out of England or Ireland for any murder or manslaughter committed out of England or Ireland, in the same manner as such person might have been tried before the passing of this Act.

Elements of Arrest under section 24 PACE

A lawful arrest requires two elements:

1. A person’s involvement or suspected involvement or attempted involvement in the commission of a criminal offence;


2. Reasonable grounds for believing that the person’s arrest is necessary.

Under International Law

The Rome statute of the International criminal court 1998;

Article 27, (1) This statute shall apply equally to all persons without any distinction based on official capacity. In particular, official capacity as head of state or government, a member of a government or parliament, an elected representative or a government official shall in no case exempt a person from criminal responsibility under this statute, nor shall it, in and of itself, constitute a ground for reduction of sentence. (2) Immunities or special procedural rules which may attach to the official capacity of a person, whether under national or international law, shall not bar the court from exercising its jurisdiction over such a person.

By Oath in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law. Please take note that this is not a political issue but one of law.

If you are a Policeman, judge or any other law enforcement officer or official you are advised to take action, you are also advised to pay particular notice and attention to the following;

Nuremberg Principle IV states, “The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him.”

Also take note of the Rome statute of the International criminal court 1998; Article 27, (1)

International laws and treaties that have taken years to build, many of these have been formed after the massive sacrifice of many lives. International laws must NOT be allowed to be flouted.

ALL those responsible MUST be brought to the book and charged.

Bolivia's president Morales was basically kidnapped under the orders of the USA.

European leaders and the America government must face the consequences of their actions. The People of Europe & America are not being represented by credible people. These leaders must be brought down for they are an affront to decency and protocol. The top of the list is the fact that these leaders are consistently in breach of International laws and treaties. They are ALL in breach of the Kellogg Briand Pact, the Nuremberg treaty and its principles and the Rome statute. As a World we must ALL make sure that ALL of the guilty are brought to book, charged and convicted of murder, genocide, crimes against peace, crimes against Humanity, war crimes.

As a World of People we must now ensure that the evil is arrested.

The Law;



mail e-mail:

@ Radfax

24.10.2013 12:37

You're an idiot.
