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Bilderberg and the G8 summit: The global board meeting for the worlds elite.

East of England SLP | 18.06.2013 19:41 | G8 2013 | Globalisation

Meetings behind closed doors have no place in a 21st century society.
Statement by the Socialist Labour Party - East of England Region

Within a month the worlds richest and most powerful people came together to set out their next agenda for the coming years, now before you shout 'conspiracy theorist!' at me just bare with me for one minute. Lets think rationally about this; is it really that hard to believe that a group of incredibly wealthy and powerful individuals would not want to meet up and discuss how they can maintain and grow their wealth and influence? After all they all have the same interests: to further their influence and continue to grow their bank balances.
These people are the owners of our society, not only do they own the factory’s, the media corporations, the banks and various other private company’s. They are the modern emperors and kings of our capitalist kingdoms. Their meetings behind closed doors only highlight the lack of democracy of a capitalist society, the Bilderberg lobby the main G8 participants who then go on to the G8 meetings and then attempt to push these corporate interests onto the other heads of states. Where is the peoples consultation when it comes to our economy, our trade deals?
They say that they are there trying to sort out the economic troubles that they themselves have caused however they can only mend the problem with a temporary solution and a solution that will no doubt benefit them more than it will us, as Albert Einstein once said: “We cant solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”.
Within capitalism there is no room for democracy, just think: how often you participate in a capitalist democracy? Once every four years? How much of your life is controlled by someone who you did not vote for? You go to work and are dictated to and exploited by you boss, you are then told what is best for you, society and the country by someone who you also may not have voted for, your MP makes decisions on your behalf without any form of public consultation and the world's elite at the highest level of capitalist society decide what will be best for the world's economy, or more correctly their economy.
That is why contrary to what some may say socialism is no enemy of democracy but instead a true democratic society. A society in which the people make decisions at the lowest of levels, through democratic control of your work place to national elected representatives who consult their constituencies and vote accordingly and who also can be recalled at any time. A society where meetings don’t happen behind closed doors guarded by armed police but out on the streets and attended by anyone who wishes to have their voice heard.
If you believe that secret meetings of unelected global elites have no place in a 21st century society then why not look into the alternatives, we don’t have to carry on like this, we can progress towards a better society but we can only progress together as one.

Socialist Labour Party - East of England Region

East of England SLP
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G8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

18.06.2013 20:41

A splendid example of why Socialists have not the faintest clue how to go about opposing the very same elite interests that they claim to oppose.

The G8 is just the US's attempt to enable its own agenda outside the parameters of the United Nations. It has attempted this because it has no existing legitimacy within the UN due to its perpetual attempts to steer the UN into dependency on the US, along with its serial human rights abuses. The UN currently has 193 members of the General Assembly, few if any of which have any need to fall into dependency. Because the US cannot maintain its self interest inside the UN, it has created the G8. Due to criticism from many of the UN's members, the US attempted to expand this to the G20 which then fell apart as the G20 members realised they were better off in the UN.

The G8 is illegitimate and has reached its end point. Those who take part are simply those who have abandoned their own independence in favour of personal wealth and privilage, very much at the expense of the people they are charged with representing within their democratic systems.

The G8 is not a meeting of the worlds powerful, only those who wish to make a living off the back of it would ever make that claim.

The G8 is a meeting of the worlds least powerful and those who are in decline.

The G8 is a failed project attended by those who have nothing left to offer, and no lives left to live.


Edward Snowdon enthüllt

19.06.2013 16:52

Wenn die NSA im Jahr 2005 in der Lage war, jedes Telefongespräch, jeden Video-Chat, jede Textnachricht, jede E-Mail aufzuzeichnen und schon DAMALS für immer zu speichern, wieviel Mal größer sind dann die technischen Möglichkeiten im NSA-Rechenzentrum in Utah? 2013-2005=8; 8×12=96; 96/18=5,333; also 5,3 Verdoppelungen der Rechenleistung seit 2005. Die erste Verdoppelung ist 1 plus 1, danach wird mit 2 multipliziert. Somit haben wir 1+1x2x2x2x2, was einer 32fache Rechenleistung des Jahres 2005 entspricht. Wenn wir 100 Prozent durch 32 teilen, können wir sehen, wie stark die Rechenleistung des Jahres 2005 in Prozent war und diese mit dem neuen Rechenzentrum in Utah vergleichen: 100/32=3,125% Jetzt möchte ich an Ihre Logik appellieren. Wenn sie mit einem System, das nur etwas mehr als 3 Prozent von dem leistete, was sie gerade in Utah einrichteten, bereits jeden Anruf, jede finanzielle Transaktion, jeden Video-Chat, jede E-Mail, jede SMS, und was sonst noch dauerhaft aufzeichnen konnten, WELCHE NEUEN TECHNISCHEN MÖGLICHKEITEN HABEN SIE JETZT? Wie wäre es, jedes Urlaubsbild, das Sie mit irgendeiner mit WLAN ausgestatteten Digitalkamera machen, sofort auf einen NSA-Server zu laden, um es als zukünftigen möglichen Beweis dauerhaft zu speichern? Oder jedes Musik-Projekt, an dem Sie jemals an einem PC gearbeitet haben? Oder jedes Familien-Video, das Sie jemals gemacht haben? Oder jeden Ort, wo Ihr Auto jemals war und alles, was Sie während der Fahrt sagten? ................. M E H R:

Jim Stone

"appropriate balance"

20.06.2013 11:33

"appropriate balance"
"appropriate balance"

among presidents


Yah voll Mein Presidenter.

20.06.2013 17:22

A question about PRISM.
A question about PRISM.

The President speaks to children during his visit to the lands outside Amerika.

Franz Kerplunkunsteinburger.

Can't read German comments.

20.06.2013 17:23

Can't read German posts.