Fascists in Nottingham this Saturday
anon@indymedia.org (Antifash) | 24.05.2013 16:55
Members of the EDL (the English Defence League) are attempting to arrange an unofficial "demonstration" tomorrow (Saturday) at 1pm on the market Square.
Muslims in the area have been urged to refrain from entering the city centre by Mosques because of a high chance of violent confrontations.
Similar attacks have been occurring up and down the country since Wednesday's event in London.
This information is public and has been taken from the social media site Facebook.
Please spread the word that the EDL may be meeting tomorrow!
(Please note that there will be another Demo taking place on the market square against Monsanto @ 2pm....)
Please join us, bring banner making materials, noise makers and energy to let them know that their fascism will not be tolerated and people will not be intimidated!
anon@indymedia.org (Antifash)
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fuck off
24.05.2013 19:39
yes, fuck off
24.05.2013 21:06
all will be well after a week if you just let it be
they didn't even show their faces
27.05.2013 09:07
whats difference between abu breivik& anders hamza??!
27.05.2013 14:22
EU human rights laws or because his allies can be a useful opposition asset for deaiing with the likes of Gadaffi or Assad in Syria?, either way Its a messed up SNAFU situ.
al makaroon-national front physciatric-tranquiliser club
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