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Blood & Honour concert in London

Download and Re-post | 21.03.2013 20:38 | Anti-racism | Culture

Blood & Honour concert in London

Blood & Honour
Blood & Honour

Blood & Honour NSBM Division - Noossffeerraattuu
Blood & Honour NSBM Division - Noossffeerraattuu

Following the success of the Nazi music organisation Blood & Honour's most recent London concert - which saw the ranks of 50-odd late middle-aged boneheads swelled by the literally 3 or 4 people under the age of 25 who'd been brought along by aging Nazi parents, B&H London Division are hosting a whole new line-up of White Power bands, to inaugurate a new era of White Nationalist music.

The "First Annual Nicky Crane Memorial Concert" features music from Cat Strangler 28, Volksdöngler, Bootlicker, Two Fat Ladies 88 and I.Q.28, and a ballad performance by German comrade SS Kartoffel Kopf (better known to his English fans as Mr Potato Head). As a special treat for B&H aficionados, the gig also features a guest slot by the new Volk band Inbred Banjos - a couple of Welsh blokes with German nationalist tattoos singing about English culture in fake American accents.

To maintain the next generation of activists in their susceptibility to inherited diseases, those attending the RV point will be required to produce documentation certifying they've found the courage to submit to full mitochondrial DNA tests, proving they're not even a little bit African, like Garry Bushell turned out to be when his DNA was tested for the TV show "100% English". Blood samples will be taken from anyone without proper certification, then rapidly drunk by B&H's new NSBM division organiser DJ Nosferatu (see photo).

All proceeds from the door and gig merch go towards laser tattoo removal for retiring employees of the Metropolitan Police Special Branch. Car parking available.

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fake post

21.03.2013 22:13

please remove.... its promoting a fascist gig


It's clearly a piss take

21.03.2013 23:06

It's hardly promoting the gig.

Northern A


21.03.2013 23:52

With all due respect, if you can't see this is a total send-up you must have a screw loose?


Stroll on

22.03.2013 00:06

How exactly is a post which represents Blood & Honour supporters as psychopaths (cat stranglers), as promoters of inbreeding, and as people of low intelligence (IQ 28 etc), and which links to scientific research which traces the origin of all humans back to Africa, supposed to be "promoting" a racist gig?

Do us the courtesy of reading a post before criticising, please. Unless of course you're a Fascist troll trying to get stuff that makes your sort look stupid removed?!



22.03.2013 00:17

Blood and Honour
Blood and Honour



Tickets ?

22.03.2013 12:04

I would pay to see that line up .Those Welsh brothers should get themselves to hollywood as they're doing a remake of Hill have eyes [ part 3 ]

concerned of gipton


22.03.2013 13:50

still laffin



22.03.2013 20:36

Looks to me like the two men in the spoof flier are disabled. Laughing at people who look different to you, laughing at disabled people, that's not fascistic at all is it...

I am sick of the endless posts on this site by supposedly anti-fascist activists which mock people's intelligence, appearance, and abilities. I call this prejudice. Disabled people, whether we have different intellectual, emotional, motor, visual, or other abilities, are not laughing.

Be ashamed. Be very ashamed.

Critique fascists because they are fascists, because their politics suck. It's not difficult.

radical cripster

radical cripster .....

22.03.2013 21:34

fair play, totally agree....


@ cripster

22.03.2013 21:54

You don't seem to understand all this business about throwing the Fascists' hypocrisy back at them do you? It's racists themselves who insist racial "purity" equates with genetic superiority, and who claim, on that basis, that all other races are inferior to genetically "pure" Aryan whites and therefore worthy of EXTERMINATION. It's a case a holding a mirror up at Fascist ideology, in a way that uses simple visual images that don't rely on the kind of complex discourse that in many cases is too complex for many of these people to understand. Should we argue that Murnau's "Nosferatu" - the other image - was mocking people with iron deficiency? Would you go round tut tutting at the working class student fees protestors because they were sexist to (often) call the cops who tried to bully them "pussies"? Is it morally wrong to EVER point out that Fascists are stupid, because people of low intelligence can't help it? Is it wrong to use photographic proof of the fact that Fascist attempts to defame their opponents as "unwashed" don't stand up to analysis (as I believe it was probably you who argued on Indymedia)? I appreciate the anture of your concerns, but logic like yours is used to argue that even the use of pejorative linguistics like the (negative) term "disabled" is intrinsically prejudicial. Obviously YOU must therefore be prejudiced for using that word?

Insofar as photojournalism reveals uncomfortable truths, photojournalism can always be "accused" of being, in a manner of speaking, "cruel", but as it happens the "ugly brothers" picture is a world famous and classic piece of photojournalism, taken in South Africa by Roger Ballen in 1993 - a year before the abolition of Apartheid. The photo achieved fame through reproduction in high-brow left-wing broad-sheets and "serious" colour supplements, as it instantly communicated the hypocrisy (not to mention obvious medical hazards) of the Arikaner Volkseenheid ideology that had mixed-race couples arrested at gun-point for the crime of sharing a bed together, on the pretext that such racism was "protecting" the white race. Sure the images that most vividly expose that hypocrisy make for uncomfortable viewing, but so do many of the images that expose the dangers of Fascism, and the fact is that many White Power activists actively propagandise the return of Apartheid, and sticking to the style of campaigning that you approve of is unlikely, with all due respect, to make much difference to such people.


Oh please

22.03.2013 22:47

To point out that Blood & Honour's German nationalist imagery is not compatible with British "patriotism" would not mean the person who points that contradiction out must be a jingoistic little-Englander, and by the same token this post is not laughing at disabled people, it's laughing at Fascism (as shown by the fact that it takes the piss of Fascism on numerous levels). This post subverts many of the visual signifiers of Fascist iconography, in context of a visually accurate pastiche of actual Blood & Honour concert graphics - the Union Jack, German "fraktur" typefaces (of the sort whose use was made compulsory under National Socialism), the use of imagery from the film "Deliverance" by musicians involved in South Wales NF, and Social Darwinist ideology and right-wing race "science", and it alludes to the psychopathology of relationships between animal cruelty and racist violence (Cat Strangler 28), Fascist power fetishism (Bootlicker), and the link between Fascist gangs and State agent-provocateurism (, not to mention the slightly less serious comparison between B&H's blood-thirsty imagery and mythical vampirism. Some critic/s choose to interpret all this on a slightly superficial level


Please read this. Please read it all. Please read it carefully...

23.03.2013 00:21

To quote your words "cripster" it's more than obvious that it's "not difficult" to "critique fascists because they are fascists". Hmmm, thanks for reminding us that Fascist politics "suck". We can pat ourselves on the back and congratulate ourselves how correct our own critiques are until we're blue in the face. Fascists are however by definition people who have NOT been reached by those critiques of right-wing thinking that happen to satisfy us. They are instead people who have been successfully reached by totally different approaches to political campaigning.

We can repeat our critiques and preach to the converted forever if we want. If however we want to actually challenge and/or politically demoralise Fascists, we need to experiment with campaigning strategies that might actually work.

Fascists constantly troll Indymedia to gather information about their opponents and for information from which they can assess the impact of their actions, and frequently lament demonstrations etc which (they learn from Indymedia, among other sources) resulted in their being taken the piss out of. So, given that we can't post on their websites without being spiked, and given that they do read Indymedia alot, for that reason it's important to provide Fascists with feedback that reminds them how much their efforts have failed and how much they're being taken the piss out of.

As well as all that, many (if not all) Fascists also develop their politics as a result of exposure to strong visual and often musical images, as a significant minority of right-wing cannon-fodder are virtually illiterate, so, in keeping with the axiom that "a picture speaks 1000 words", it's often more effective to puncture Fascist self-aggrandisement with visual pastiches which succinctly encapsulate contradictions which in many cases would take a great deal of complex argument to communicate in writing (see explanations above).

I appreciate that an approach which stresses the black humour and psychological warfare aspects of Anti-Fascism may confuse people who are more comfortable with contesting campaigns along more ideologically purist lines, but the far-right have been a pain in the ass since the 1920s, traditional campaign strategies havn't extinguished them, Fascists don't give a fuck about what imagery you do or don't consider acceptable, and we need to explore strategies that go somewhat further than functionally useless arguments which claim that Fascists must be wrong "because they are fascists"

As for your choice of handle - "cripster" - pot... kettle... black
