Aufhebengate -Fuck off Libcom
Nihilist communist | 19.01.2013 14:43 | Repression | Workers' Movements

"From Millbank to Quebec, via Athens, Tunis, Suez, Oakland, Barcelona and countless other places, the crowd has confronted the forces of the state with varying degrees of success and failure, of non-violent and violent tactics, over the last couple of years. Ostensibly these outbreaks of class war have been supported and encouraged by the “libertarian communist” section of the supposed movement against capitalism, including those publishing extreme anti-state and anti-commodity theory. So when, in January 2011, the TPTG, a small Greek group, discovered that John Drury, a significant “theoretician” and long-standing member of the self-styled anti-state communist group Aufheben, had been helping the cops with a divide and rule strategy for the very same crowds that this group ostensibly wanted to contribute to radicalising, they were shocked and sent out, to their English speaking friends in London and elsewhere, requests for some strategy of how to deal with this information. After several months of a combination of mainly indifference and ideological obstacles from some and out and out resistance on the part of people closest to Aufheben as well as the rest of the members of Aufheben, the TPTG and myself publicised (on Libcom Blog and elsewhere) this information on the internet in October 2011 (see The strange case of Dr.Johnny and Mr.Drury on this site). As a result we encountered a deluge of denial, contorted evasions and the most stupid defences of a clear-cut case of collaboration. The resulting scandal became known as Aufhebengate."
1. Cops cannot be trusted.
2. Clifford Stott co-operates with the cops. Therefore cannot be trusted.
3. John Drury works with Clifford Stott, therefore cannot be trusted.
4. Aufheben includes John Drury, therefore cannot be trusted.
5. libcom claim Aufheben have 'evidence' of their story, therefore cannot be trusted.
6. SolFed support with libcom, and full of journalists and academics, therefore cannot be trusted.
7. Therefore it is only the comrades in Greece, France, New Zealand etc who are clean and we can trust to expose UK 'libertarian communism' as pro-cop, pro-prison, pro-Paul Mason, middle class, academic fraud.
Every revolution is made by the working class and betrayed by 'revolutionaries' (Bolsheviks, CNT, Daniel Cohn-Bendit). Revolutionary ideology (middle class) is the enemy of revolutionary practice (working class). Therefore to be pro-revolutionary, we must expose and attack all middle class 'revolutionaries'. This is most important task during capitalist crisis, or these scum will again side with the state against proletariat insurrection (like in August riots).
Posted on by Herngaard

+ Previously on IMC UK
Sussex Police have hired top riot specialist and crowd psychologist Dr. Clifford Stott to train local coppers on new mind control tactics to undermine social movements.

Nihilist communist
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