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Help Needed Immediately to Occupy and Defend Trees Hastings/Bexhill

Combe Haven Defenders | 21.12.2012 08:45 | South Coast

Contractors, supported by security and police, are going to attempt to fell trees at Adams Farm, Crowhurst (TN33 9AY). This is one of the last remaining areas with significant number of large trees on the route of the Bexhill-Hastings Link Road.

Security and police reported at the top of the access track, and we believe the footpath from Crowhurst playing field car park has been closed. Other more imaginative routes in to Adams Farm exist: cross-country, from the Upper Wilting Farm direction, even across the partially flooded valley from the Bexhill end.

Note also a significant pocket of trees at risk located near Decoy Pond, half way between Adams Farm and Upper Wilting Farm. To receive info and action reports throughout the day text 07926 423033.

Map on website.

Combe Haven Defenders
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update 09.45

21.12.2012 09:45

Police and security present at Adams farm in force. Tree cutting started near barns. Protestors present in growing numbers. Trees are being occupied. Please get along to help if you possibly can!

Combe Haven Defenders
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Cheap metal nails

21.12.2012 12:05

Why don't you just spike the trees? Cheap and simple method to cause huge delays to their attempts to cut them down.

I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok

might work, might not

21.12.2012 15:25

spiking the trees only makes it harder to fell them with chainsaws/ process the timber afterwards. it has been used as a tactic in places where the forests are being commercially logged, as the companies involved need to cut/ prepare the timber for sale in order to make money. and the nails can cause problems at the sawmill.
but this is 'clearance work', for a road to be constructed. for all we know, they might just be ripping these trees down with bulldozers, in which case the nails won't make any difference at all. as for selling the wood, it's more likely it'll end up getting burnt.

anyway, it sounds like the people involved in this campaign are actually sitting up trees right now, and may not find it so easy to get online/ get to the ironmongers. maybe you could visit them, and take the nails with you, and find out if they're useful or not?

cheap metal nails


23.12.2012 13:26

hammering nails into trees im tryna save doesnt sound like my cup of eco-tea. but thanks all the same.
