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Corrupt Police at Orgreave & Hillsborough

Ian Tomlinson | 09.11.2012 23:18 | Policing | Repression

The purpose of the (failed) police fit-ups at Orgreave was for the police to try and make sure striking workers served, if possible, life sentences, for the crime of resisting attacks by police

"Hillsborough, far from being an isolated event, was in fact part of a pattern of senior South Yorkshire police officers manipulating the statements made by junior officers"

"The police had no idea, the extent to which, what they were doing, their unlawful activities, were being filmed"

"The Hillsborough Independent Panel Report accused South Yorkshire Police, in 1989, of making a concerted effort to remove damaging references from officers' statements. The panel found 116 police statements that had been altered, to fit the narrative that Liverpool fans were drunk, and ticketless. Later some officers even falsely claimed to the press that supporters had stolen from the dead and urinated on people while police officers attempted to save lives. At Orgreave, 5 years earlier, the manipulation of statements appears to be even more organised than at Hillsborough..."

See also -

See also -

Ian Tomlnson's killer Simon Harwood accused of racially abusing and repeatedly punching a 12-year-old girl -

Ian Tomlinson


Hide the following 9 comments

The Hillsborough story is true but not Orgreave

10.11.2012 10:41

The Hillsborough story is true but not Orgreave. At Orgreave we were forced to put up with rocks being thrown at us for almost hour before being allowed to respond. The real blame for Orgreave lies with the violent pickets who provoked and attacked the police. By the way the case only collapsed because some police officers in their over zealousness to make arrests ended up arresting the wrong people. But that does not mean that there were not violent rioters present or else there would have been no injuries to police officers many of which were serious injuries.

Veteran police officer of Orgreave

All Cops Are Liars

10.11.2012 11:32

Aren't coppers those blokes in uniform that go to court, swear on the bible to tell the truth, and then lie their arses off?

Veteran police officer of Orgreave: " But that does not mean that there were not violent rioters present or else there would have been no injuries to police officers many of which were serious injuries."

Exactly like the claims that Climate Camp protestors at Kingsnorth must have been violent because " 70 officers had been injured in the course of their duties"

(and Bastards too)

Thanks for proving the cops read Indymedia

10.11.2012 11:36

Replying to "Veteran police officer of Orgreave", it would be easy enough to respond to your comment with insults, but I won't give you the satisfaction of being able to dismiss the response, which is that EVEN IF YOU WERE RIGHT about police being "forced to put up with rocks being thrown at us for almost hour before being allowed to respond", that has precious little to do with the issue of police corruption, as follows –

1. Even if police were having stones thrown at them, that does NOT justify police deliberately faking dozens of reports

2. That also doesn't justify police taking action that was designed to ensure that pickets who were at worst guilty of only minor public order offences served LIFE SENTENCES

3. As you say "some police officers in their over zealousness to make arrests ended up arresting the wrong people", which means that if the cases put forward by the police hadn't failed, then INNOCENT PEOPLE would have ended-up serving LIFE SENTENCES, try to keep up

The case being put forward here is not about who was to blame for Orgreave, but about whether the police responded in a way which proves they were corrupt. As for blame however, as for throwing rocks, and as for violence against women, the famous photo of the charging horseman trying to smash Lesley Boulton's brains in with a 2 foot-long night-stick, tell us please, what offence had she committed?!

The iconic Orgreave photograph -

Hatfield Main

Lesley Boulton

10.11.2012 11:55

I'll tell you what offence she'd committed - photographing the police!


Peace Force, or Policy Force.

10.11.2012 12:39

What were the Police Force doing there in the first place?
Had they been asked for assistance, by members of the public, too keep the peace?
Or had they been sent by the politicians to enforce political police at a political event?

If you act as peace officers you tend get respect, support and assistance.
If you act a political policy enforcement officers, you may not!
When on rare occasions you do act as peace officers, you abuse the support you get, for political reasons.
And more to the point, you don't have to work for the state to be a peace officer, anyone can do it. But the state tends to pay more.

The state is the only institution which claims a legal, monopoly on the initiation of violence, in imposing it's will.


Nonsense Copper

10.11.2012 15:17

The police attacked first in the style of a cavalry charge.

If you are happy to attack people defending their livelyhoods , for the whims of a sick old witch , then you are my enemy and I will attack you with ferocious pleasure.

Jack Hall


11.11.2012 18:39

where did you get that picture?
Its very interesting as there is some terrible eco round the legs from the rushed cut and paste job.

Also the bridle and sadle is wrong for police horses and more likely to come from a race horse.

The shadows are also wrong.

If your going to produce facts to smear someone try to have some and not fabricate evidence.

in short your lieing.

anon by right


11.11.2012 19:12

>> where did you get that picture?

The BBC. Copyright John Harris

> Its very interesting as there is some terrible eco round the legs from the rushed cut and paste job.

Really? Oh.... well, here is another one from that set. 3rd from last.

> Also the bridle and sadle is wrong for police horses and more likely to come from a race horse.
No it isn't.

> The shadows are also wrong.
No they arn't.

> If your going to produce facts to smear someone try to have some and not fabricate evidence.
Do some research before shooting your mouth off. Takes about 2 minutes research to see you are talking bull. You can trace this photo right back to its source as long as you got at least 2 braincells - which you clearly lack.

> in short your lieing.
> badly
No... you "think" you are right (which is your main mistake) but actually you are wrong.

personal hatred rather than facts

You might both be correct.

12.11.2012 20:38

Overly economical JPG image compression can produce optical illusions closely resembling traces of forgery.

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