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Anti-Olympic Friday 27th July protest 6pm South Bank under Waterloo Bridge

Fuck the 2012 Olympics | 20.07.2012 18:30

We a group of anarchists are organising a mass anti-Olympic games protest. Meet at 6pm on the South Bank under Waterloo Bridge, at 6pm on Friday the 27th of July we will then set off at 7pm to blockade roads and cause chaos around the West End.

Please spread the word of this far and wide. Lets make it really huge! Use Twitter and Facebook to spread word about this action.

Fuck the 2012 Olympics


troll alert

20.07.2012 23:50

this posting looks very much like a police trolling op.

the critical mass bike ride is an established procession, exempt from public order laws, as ruled in the high court.

by posting an "anarchist anti-olympic protest" starting from the same point as the usual critical mass, the poster is effectively giving the police an excuse to intervene. they can claim they have "intelligence" that anarchists are planning to disrupt the olympics, blah blah blah.

wonder who'd gain most from this post then?

as one of the comments observed, be canny this month if you're attending the mass. don't let yourself get kettled. there's thousands of police and even troops with not much to do. a kettle isn't out of the question. even mass arrests are possible - for once they do have the manpower.

i'm not suggesting for one moment that people should stay away, nor that they shouldn't drum up support, just remember this is a critical mass, not an "anarchist's attempt to disrupt the olympics".

by the way, i have nothing against real anarchists, in fact some of them are among my best friends.

committed cyclist


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Bah humbug

20.07.2012 21:01


Dan Factor


20.07.2012 21:22

What "joy" exactly, are we supposed to derive from being banned from our own streets and parks, to facilitate a pantomime that puts us all at increased risk of terrorist attack, and which cost us hundreds of billions of pounds, all taken from our taxes without our permission, while NHS Trusts are being declared bankrupt and Accident & Emergency departments are being closed down all over London?



20.07.2012 21:26

There's a risk of pre-emptive arrests and kettling here, so dress as inconspicuously as possible (not "protestor chic" / Anarcho uniforms please, don't make the cops work easy for them) and keep the meet-up fairly dispersed so folk aren't all in a tight knot that can be easily kettled


Try kettling thousands of cyclists

20.07.2012 22:05

Critical Mass London, 27 July, 2012

This month's Critical Mass will be on the same night as the olympic opening ceromony, so its going to be a good one.

This month's Critical Mass will be on the same night as the olympic opening ceromony, so its going to be a good one.

Share this news with all your mates, and tell them to be at usual meeting point for 6pm for the 7pm set off, at Southbank near Waterloo bridge.

UK call out!

Lets make some noise!

Whose VIP lanes?

s coe


21.07.2012 00:35

Fucking ridiculous attempt to disrupt the CM. What fucking anus is responsible for this then? It isn't the murderer PC Simon Harwood is it?

PC fuckwit of the yard..ies.

no protest

21.07.2012 06:37

Critical Mass is not a protest.

Anarchists would be ignored, but there won't be any.

There is some sort of outside (system) pressure to force a protest. It will not occur.

As far as I'm aware this will be a Pro-Olympics Critical Mass. We will be dressing up in Olympic fashion and celebrating the Olympics.

Some other folks have suggested cycling in south london and avoiding any possible conflict.


Back in June 1999 anarchists made a tremendous impact

21.07.2012 09:25

Back in June 1999 thousands of anarchists made a tremendous impact. Don't you remember the carnival against capitalism? See it again here:
Anarchists can sometimes pull of amazingly huge actions.


critical mass is NOT an anti olympics protest.

21.07.2012 09:39

this is definitely a troll posting. mods please remove. the critical mass will go ahead as normal on the last friday of every month. the fact that it is on the same day as the start of the olympics is purely coincidental. critical mass is not an anti-olympics anarchist protest!

this post definitely looks like somebody trying to bait up the critical mass by the state.

i personally hope we wont go anywhere near the thousands of murdering troops and cops that will be on the streets.


Critical mass is what you want it to be

21.07.2012 09:44

To some CM is a protest against the polluting car culture-reclaiming the streets for clean transport. To others a safe and fun way to cycle round central London. This Friday-opening day of the "games" - for everyone I know it's a big fuck off to the corporate olympic farce. Vip lanes for the bosses of companies that murder people and destroy our planet? Fuck that. Fuck them and their "games".



21.07.2012 09:49

'anarchists' can sod off and ruin someone else's party.

I live near one of the temporary jails which has been built and I don't want to go any closer to it just because a bunch of half-wits want to wipe their fat arses over a legal, anarchic event without your chosen motivations


This is a great opportunity

21.07.2012 10:08

to show some much needed dissent in this servile dull country. We need to show the world that there are some real people living here and who do not want these Olympics. Enough is enough-this Friday is a great chance to get loads of people together and tell everyone involved in this monumental waste of time and money to fuck off.
All we'll be doing is cycling and if anyone tries to stop us they will look like the thugs they are.
Read the comments in the trash papers-even they are mostly aginst the games.



21.07.2012 12:00

This is no troll post. This event is being networked by a large number of regular critical mass people and will be BIG and anti-olympics.

All you liberal cyclists taking ownership over CM can jog on.


Don't forget the day after

21.07.2012 12:22

and the anti-olympics news letter from ALARM (All London Anarchist Revolutionary Movement)


troll alert troll alert

22.07.2012 19:08

Everytime someone posts a protest here or anywhere you get someone( a troll?) going on about a troll post and it's a trap and an excuse for the cops to kettle blah blah.
Fuck off-any protest against the shit we face is good and if more people turned up we can kettle the cops. Ignore anything with the word troll in it and get everyone you know to the streets-starting this Friday at 6pm by Waterloo Bridge. The Olympics are so wrong it is your duty to express your disgust-and not just on the internet. To the streets!

not a troll

daily mail

22.07.2012 21:14

can we get a thumbs up/down button like the dailymail comments?, it would be a laugh.

bosdlfd ldcvsdko


24.07.2012 15:05

It's very strange - all this so called 'anarchist' chat! It's really quite obviously nonsense. Protesting is banned during the Olympics. The police have asked us if this is a protest. Legally it is not. We're good to go. So what is this feeble chat on an open forum? It's feeble.

Because it's clearly someone who don't know crap about anarcho-libertarianism. This is an 'anarchic' event. In other words the idea that a self-selecting exterior group of thugs wishes to 'fan out' into the mass in order to cause's deeply disrespectful.

If you're going to turn up to CM, have respect for the house rules! The decision making process occurs on site, at the time.
