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Anti-Olympic Friday 27th July protest 6pm South Bank under Waterloo Bridge

Fuck the 2012 Olympics | 20.07.2012 18:30

We a group of anarchists are organising a mass anti-Olympic games protest. Meet at 6pm on the South Bank under Waterloo Bridge, at 6pm on Friday the 27th of July we will then set off at 7pm to blockade roads and cause chaos around the West End.

Please spread the word of this far and wide. Lets make it really huge! Use Twitter and Facebook to spread word about this action.

Fuck the 2012 Olympics


troll alert

20.07.2012 23:50

this posting looks very much like a police trolling op.

the critical mass bike ride is an established procession, exempt from public order laws, as ruled in the high court.

by posting an "anarchist anti-olympic protest" starting from the same point as the usual critical mass, the poster is effectively giving the police an excuse to intervene. they can claim they have "intelligence" that anarchists are planning to disrupt the olympics, blah blah blah.

wonder who'd gain most from this post then?

as one of the comments observed, be canny this month if you're attending the mass. don't let yourself get kettled. there's thousands of police and even troops with not much to do. a kettle isn't out of the question. even mass arrests are possible - for once they do have the manpower.

i'm not suggesting for one moment that people should stay away, nor that they shouldn't drum up support, just remember this is a critical mass, not an "anarchist's attempt to disrupt the olympics".

by the way, i have nothing against real anarchists, in fact some of them are among my best friends.

committed cyclist


Display the following 17 comments

  1. Bah humbug — Dan Factor
  2. Killjoys? — Joy
  3. Precautions — Stax
  4. Try kettling thousands of cyclists — s coe
  5. Agree — PC fuckwit of the yard..ies.
  6. no protest — Carlos
  7. Back in June 1999 anarchists made a tremendous impact — Anarchist
  8. critical mass is NOT an anti olympics protest. — @narcho
  9. Critical mass is what you want it to be — me
  10. nope — Carlos
  11. This is a great opportunity — Biker
  12. eye on you — Sniper
  14. Don't forget the day after — Seb
  15. troll alert troll alert — not a troll
  16. daily mail — bosdlfd ldcvsdko
  17. enough — Carlos