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Occupy Your Heart! Reclaim Love - Sat 18th Feb

Reclaim Love | 15.02.2012 00:45 | Occupy Everywhere | Culture | Free Spaces | Oxford

Reclaim Love events will be taking place around the UK and globally on Saturday 18th Feburary 2012.

Occupy Your Heart! Reclaim Love - Sat 18th Feb
Occupy Your Heart! Reclaim Love - Sat 18th Feb

UK Events (for more details see ):

London - 2pm sharp meet up

Location: ErosStatue, Piccadilly Circus

The most Heart warming Free event of the Winter and possibly the year as we link up the Love world wide and celebrate the best thing on Earth. Come. Wrap up brightly and be early as you may get a Free tshirt. All Welcome!!!

Oxford - Time: 1pm - 6pm

Location: the Plain

Reclaim Love Oxford the Second - February sunshine, mellow vibes, peaceful people, Woodstock atmosphere, on a Roundabout!!! Bring friends and family down to the annual Love Vibration raising event at the meeting point of Cowley, Iffley & st Clements roads. All Welcome!

Glastonbury - Time: 2pm-4pm

Location: Glastonbury Tor

This will be the second year we go up the tor to Reclaim Love it will undoubtedly be another magical and inspiring event which everyone brings together and shares along with the astounding view. Looking forward to looking to love with you all again x!/events/269231463137090/

Totnes - Time: 2pm-9pm

Location: The Rotherfold, High Street

After a first successful Reclaim Love in Totnes last year, we intend to co-create again a peaceful and joyful celebration. At 3.30 pm there will be a circle joining hands, hearts and voices saying: MAY ALL THE BEINGS IN ALL THE WORLDS BE HAPPY AND AT PEACE (all Reclaim Love circles in the world synchronizing as a big universal family) Bring acoustic instruments to jam, banners with sayings that inspire universal love, crystals, smiles, chalk, colorful and original outfits, face painting, free hugs, whatever your open heart wants to share! Be part of it, let´s make it big and beautiful! We are allowed to be the beautiful being you are!!!!! Spread the word!!! Peace and Love x!/events/180228938751425/

Carmarthen - Time: 2pm - 4pm

Location: Notts Square

Reclaim Love Carmarthen

Manchester - Time: 1.30pm

Location: manchester picadilly gardens

Bring what you expect to find! Friends, music, love, laughter, glitter, sparkles, fairy wings, bubbles, chalk, face-paints, food and drink to share, children... and much much more.... Circle at 3pm to invoke: "May all the beings in all the worlds be happy and at peace"

Reclaim Love
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a busy day

15.02.2012 02:44

hmm, what would be the more loving act - to join no borders in solidarity with asylum-seekers and other migrants at their carnival, to join in the noise demonstration in solidarity with prisoners at hmp wandsworth, or to join reclaim love at the above detailed event?

clue - not the third option. a load of self-indulgent tosh. either of the first two would be a more active form of love, with an actual point to it. love is a verb after all.


Generating the environment.

15.02.2012 07:41

Some people can take more hating down than others, before they need loving up again.

I imagine that lots of campaigning at the front of oppression and cruelty could leave a person wondering if more than a handfull of the population are the same kind of human as people whom give a care.

Hopefully this love festival will provide opportunities for campaigners to get together and enlighten each other, without the risk of intimidation, arrest, badlisting, and demonstrations of soul crushing depression.

Enjoy, enlighten, enthuse, encourage.

geographically challenged.

Automatic Lover

15.02.2012 16:53

The Vibrators

@ geographically challenged

16.02.2012 23:41

so we should go to reclaim love because it will make us feel better, rather than try to change the way things are?

spending time with people who actively try to change things is something i find really uplifting. i've been to reclaim love events before and found them soul-crushingly depressing. lots of people talking about love but not actually doing any real loving.

as for:
"I imagine that lots of campaigning at the front of oppression and cruelty could leave a person wondering if more than a handfull of the population are the same kind of human as people whom give a care.
Hopefully this love festival will provide opportunities for campaigners to get together and enlighten each other, without the risk of intimidation, arrest, badlisting, and demonstrations of soul crushing depression."

since when was a prisoner solidarity noise demo a "demonstration of soul crushing depression"? sounds like you never took part in one, mate. they are actually a lot of fun, really positive and life-enhancing. lots of people show their love by singing, shouting, making noise, making music, waving and smiling at the people looking out their prison windows (who generally shout and sing and smile and wave lots back - they are happy to see and hear us!).

you need to get out more, and to remember that love is a verb. you don't do love by talking about it, you do it by action.

and i don't want to feel better about the shit in this world, i want to change the shit. fuck your fake positivity, keep it real people.


love and rage

16.02.2012 23:43

love without rage is just sentimentality.

if you're not angry you aren't paying attention.

i agree with lover, 100%

let's make some noise! let's dance at the prison gates with love and rage! sod the useless hippies!
