What lies beneath the Ark Academy in Brent?
Caz | 30.10.2011 17:21 | Education | Public sector cuts | Technology | World
Although the links to the Brent Council website have long broken, links to these images is at the bottom of this document, so can still be accessed.
Concrete ridges (possibly plinths), described as ‘Car Parking Area’
Google earth image with yellow markers
‘Tree Planning Survey’ submitted to Brent Council when the Ark Academy plans wer
To: hayden.taylor@brent.gov.uk
Subject: Planning Application
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 16:33:01 +0000
> Thanks for that info on the phone Hayden.
> The following, as far as I am aware, has not been made available to the
> public. If you could find out
> where these documents are available I would be most pleased.
> I have sent the Googe Earth image as an attachment, as I don't think the
> image will appear on the email.
> I will get back to you tomorrow.
> 1) As far as I am aware, planning permission for the following has not been
> made available on the Brent Council website.
> a) Reinforced concrete slab, and works on western side of property, marked
> with yellow markers on google earth map:
> b) Cement ridges and ‘site tank’ shown on page 22 of this document
> described as ‘car parking area’ and ‘site storage tank’:
> http://www.brent.gov.uk/servlet/ep.e...8063&other2=15
> 2) Planning Application Design and Access Statement, p.16, cites planning
> application drawings as follows:
> http://www.brent.gov.uk/servlet/ep.e...8063&other2=17
> 1193-PL020 Sections AA, BB & CC,
> 1193-PL021 Section DD,
> 1193-PL022 Section EE.
> 3) ‘Statement of Community Involvement in the process of establishing Ark
> Academy’,
> http://www.brent.gov.uk/servlet/ep.e...8063&other2=21
> as follows:
> a) Document 2: ‘Consultation on temporary buildings/feasibility study for
> permanent buildings through newsletter and public meetings’, is not
> provided.
> b) Document 5: Meeting with Youth Parliament 16 September 2008 is not
> provided.
> If these documents are available and I have overlooked them, could you
> please let me know where I can access them.
Subject: Re: Planning Application
> From: Hayden.Taylor@brent.gov.uk
> Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 12:06:28 +0000
> Further to our converasation this morning, I wish to confirm the following:
> Document 2 of the Statement of Community Involvement appears to have
> been ommitted in error. I will contact the applicant to chase this up;
> I believe that the email from Bruce Sounes dated 30 September 2008 is
> the document refered to as 'document 5', although it does not appear to
> be labelled as such;
> The various existing structures you have identified on the application
> site appear to relate to previous uses of the site, such as a go-cart
> racing track. The planning history of the site does not indicate that
> these structures were granted planning permission. Similarly, the uses
> themselves do not appear to have benefited from planning permission;
> Sectional drawings of the proposal have been provided on drawing PL028.
> It seems to me that this drawing must have superceded drawings PL020,
> 021, and 022 prior to submission.
> I hope this is of some help,
> Hayden Taylor
> Planner
> ( Office: +44 (0) 20 8937 5345
> Ê Fax: +44 (0) 20 8937 5207
> : Email: mailto: hayden.taylor@brent.gov.uk_
> *Address: The Planning Service, 4th Floor, Brent House, 349 High Road,
> Wembley, HA9 6BZ
> To
> 18/12/2008 14:20 cc
> Subject: Planning |Application
> Dear Hayden,
> Thanks for the reply. Thank you for chasing up the missing Document 2 of
> the Statement of Community Involvement. The existing structures I identified on
> the site do not 'relate to previous uses of the site, such as a go-cart
> racing track.'
> They specifically refered to (with photographs), reinforced concrete in the
> lower south-east corner of the site, unknown works on the western part of the
> site, and the 'site storage tank', and the 'car park'. These have nothing
> to do with a 'go-cart racing track', as they are in a completely different
> location.
> I stated:
> Cement ridges and ‘site tank’ shown on page 22 of this document
> described as ‘car parking area’ and ‘site storage tank’:
> http://www.brent.gov.uk/servlet/ep.e...8063&other2=15
> The two other locations I referred to I have sent, again, as an attachment,
> the two locations marked with yellow markers.
> Can you please state whether you have acces to planning permission for
> these locations, or if you do not. If you do have planning permission for
> these sites please let me know how to access them. If this is not possible,
> please confirm that there is no available planning permission for these
> works.
> Subject: Re: Planning |Application
> From: Hayden.Taylor@brent.gov.uk
> Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 15:23:34 +0000
> It seemed to me that you were referring to existing structures on the site,
> which would be likely to relate to previous uses of the site, of which
> there have been many. If your enquiries relate to current works on the
> site, please let me know. It is a little unclear exactly what you are
> trying to find out, perhaps you could help me to put your enquiries into
> context.
> As previously stated, there does not appear to have been any planning
> applications that specifically relate to the structures you have
> identified. I have attached a copy of the site history for your perusal.
> Regards,
> Hayden Taylor
> Planner
> ( Office: +44 (0) 20 8937 5345
> Ê Fax: +44 (0) 20 8937 5207
> : Email: mailto: hayden.taylor@brent.gov.uk_
> *Address: The Planning Service, 4th Floor, Brent House, 349 High Road,
> Wembley, HA9 6BZ
Ark Academy site planning history which Hayden Taylor of Brent Council Planning Department provided:
Images referred to in the above:
Concrete ridges (possibly plinths), described as ‘Car Parking Area’:
Site Storage Tank:
Google earth image with yellow markers:
‘Tree Planning Survey’ submitted to Brent Council when the Ark Academy plans were submitted (incorporating the pre-existing concrete structure):
Close-up of this ‘Tree-Planning Survey’:
Glenda Jackson’s (Brent MP) response earlier this year (2011) to the information that the Ark Academy in Brent is built on top of underground cells was (quote):
‘So what?’
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file under nutter-alert! Mods, please delete!
30.10.2011 18:30
In any case, in yr posting which seems to be nought more than you copying various emails of private correspondence between you and some official in Brent Council (and which is just tiresome to bother reading), you provide no actual information about so-called underground cells in any case.
Caz, what planet are you on exactly?
I do suggest that you actually read it.
30.10.2011 20:19
I do suggest that you actually read it.
The response of Lucy Heller (managing director of Ark Scools UK), Andrzej Kuszell & Bruce Sounes (studioearchitects) and Robert Wharton, amongst others, has been quite different.
Maybe you could read what Schillings has to say about this, and also bear in mind the conneciton between Dutroux and ARK.
Video (you might have to bother to read what is in the text box and check all links)
Schillings letters:
Schillings solicitors letter dated 4th March 2008:
Schillings solicitors letter dated 16th December 2008:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/32363022/S...h-December-200 8
Quite clearly, Schillings have threatened to take all of this to court as being 'defamatory'.
If you check the dates (bother to read it) you will see that was March 2008, about 3 1/2 years ago...........still waiting.........
Schillings lengthy 16 page letter refuted here:
nothing you are saying, however interesting, stands up to any level of scrutiny
31.10.2011 14:11
> er, the website they refer to as being 'defamatory' is now no longer available. Perhaps that's why they took no action after March 2008, because you did actually remove the content upon their legal threat (good god!)
Re: the so-called underground bunkers, ok, I now see the evidence you provide is the b/w photo of terrible quality. However, as I said and as you quote Glenda Jackson as having said to you, so what?
In yr comment, you refer to the response of Lucy Heller (managing director of Ark Scools UK), Andrzej Kuszell & Bruce Sounes (studioearchitects) and Robert Wharton, amongst others, has been quite different. Yet, you don't supply it!
The stuff on 'Children: Our Ultimate Investment' and links to Psychosynthesis is interesting however and may have something in it, but you do yourself no favours suggesting Laura Archera Huxley was a paedophile; the link you provide to the Washington Post article about her is not some major expose of this information, but merely her obituary [Ref: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/14/AR2007121401997.html/ ]. The quote attributed to her - "Children are our ultimate investment and also very much the ultimate investment of the tobacco companies, the ultimate investment of the liquor companies and, for sure, of the gun companies" - doesn't in itself reveal anything. Again, so what? By referring to it to make an altogether larger assertion, because it is a piece of evidence which has no basis in reality, I'm afraid it just looks like nonsense (perhaps because it is).
The stuff that links Dutroux with the Adminstrative Director of the European Institute of Management is not provided - just you highlighting a sentence that refers to the Adminstrative Director of the European Institute of Management (Dutroux's name is not mentioned in the same paragraph) on a utube recording of a powerpoint presentation, and which is barely readable.
Ref: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tg8-Pj_2AZo
You are piecing together of a collection of barely credible pieces of evidence which altogether makes you look nothing more than ludicrous. The likes of this approach discredits oppositional politics. It is frankly an embarassment.
It the interests of free-speech, perhaps the mod will not delete this comment?
Firstly, I have never removed anything,
31.10.2011 22:38
In yr comment, you refer to the response of Lucy Heller (managing director of Ark Scools UK), Andrzej Kuszell & Bruce Sounes (studioearchitects) and Robert Wharton, amongst others, has been quite different. Yet, you don't supply it!
That is because this was at a face-to-face meeting; unfortunately this was not recorded.
I did state to Andrzej Kuszell: 'I don't suppose this is about human re-engineering, where you can change someone's perception of the world on account of the physical environment you place them in'. To which he replied 'I'd rather not go into the detail of that'.
They were provided with the following (apart from my verbal statements) at that meeting.
Nitin Parshotan was also present. Amongst quite a few others.
Any content removed (by others) has long since been replaced
31.10.2011 23:36
The following, for those with an interest in this story, are the threads which relate to the legal threats issued by Schillings, and the threads which have actually been re-posted:
1) legal threats:
United Hosting’s diabolical customer service – forum outage
Other legal threats:
2) Threads which were removed and (long since) re-posted:
Rockefeller and Bilderberg in Academy Schools:
BBC Teens Page:
Trading in Children:
ARK and EIM – You Tube removed after legal threat
TeachFirst Programme Supported by Sachs, Morgan, etc:
Ark Schools
Arpad Busson; Chairman of Ark ‘Charity’:
Ed Balls: Police permanently in schools:
Ark’s Deceit:
Ark Master Funding Agreement:
Children Re-engineered in schools:
BBC Teens Page / ARK:
Ed Balls: Police permanently in schools:
Common Purpose Thread:
Education Sell-off and the sub-prime mortgage scandal:
Ark’s unsavoury Associations:
Ark Schools Meddle with the human soul:
02.11.2011 17:35
Psychosynthesis definitely
02.11.2011 22:41
(but that's just in the classroom or the therapy room)
Also the crediblity of all of this is much undermined
03.11.2011 12:05
You're certainly right about that
03.11.2011 14:02
Here: http://www.911forum.org.uk/board/viewtopic.php?t=16397
and here: http://www.911forum.org.uk/board/viewtopic.php?t=13854
Also, it is still a place were the Schillings letters can be accessed (unlike the Wikileaks website, where the links have been broken, by Wikileaks themselves). So it is to the credit of those behind that website (911forum) that at least the info remains accessible, and one of the very few places on the internet where it can be.
The Schillings letters can only be accessed by direct links, and were moved to the Cazzac111 scribd account quite some time ago.
To prevent anyone from having to go via the 911forum, they are here, as direct links:
Schillings solicitors letter dated 4th March 2008:
Schillings solicitors letter dated 16th December 2008:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/32363022/S...h-December-200 8
Response to Schillings legal threat re Arpad Busson, EIM Group and ARK Schools to 911forum.org.uk hoster, 16th December 2008.
http://www.scribd.com/doc/32199486/S...o-second-lette r-of-16th-December-2008
It is indeed the case that the information on 911forum needs to be moved to a place with a much more palatable title, for those who can't see past it.
Wembley stadium to contain rioters?
05.11.2011 10:16
Since there is a police station next door to this concrete slab, that is not unheard of. There are underground cells beneath the Paddington Green Police Station, said to be the most high security police station in Britain.
However, once it was known that the Ark Academy was to be built on top of this structure, alarm bells started going off. (Particularly on account of the connection between Ark and Dutroux, Dutroux about children being held in underground cells.)
It was said to Andrzej Kuszell; ‘No-one will ever be able to find the planning permission for the concrete slab by Bridge Road’. He had no response to that statement.
And that has indeed proven to be the case – the planning permission has never been found.
A most curious statement in parliament quite recently was:
Veteran Conservative MP Sir Peter Tapsell - the Father of the House - asks if Wembley Stadium will be made available to round-up those caught rioting. Mr Cameron says he would prefer the venue to be used for sporting events.
So, it is now mentioned that Wembley Stadium could be used to contain rioters.
A curious image here, and no co-incidence:
The symbol at the top of the picture comes straight from the Planning Design and Access Statement, (submitted to Brent Council) page 3:
which states: ‘The site is directly in line with Olympic Way, the north-south axial approach to the stadium’. So this is no co-incidence.
It is irrefutable.......
13.11.2011 12:34
When ARK acquired the site which has now become the Ark Academy in Brent, ARK had to actually acquire two sites. The leasehold of what was then called the Wembley Sports Ground, did not include the concrete slab, and it was not known who either held a leasehold for this location, or owned it, although it was rumoured to be Transport for London. This section was boarded off from the Wembley Sports Ground and considered a separate property. And that was very clearly stated by the then leaseholders of the Wembley Sports Ground – the concrete slab was not a part of the lease.
Those who live in the area do remember building works going on where the concrete slab is located, this would have been a few years prior to talk about an academy school being built there. (Possibly about ten years ago). The boarding around that construction at the time was impenetrable.
Cunningly, ARK acquired both the concrete slab as well as the Wembley Sports Ground and very promptly built a school which spans both locations, and furthermore, included in the ‘Tree Planning Survey’ obvious usage of the concrete slab. Also, it was never said by ARK that the Wembley Sports Ground was not sufficiently large an area of land that they needed to also acquire an adjacent property.
And it is irrefutable that that is what has happened.
Boris Johnson, at the Ark fundraiser he attended, stated, 'Ark should do more of it and faster'.
Laura Archera Huxley
14.11.2011 12:04
With respect to ‘Bullshit Detectors’ comments above:
The stuff on 'Children: Our Ultimate Investment' and links to Psychosynthesis is interesting however and may have something in it, but you do yourself no favours suggesting Laura Archera Huxley was a paedophile; the link you provide to the Washington Post article about her is not some major expose of this information, but merely her obituary [Ref: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/14/AR2007121401997.html/ ].
I do not recall that I have ever said, or suggested, that Laura Huxley was a paedophile. If I have I would like to see the link to it, and correct this. Quite frankly I doubt she was. (She was certainly promoting social engineering of a very strange sort, though.) What I have most certainly done is quote her comments in ‘The Foothill Leader’ article, which you fail to mention:
“Huxley said bonding between young and old is accomplished through caressing and would like to see more men become involved in the nurturing process.
“It’s very good for men to do this because they also need the feeling of being caressed,” she said. “Kids need to see men as much as women. It’s never too late to start…………It’s makes them feel happy and there’s nothing more beneficial than a little tiny hand coming over, touching and reaching out,” she said. “
Considering what happened in Australia with respect to the child-care chain ‘ABC Learning’, who had 40% of the child-care market, which went out of business under rather odd circumstances (short-selling on the stock-market is mentioned here:
where these children ended up I found rather interesting.
The last I read the children were in the hands of a consortium of charities one of which was implementing the ‘Big Brother, Big Sister’ programme.
When discussions were under way in the UK with respect to what ‘programme’ children were going to subjected to, there was debate as to whether it was going to be the ‘Teens and Toddlers Sustainability Replication Programme’ (step one of the 6 step ‘Children Our Ultimate Investment’, which concludes with ‘Project Caressing’) or ‘Big Brother, Big Sister’.
how to build and maintain personal and family relationships, and an effective mentoring scheme, perhaps like the successful big brother, big sister scheme in the USA. Other possibilities include the roots of empathy scheme, under which a class adopts a baby to develop empathetic behaviour, and the teens and toddlers scheme, which is favoured by the Cabinet Office. Finally, health services, the police and children’s services could share data so that we can catch people at the earliest possible stage.
So I take it that the ‘Big Brother, Big Sister’ programme in some way equates to ‘Teens and Toddlers Sustainability Replication Programme’. (Which is the one the UK government went with).
It seemed to me that the situation of the child-care market in Australia, with ABC Learning having such a huge chunk of the market and then going bankrupt under odd circumstances, looked suspiciously like bulk trafficking of children into very odd social engineering programmes. (Not such an odd concept when you consider that UK academy schools are being sold to GEMS (Global Education Management Systems) in Dubai. It is also possible that the eugenics ‘Opening Minds’ curriculum (courtesy of the RSA) is being introduced to 100 million children in the third world via GEMS, Blair’s Faith Foundation, Clinton’s Global Initiative as well as the charity ‘Dubai Cares’.
If the images on The Dream Mill website (research and consultancy, who process the data coming out of the ‘Teens and Toddlers Sustainability Replication Programme’) are anything to go by, the training of young children to be tactile with men, and the ‘Project Caressing’ programme, are having some success.
Promoting social engineering along the lines of ‘Children Our Ultimate Investment’ on such a massive scale, strikes me as far more sinister indeed than a mere paedophile, who can really only do so much damage, (although the Dutroux scandal itself was something far darker and more sinister, the victim/witnesses having multiple personalities). It is worth noting that Mengele’s lab notes from WW2 remain classified.
As I said to someone in the UK recently, when was the last time you heard children playing in the streets?
The streets are silent.
How did this happen?
(Perhaps they’re under the table with an elderly man).
Check this photograph, which comes from The Dream Mill website. I still do not understand what the photographer was doing under the table.
The 'terrible quality' video
26.11.2011 17:22
Considering that the 'terrible quality' video is actually that, a video which is difficult to watch, another video has been made which should make it easier to grasp what this is about:
Video here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/70380803@N03/6406047219/in/photostream
Information about EIM Group (European Institute of Management) here:
The Dutroux scandal, of course, remains unresolved:
Click to enlarge, or download to read:
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