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Indy mods please hide these posts

Bored of this shit | 25.10.2011 12:03

There is some sort of weird schizophrenic, war going on between a couple of nutters at the moment who are both using the name 'not eyed jaguar'. It's attracted a few other loonies and trolls as well so could both of these posts and all the comments be hidden.

I would suggest that a eye is kept on knot eyed jaguar (no pun intended)

Keep up the good work


Bored of this shit


Display the following 36 comments

  1. Fail — Knot-Eyed Jaguar (the real one)
  2. identification — anon
  3. FAIL — Pete L
  4. Fail ? — anon
  5. FAIL — allison
  6. Good God — Bored of this shit
  7. Indy troll is now dying. — Anonymous.
  8. out of interest. — allison.
  9. You what ? — Bored of this shit
  10. Double FAIL — Knot-Eyed Jaguar (the real one)
  11. You are the troll and I claim my five pounds — allison.
  12. User accounts. — anon.
  13. FAIL — Pete L
  14. Go for it allison. — Waiting
  15. Come on fess up. — alison.
  16. yuck! — allison.
  17. . — Pete L
  18. Well this is a car crash — Michel
  19. I say post the details as well — Pete L
  20. Identity trashing. — anon.
  21. FAIL — allison
  22. Identity thrashing — Knot-Eyed Jaguar
  23. Posts containing personal details — IMC ister
  24. FAIL — Pete L
  25. FAIL — Pete L
  26. Why are you not hiding this ? — Bored of this shit
  27. FAIL — allison.
  28. You do not have to read it. — IMc ister
  29. Hide the trolls — Bored of this shit
  30. Thank you — Knot-Eyed Jaguar
  31. FAIL — Me
  32. FAIL — Me.
  33. 'IMC ister' is a Troll — Knot-Eyed Jaguar (the real one)
  34. troll — Amazed beyond words this is still here
  35. FAIL — Pete L
  36. I think u need help — a human