Video of EDL getting spanked in Mile End
Alex R | 04.09.2011 11:14 | Anti-racism | Culture
Brilliant video of the EDL getting spanked in Mile End -
Have a word with the coach company as well -
First photo shows an EDL supporter giving the Adolf Hitler salute in the City of London
Sequence of 3 photos shows an EDL supporter at Kings Cross, with "Slayer" tattooed on his bald head and "88", meaning "HH" or "Heil Hitler" tattooed on his neck (not the clearest photos but still helps to show what we're dealing with here)
Thanks to everyone who supported the counter-protest. The EDL will talk shit about this as ever but the fact is their numbers were well down (less than 1,000 supporters) and most importantly they never marched in Tower Hamlets. No Pasaran!!!!!!!!!!

Have a word with the coach company as well -

First photo shows an EDL supporter giving the Adolf Hitler salute in the City of London
Sequence of 3 photos shows an EDL supporter at Kings Cross, with "Slayer" tattooed on his bald head and "88", meaning "HH" or "Heil Hitler" tattooed on his neck (not the clearest photos but still helps to show what we're dealing with here)
Thanks to everyone who supported the counter-protest. The EDL will talk shit about this as ever but the fact is their numbers were well down (less than 1,000 supporters) and most importantly they never marched in Tower Hamlets. No Pasaran!!!!!!!!!!
Alex R
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"Slayer" guy
04.09.2011 11:29
You leftists will be the first against the wall under an Islamic regime!
04.09.2011 12:12
Resist Islamic extremism
Resist - yes of course...
04.09.2011 14:20
You only need to look at Iran to see what happened to anarchist and socialist revolutionaries in an Islamic dictatorship.
Howvever, as rational people with some common sense we realise that there is no chance that the UK is about to become an Islamic theocratic dictatorship! FFS, even in Egypt where Muslims make up the vast majority of the population they are not calling for a theocratic dictatorship - but rather they are calling for greater public governance, more freedoms from the state, and women's rights (see also the recent women's protest in Libya). Given that is the case in much of the Middle East, and given most UK Muslims think Anjem Choudary is a complete moron (or state stooge) it's hardly likely that we are about to become an Islamist state is it, you fucking idiot!!!
Meanwhile, in case you didn't notice, the government is cutting public services on a massive scale, destroying income and prospects in our communities. The far right muppets in the EDL do the rich and powerful a favour by forgetting about the cuts, and the economic bankruptcy of capitalism, and instead they push a bigotted agenda of divide and rule. Remember what happened last time a religious group was singled out for bigotted hatred and persecution in Europe. It started with name calling. Look where it ended up.
Now fuck off back to your sewer!!!
Giuseppe Pinelli
Would be even more brilliant...
04.09.2011 15:03
C No Borders
Yep these are the hard core of EDL
04.09.2011 15:19
However: these are the hard core of EDL, they are still dangerous, not in the sense of winning the heart of the masses, in which luckily they have failed, but they are dangerous in carrying out racist attacks, PLEASE SEND MORE PHOTOS IF YOU HAVE, we need to remember what they look like.
Islamic regime
04.09.2011 15:33
more intimidation of photographers
04.09.2011 21:29
That is not on at all. Freedom to take pictures is being infringed on by the state and then we have people like you joining this intimidation as well.
Photographers and reporters should have the freedom to take pictures and express themselves without fascists like you threatening them with physical assault. If you told me to stick my camera, i'd smash your face in in self defence.
Watched the video.......
04.09.2011 21:32
WTF? Can't believe this shit happens. What is fucking wrong with the country
04.09.2011 21:38
Another demonstration of what is wrong with this country
Bloody foreigners running around committing crime, looting and rioters and now smashing up buses with no regard for the passenger's safety
Fuck em. Glad we are bombing their fucking countries. May it long continue.
Attacking the bus
05.09.2011 00:37
Ken Kesey
to phototog
05.09.2011 01:56
05.09.2011 08:29
freedom to take pictures
05.09.2011 16:53
Without photos and videos from members of the public, the truth about Ian Tomlinson's death would most likely have been swept under the carpet and never known. It was only through people taking pictures that this was not the case.
"Many activists are heartily sick of irresponsible photographers snapping away on demos and actions."
No matter - the rights of the members of public do freely do things in public spaces without fear of violence are absolute.
"Every photo taken by these voyeurs has the potential to get people nicked. If I ask you to stop taking photos of me and you call me a fascist you'll be needing a new camera."
But this does make you a fascist. You are using violence to get your own way. If you attacked me for my camera, then I'd leave you kissing the pavement and be perfectly in my moral and legal right to do so. It also goes against everything that the left persues in terms of freedom from violence control. What you going to next? Attack people for their skin colour, or their sexuality? Scum bullies like you should be stood up to at all costs.
phototog (ex-amateur boxer)
05.09.2011 19:26
John Baker (and my lens is bigger than yours tourist)
Amateur boxer, professional tosser
05.09.2011 19:50
we are exempt because we are special
05.09.2011 20:28
Why would i want to post my name up? What possible incentive would i have for that? So some toerag can come around and stratch my car or post poo through my letterbox at 3am? Are you insane? I think you are the real idiot here and clearly have no common sense. Any idiot who puts their real name on a forum or similar like this when they have clearly been OPENINGLY THREATENED would be an idiot. You are an idiot for thinking that anyone would be idiot enough to do it and that it is a good idea. Just what the hell is going on in your head if you actually think that is smart reasoning? I'm surprised you actually manage to get through a day without harming yourself somehow?
If you bothered to read the thread and not just scan read it, I said I objected to someone trying to stick my camera up my .... or smashing my camera. If they ASKED me to stop taking pictures, do you know what: I probably would. But if they threaten or use violence, then I will definitely not even if just to wind the fuckers up and piss them off. Because people who use violence and bullying should never, ever be given into (especially if you can lay them out cold). Civil behaviour is a different matter.
Heres the crux of the argument.......................................
What if an antifascist killed someone? That could be a vital loss of evidence in the same way that Ian Tomlinson's killer was identified. Basically, you are asking for a legal ban of photography of antifascists whereby no one is allowed to photograph them. Utter bollox + it is discrimination against everyone else if you can photograph the police etc but not antifascists. It would never pass as law. And if it aint law, then no one needs to comply and there is nothing you can do about it.
>>>>> So if you take my photograph and I object, I'm a fascist?! Have you had too many punches to the head, you idiot?
At no point have you said that you would "object". You have said:
a) Threatening to stick my camera up my .,.... is not "objecting"
b) Telling me you'd smash my camera ..... is not "objecting"
You may be able to bully and intimidate some people but i know your kind. As soon as someone bigger than you stands up and calls you out, your kind always back down.
The police no doubt try that threatening behaviour all the time, yet some brave souls stand firm and thats how we get photos and videos of some of the bad things that they do. Why not the same for antifascists or fascists or any other group in existance? That is how real journalism works. Transparency is key and that must not be broken by a select powerful few no matter who they are else it will just breed and attract corrupt. Imagine if anti-fascists were except from photographs.............. suddenly every nutjob / fascist and loony would become an anti-fascist.
Attn Phototog
05.09.2011 20:34
Lizzie Borden
Photographer Loses Plot!
05.09.2011 20:53
more dictators
05.09.2011 20:57
????? what planet are you on? I'm not comparing myself to an oppressed minority - where the hell have i said that?! I said i don't like people threatening me, and told them that if they do i'll take it one step further than they have. If someone grabs my camera and trys to stick it up my arse, then I will stop them........ you think this is wrong? Are you mad?
Basically, your "EDL" labeling is the equivilent of saying "SHES A WITCH!!!!!!!!" ....... pretty childish - you see kids in playgrounds doing that name calling.
>>>>>> Apart from the fact that you, like them, talk shite, your posts are littered with threats of violence, you are very clearly a macho wanker
I was the one threatened with violence. If you BOTHERED to actually read the comments.
Are you suggesting that people should cave in when they are threatened?
>>>>>> Also, like the EDL, you are quite prepared to abuse the freedom of others while railing about your own freedom, which you seem to think means you can just do whatever you want.
Errr.......... actually, IF YOU BOTHERED TO READ THE COMMENTS...... I was told what i can and can't do, and i was also threatened if I didn't do what i was told to do. AFTER THAT, i told them that i disagree and would do what i wanted because it is legal and moral allowed. No amount of threats would stop me. I'd probably give in if he pointed a loaded gun at my head. Or if there was a gang of them with knives, unfortunately these things can happen.
>>>>> And like the EDL I suspect you're rather an insecure, silly little man, posturing violence about a perceived threat to your way of life, and willing to use whatever specious argument comes into your empty little head first.
You've obviously not read the comments properly. My initial response was to someone threatening photographers going about their lawful business. If you have a problem with that, then you are obvious another one of these minority few who get off telling other people what they can and can't do. (ie. a fascist - a group who want to be in power and dictate to others the rules)
People buy cameras to take pictures. If you start bringing in more rules about what we can take pictures of then the world has no hope. No one will be able to take a picture of anything - bang go all human rights. We might as well all live in a police state if we follow your thinking
You can try - but there is a huge movement of photographers who will stand up against you.
Check it out its already happening.
"Brave soul" or Mouthy coward
05.09.2011 21:13
@anti fasc
05.09.2011 21:34
Try Ivan Fumic. History has taught us, antifascist can become the fascist. Or a communist
You won’t become an antifascist by paying a membership and the antifascist is not a life-time label. The real antifascist has to live antifascism for his whole life.
That means not become a small group of people who have special rules that only apply to themselves.
You don't want to be photographed? Fine - then no one can be photographed.
If you want special treatment that only applies to your group - they you are corrupt and should never be given any power as power is well known to corrupt.
You read the thread phototog!
05.09.2011 21:38
As for his 'arguments', can I just add my name to the long list of posters laughing themselves silly?!
@sam the loser
05.09.2011 21:48
1) I wasn't even speaking to you.
2) Liar.
3) I responded to someone who told a photographer to stick his camera up his.....
4) I said, that if someone threatened me like like i'd smash their face in.
Last time i checked.... 3) is before 4). Go and play in the sandpit and leave thinking to the adults. lol!
Photographers take pictures of things and people.
What are you going to do about it?
Just a 'loony' with a camera
05.09.2011 22:09
05.09.2011 22:32
05.09.2011 22:38
What are you going to do about it?
Throwing sand around
05.09.2011 22:43
@Samantha fox
05.09.2011 22:54
Anyway, what are you going to do about these pesky photographers who take your picture?
Sorry I'm a wanker
05.09.2011 23:00
05.09.2011 23:20
05.09.2011 23:32
NUJ Photographer
its still going to happen
06.09.2011 06:42
Demo culture needs to change
06.09.2011 07:36
06.09.2011 16:51
taking pictures in public
06.09.2011 16:52
Are they? Well i'm sure people are also sick of your irresponsible 'action' too.
If people arnt breaking the law, then they have the lawful right to do what they please
>> Every photo taken by these voyeurs has the potential to get people nicked.
Like the guy who attacked Ian Tomlinson?
If it is a rioter or a looter i would have thought most people would applaud more pictures.
If you aint doing anything illegal, then I doubt anyone would have any complaints.
>> If I ask you to stop taking photos of me and you call me a fascist you'll be needing a new camera.
If i needed a new camera then you'd be arrested, charged and punished
06.09.2011 17:43
sure it wont cause any harm, most people know the risks
Troll time again
06.09.2011 21:11
10.09.2011 12:50
Guy with bad head tattoos
12.09.2011 18:59
Same bloke seen seig-heilling at the fascist 'Thugfest' gig last year (the guy with the red braces).
Thugfest was organised by English Rose & TMF singer Jonesy - a long-term neo-nazi.
SHARP England
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