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More London uprising.....

The Red Fighter | 09.08.2011 13:48 | August Riots

Its only eight months ago, December 2010, since British students rioted in London and other places, against the David Cameron government introducing educational fees etc. As it isn’t enough, that students has to finance there daily life’s, books, transport etc., when students rioted it was due to al this and other cut downs on the educational sector.


This time its other groups of young people that are rioting against unemployment, class society, poverty, racism, police violence and no perspective etc.

But it isn’t only in London youths and others are demonstrating against the capitalist system and its crises, in Athens, Madrid, Berlin, Cairo and other places the people are feeling the murderous grip of class society and its injustice.

Furthermore: many riot because the Cameron government sacks over 700.000 public employees, there will be consequences.

But the present crisis in the capitalist system is worse than 1929, that’s why the reaction are fiercer and harder, people’s life’s are under threat from unemployment and poverty.

But riot and revolution must be coordinated in order to remove the rotten capitalist system, because of this, the good communist saying; “workers in all countries unite” is truer than ever.

The communist and left wing parties, groups etc. most work across borders to throw over the rotten and decaying body of capitalism. And it’s great to se that the “Capitalist Mother”, the USA is tumbling down due to its own imperialist greed...

Down with capitalism, Red Front!

The Red Fighter


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This is not a revolution

09.08.2011 14:41

We need to aviod knee-jerk reactions to events like these, weather right or left. Just because there is unrest on the streets doesn't mean that this is the begining of some insurectionary movement that left wing parties and jump in on and 'coordinate' to their own ends.

Most of the people looting aren't doing it because of their ideological opposition to capitalism - they're doing it because they're poor and have been told all their lives that owning the things they could never afford to buy would make them happy. Most of them aren't workers - they come from areas where unemployment is high and there are no jobs to be had. They're the kind of people who've been ignored for years, not just by sucessive governments but by 'the left' as well.

This is categorically not the same as the movements in Athens, Madrid, Berlin or Cairo - there isn't a political goal behind it and it is not an emancipatory struggle against the state, it is the fury of people who have been forced to endure poverty and who have lost their sense of community and class solidarity. To try and claim this as a victory or building platform for the left or a 'Red Front' is at best misguided and at worst sickeningly oportunistic.

There will be alot of lessons to learn from this (and lets hope we learn them before the Met), and if the anger can be redirected onto the ruling classes/ the Chipping Norton set then perhaps we'd be seeing an uprising. But as it is, we are not, so don't try to twist events to suit your political aims.


Red Back To Front

09.08.2011 15:12

People are not under threat from unemployment and poverty, they are held hostage by the commodity and it's autonomous economy.


Mr Spectre aka MI5?

09.08.2011 15:32

Mr Spectre: aka MI5?

The Red Fighter

Paranoia is a powerful thing

09.08.2011 16:42

Um, actually it's a reference to Marx ("a spectre is haunting Europe..." I'm sure you know the rest) but if hyperbolic paranoia is your thing, then I guess I'm not going to stop you.

Actually, it's quite fitting at a time like this, when people are attacking each other in the streets and demonstrating just how far the state's destruction of working class solidarity has gone, that a response to a critique of your view on the events should be one of suspicion and fear. A sign of the times I suppose... let's just hope for a little more solidarity in future, eh comrade?

p.s. your assumptions about gender are also a little worrying, but like I said, I guess I'm not going to stop you...


You are the Many, they are the Tiny Minority.

09.08.2011 18:31

Revolution is the removal of one unjust, illegal, offending class by another. In this case the offending class is the Aggressive Imperial war makers, and their illegal unjust wars of aggression that has bankrupted the society in the UK.

However, that is not burning houses and apartments and means of production whether they are small or large. In this modern age revolution is the working class taking over ownership and control of the main means of production, and using it for the betterment of the whole society. That new society must be defended and the red fighters are there to guide the workers state to ending exploitation pollution, which all is directed against the labouring classes et al.

You must identify the main contradiction, which then solves the revolutions necessity. People who have been unemployed and oppressed for decades have much to gain from solving their immediate needs for living by taking it from whatever source will end their starvation oppression. That is called liberation.

But the liberation of the entire society can only be fully adressed by ending the war macchine and its manufactury, and transferring the technology to solidarity with the needs of each and every community. The anti-fascist side set the ending of Aggressive war as any nations foreign policy, and future that collective agree as democracy would be the way to settling disputes between nations and classes in society.

The fact the British Ruling classes such as the conservatives have abandoned the class stuggle based on collective agree as democracy and switched to the discredited methods of 1) Might makes Right, 2) Unilateralism, 3) Pre-emptive strikes as foreign policy, and direct economic, political, and cultural discrimination against the working poor majority, shows that they need to be replaced by the workers, and the poor suffering under their exploitation and plunder.
This outbreak is small and while somewhat necessary to solve immediate needs of a forgotten and deliberately unemployed many, it does not suit the nations need for liberation so that all classes can benifit and enjoy the liberation needed to unite the whole country into ending foreign aggression, poverty, unemployment, discrimination against race, gender, and religion.
Workers of the world, unite is more than a political slogan, it is a way of working for a living and changing the world favourably for all peoples. Marx explains capitalist exploitation as a war against the workers, now open and now closed, and that socialism is the next progress of societies. That means the workers take out the exploiters and put them to work ( growing carrots), and the workers become the owners and controllers of the ' main means of production'.

Viva socialist liberation. End pollution wars, not endless wars for more pollution. The world depends of us to save the ecological organic balances of life. That is the duty--- not punishment and prisons, which alienate the majority even more from liberated lifestyle. While after the practice of finding the 'Holy Grail', you will find that the restoration of the matriarchy is the material basis of harmony and joy of the specie, and that is for the majority the Holy Grail, which means electing woman equally, politically, economically, judicially, and religio wise is necessary.

Without the fully functioning matriarchy (gone since the Roman Slaveholders Conquest) the organic revolultion cannot be solved fully and the revolution will morph to its present miserable condition. Women Unite, and win the organic green balance of life back to the specie.

Union Jack

Ah Spectre!

09.08.2011 22:00

Love your style, I tend to agree with you.
