SchNEWS 773: No Spain No Gain
28.05.2011 06:14 | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | World
As mass protests in Madrid raise the bar for European anti-austerity actions. We've got the Arab Spring – what about a European summer? It's a week since thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators pitched up in central Madrid (see SchNEWS 772) - and revolution fever is spreading across Europe like nits in a playground. With the Spanish sit-in still going strong – and intending to remain until at least the 29th - street demonstrations have also hit Greece, Georgia, and, er, Bristol. Protests are spreading to Italy, France, Portugal, Austria even Germany - could it be that last year's initial protests against austerity measures are maturing, one year on, into a broader demand for political reform?
From the newswires:
Crackdown begins. | Nottingham Solidarity | Spanish Revolution at London | #Spanishrevolution Has Reached Bristol | This revolution is sponsored by you! | Protests continue outside Spanish embassy | A shout from Spain | Message from Barcelona | Edinburgh Solidarity March
In SchNEWS: SchNEWS 773
Dealing with consequences of similar protect-the-rich IMF-style austerity measures as many millions of others in Europe, the Spanish have been mobilising on the streets with mass protests and strikes for months (see SchNEWS 741). This general air of resistance has now spawned a sit-down protest in the capital city. Demands are vague and the whole thing has the feel of a forum rather than a movement with a solid blueprint for the future, but what unites them is an anger with pro-business politicians who all conspired in the banking boom, bust and bail-out.
In Madrid's central city square of Puerta del Sol, the “alternative village” set up to protest the government ahead of last Sunday's elections – which saw huge losses for Socialist Prime Minister Zapatero – continues unabated. The ‘¡Democracia Real YA!’ (Real Democracy Now!) camp now boasts ramshackle but egalitarian canteens, day-care facilities, a press office, a pharmacy and even a zone for “feminist information”. Those involved in the movement have said they'll proliferate into local groups and assemblies around the country to spread the revolutionary message. It's A Very Madrid World
In London, a camp-in opposite the Spanish embassy in Belgrave Square has seen hundreds arrive for daily rallies since 18th May. The group, calling themselves Real Democracy Now London, state their main driving force is their “outrage and weariness at the misuse of the Spanish democratic system by politicians; their lack of respect and their constant mistreatment of the general interests of the electorate”. It's a statement which sums up the widespread malcontent across the continent nicely, if you replace “Spanish” with pretty much any alternative nationality. The camp plans to remain for several more days. In Brighton, which is lacking in embassies, a solidarity protest has rocked up in a tourist-gateway lawn opposite the pier.
In Bristol, a hefty number descended on the city centre on Sunday (22nd) - but rather than only offering solidarity for their Spaniard comrades, they were hoping to spark a similar uprising in the UK. Demonstrators bore banners with memes-of-the-moment slogans such as "Real Democracy Now", and "They don't represent us".
Meanwhile tens of thousands of Greeks turned out in Syntagma Square, Athens - and in other cities - for four days running, declaring their "indignation" at the government and replicating the Spanish calls for "All politicians to go". With Greek politicians having spent most of their time recently fielding accusations of incompetence on the international stage, they're now facing a double-whammy of pressure (and should possibly learn to take a hint). The protests have so far been peaceful, which suggests, ironically, that during these most explicitly anarchic demonstrations so far, the feisty Greek anarchists themselves have temporarily cast their black masks to the back of the wardrobe and decided that petrol-bombing cars is all a bit 2010.
In Georgia, things have been a bit more rough n' repressed, as police clamped down on several hundred opposition protesters demanding the resignation of President Mikheil Saakashvili. Led by former speaker of parliament Nino Burdjanadze, the protests against Saakashvili's authoritarian leadership, repression of independent voices and the country's widespread poverty began last Saturday (21st). Five days later, to clear the way for a military procession marking Georgia's Independence Day, riot cops moved in to disperse the crowds using tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannons. A police officer and protester were killed during the brutal attack, and another 37 were injured.
Also in SchNEWS 773: Le Harve It Large | Mort In A Storm | Baton Charged | And Finally
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Sit-down protests not just in the capital city
28.05.2011 09:32
Still today 28th of May there are thousand of people standing in the main squares of Spanish cities, protesting against corruption, and lack of real democracy and participation. Yesterday the Barcelona camp was desmantle by the Police using "clean needs" as an excuse to use violence and hurt more than 90 people. In total more than 120 people were attended by Sanitary services.
The camp was immediately constructed again after the Police went out.
#confloresalas7 ("at 7pm with flowers") was the hashtag used yesterday in Twitter to promote a non violent demonstration in all Spanish cities against violent actions from Barcelona Police.
Angela Martìnez-Carrasco
These M-15 Protesters are Morons!
29.05.2011 07:27
Is there a problem? Yes. It's democracy. These complains are just what Federalist #10 says happens in republics. In order to have electoral democracy, diverse interests have to form shifting coalitions; no interest can ever be fully satisfied, because no victory can ever be final. Apparently these young, unemployed Spaniards never learned that in their Marxist universities.
Face it: as long as Spain is a democracy, there will be no cure for the dismay of Facebook fools. At least when Franco was in charge, the family was strong, and the rights of the Church were respected, so pious Catholics could be satisfied. Those days might never return, but indeed I never hope the day comes when M-15 finds its gaiety arrives.
I favor retaining bull fighting, but if the bulls must live, let them run the protestors from the plaza!
An anarchist critique of democracy
29.05.2011 09:23
There is an important distinction here. Parties are political in their claim to represent the interests of others. This is a claim to alienated power, because when someone takes power with a claim to represent me, I am separated from my own freedom to act. In this sense, anarchists are anti-political. We are not interested in a different claim to alienated power, in a different leadership, in another form of representation, in a regime change, or in anything that merely shuffles around the makeup of alienated power. Any time someone claims to represent you or to be your liberatory force, that should be a definite red flag. We are anti-political because we are interested in the self-organization of the power of individuals. This tension towards self-organization is completely orthogonal to democracy in any of its various forms.
Against parties and religions
viva rule of the people& cooperative direct democracy
29.05.2011 13:08