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Stokes Croft Tesco about to reopen in Bristol with Chief Constable's support

Tony Gosling | 11.05.2011 00:22 | Globalisation

Quite clearly Tesco's operations manager for the South West and our CORRUPT (according to the Bridgwater MP in the House Of Commons) Chief Constable Colin Port have had a little 'tete-a-tete' and agreedsupports an economic terrorism plan for Stokes Croft. Nothing is going to be allowed to stand in its way.

Avon & Somerset's corrupt firestarting Chief Constable Colin Port
Avon & Somerset's corrupt firestarting Chief Constable Colin Port

Tesco are not interested in what peaceful, or violent protesters - or thousands of local residents - or our elected city councillors have to say - Tesco are effectively declaring economic war on the people of Stokes Croft.

In a democracy the people's will prevails.
In a fascist police state Tesco's shareholders' dividends prevail.

And Colin Port, before his decision to kick off two riots over Easter is properly looked into, has given Tesco the thumbs up.

With a track record now of riot chasing decisions like this how long will Colin Port last in his job?

Colin Port Is Corrupt - the evidence......

Police chief Colin Port forced to back down in hard drive stand-off
16 Jun 2009 ... A police chief has been forced to return 87 computer hard drives seized in a child abuse raid to a controversial expert witness.

Avon & Somerset Chief Constable Colin Port 'ruling by decree'

see also

Tony Gosling
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11.05.2011 09:36

Some one wants to open a shop. Economic warfare! A fascist police state indeed.

People should be stopped from doing things like ... er, opening shops. I mean, what might they do next?

happy shopper

happy shopper

11.05.2011 10:27

its not just a shop, its a multi billion corporate colony backed by the brute force of the capitalism.



13.05.2011 03:16

Just remember - Tesco have a lot of money and a lot of power. While it seems ridiculous that a shop would be opened, despite the likely threat of it being trashed, it is just one Tesco shop. And they can afford to have it trashed. A few times over. And if, by sacrificing some products and windows, they can secure the arrest and potential imprisonment of activists and the scaring off of others, they'll do it.

By all means demonstrate against the shop, but remember that you have the right (whether secured by law or not) to protect your privacy and identity, regardless of what action you take.

AND, for entertainment/informational purposed only -


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