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Anarchists plot to wreck Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding celebration

Reporter | 09.04.2011 08:54

Anarchists are plotting to occupy tall buildings and use smoke bombs and flares to cause chaos during the royal wedding. Activists claim up to 1,500 hardcore militants plan to storm buildings around Trafalgar Square and The Mall, displaying obscene banners and obscuring the London skyline with billowing smoke as images of the wedding are beamed to millions of viewers around the world.

Anarchists plan to use black block tactics similar to the tactics used during the TUC demo on March 26 to attack buildings and cause chaos. "Black bloc" tactics were first seen during the Eighties and are now linked to an international network of hardline anarchist groups. Rioters dress in black from head to toe and cover their faces with scarves and balaclavas in a bid to appear as one unidentifiable mass. After causing disorder they change into casual clothes before mingling with non-violent protesters or street crowds to evade capture.




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Utter nonsense

09.04.2011 09:14

No anarchist group in London, or the UK, has called for any action against the royal wedding. The only ones who have are individualistic media whores who are speaking to thick journalists who believe every word they say.

anarchist in London

Yes they have! Here is the Facebook event for it!

09.04.2011 09:32

Here is the Facebook event for the anarchist demonstration against the Royal Wedding:!/event.php?eid=133111743419754


Facebook my arse

09.04.2011 10:48

And journalists or Police can't get on Facebook.
Get real reporter.

No, they really haven't.

09.04.2011 11:00

And a facebook event, which does not mention anarchism at all, set up by a few *individuals*, and not endorsed by any group, disproves the claim that "no anarchist group... has called for action" how exactly? Facebook isn't real life, FFS. I could set up a facebook event calling for action against anything I like, but that wouldn't prove anything about what the anarchist movement was doing, or anything at all really, it'd just be a facebook event.

Anarchist not in London

theres plenty of evidence

09.04.2011 13:22

just do a search on indymedia for "wedding".

funny how anarchists always try to rewrite history.... yes the archives are there for all to see


Let me repeat, no anarchist groups are calling for action against the wedding

09.04.2011 14:02

Let me repeat, no anarchist groups are calling for action against the wedding!

Like a previous poster said, any fuckwit can set up a face book group, facebook is not real life and there is no collective responsibility to it, unlike face to face communication.

The media whores are using the work and effort of anarchists to further their own shit politics.

anarchist in London

Let me repeat, no anarchist groups are calling for action against the wedding

09.04.2011 14:03

Let me repeat, no anarchist groups are calling for action against the wedding!

Like a previous poster said, any fuckwit can set up a face book group, facebook is not real life and there is no collective responsibility to it, unlike face to face communication.

The media whores are using the work and effort of anarchists to further their own shit politics.

anarchist in London

Sounds like a Plod or Reporter effort...

09.04.2011 21:00

Sounds like a Plod or Reporter effort since when do protesters go around with gas mask?? when we don't use tear gas?? Lam reporting or a quiet day at the office... i.e. Daily Mirror editor Piers Morgan.


Why not.

09.04.2011 21:15

But why not wreck it? It certainly deserves wrecking, its a complete insult to us all. Why all these impassioned denials? Of course it would be difficult to do it with all those cops everywhere but what a tonic, if people did.

Charm Monkey

I tell ya whot

10.04.2011 01:41

COps are crying to get more action from black bloc so they will have something to do, stretch the legs, have some fun arresting and beating people, but predominantly more money and more rights! Cum on ~! Ya know tis article comes from the police headquarters or the mi5 or mi6 i dunno , u no them spies. definitely some media will cooperate with them and publish such article if they wish. realistically - would you go out to demo which is swarmed with cops -undercover and spies -with this kindoff gear if you had sum children to take care of? of course not unless you were extremely stupid and taking baths in washing mashine. and here you 'intelligent' comrades why to swear on this guy 'media whore' if you dunno if its actually some guy from environment? think twice before posting even more stupid comments than cops zink u are. and later u will break up with your comrades who u will suspect of something and paranoia and corrosion creeps.

Ding dong

Why dont we just not give royal wedding the attention& Murdoch what he wants

10.04.2011 06:44

the queen stays in a cottage in sandringham & they have a flat inside buckingham palace. It is largley a show which without a mob is lost, they do play a ceremonial part in military& chivalric orders, but their mainly figureheads for tourists than anything.
Hell its vtempting to moon at them again & disrupt things, even police federation union have threatened not to police the wedding.

Do what ex cia analyst did to Clinton& turn your back on them if you must
thats far more insulting to a royal or attention seeker! lets not give the media& rightwingers what they want!

Lets have a we are all royals rave-party! on green park or hyde park instead,

everybody invited, all extrem-ists of any ism can have their twisted souls exterminated with the latest pill on the scene playcebo.
If that doesnt work they can be nicely shown to park lane or somewhere they can reflect, dont want to have to encourage anyone to swim into the deepest part of the serpentine lake nearby, but its tempting occasionally

Wally Hope
mail e-mail:


10.04.2011 15:41

There is no planned demo for the royal wedding. I woud be wary of anyone starting/suggesting anything different over the internet especially on public arenas like Facebook.

The cops at the royal wedding will be tooled up, they potentially face bigger threats than the Black Bloc at a royal wedding and will be armed and ready.
Although disrupting the wedding would be bloody brilliant it would serve no purpose, it would not get the cuts stopped, it would not dent the Tories attacks on the poor, all it would do is convince Cameron and co not to inflict severe cuts on the Police. Lets face it everyone to the right - from sad middle/little Englanders to the far right fascists will be foaming at the mouth if the wedding is disrupted, they will demand the police are given everything they ask for and more to defend the rich against us. Disrupting the wedding will be more symbolic than practical, anarchists would get hurt and injured and the police would gain more power to stop anti-cuts demos with very little practical gain. We would also lose support from the average people in the street who support the anti-cuts initiatives as they themselves suffer from the effects.



17.04.2011 02:51

i had a good laugh over this one!

seriously full of crap, so he goes off to each demo with enough tools to invade Luxembourg!

Remember the Sun's article on Christ Knight's plans?

clearly some editors at certian newspapers might want to provoke a story, and get a mob out in the streets, not for some political gain/status, but for their own entertainment, maybe they're "anti-royal" they're just a bit bored with the constant niceness of the wedding coverage on GMTV/BBC breakfast news and want to stir shit for their own ego?

jo buttface