Anarchists plot to wreck Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding celebration
Reporter | 09.04.2011 08:54
Anarchists are plotting to occupy tall buildings and use smoke bombs and flares to cause chaos during the royal wedding. Activists claim up to 1,500 hardcore militants plan to storm buildings around Trafalgar Square and The Mall, displaying obscene banners and obscuring the London skyline with billowing smoke as images of the wedding are beamed to millions of viewers around the world.
Anarchists plan to use black block tactics similar to the tactics used during the TUC demo on March 26 to attack buildings and cause chaos. "Black bloc" tactics were first seen during the Eighties and are now linked to an international network of hardline anarchist groups. Rioters dress in black from head to toe and cover their faces with scarves and balaclavas in a bid to appear as one unidentifiable mass. After causing disorder they change into casual clothes before mingling with non-violent protesters or street crowds to evade capture.

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