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Metro promotes social cleansing

Squatter | 16.02.2011 14:59 | Free Spaces | Repression

The Metro has published a letter from one of its readers calling squatters 'rats', 'scum' and 'subhumans' and suggests allowing property owners to electrify their property to keep squatters out. We know where the irresponsible promotion of this kind of language leads - to social cleansing, crackdowns and probably the Tories criminalising squatting.

Here is the full disgusting text:

Regarding the news that squatters have moved into Guy Ritchie's home, the law needs to change so these freeloaders can be thrown out on the street.

It's about time property owners are allowed to electrify their property and, if the scum get hurt, then so be it. Why is it that the law-abiding - in this case, the owners - have to go through the stress, heartache and financial burden of removing these rats?

The do-gooders who wrote in a few weeks ago in support of squatting should be ashamed of themselves. If they feel so strongly for the plight of this scum, perhaps they ought to offer them a place to stay.

There is no legality, decency or thought in the actions of these subhumans. Once they are finally out of the property, they will undoubtedly have left filth and destruction of unfathomable comprehension. Things must change, it's simply not right.

B. Gibson, Essex



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16.02.2011 17:29

Mr Gibsons politics can be guessed at by his use of the term "Subhumans". We need to make the case that "law abiding" is not the same thing as "responsible" and that these are often opposites. The current legal system maintains the unequal distribution of wealth; when workers go on strike to get a fairer settlement we come into conflict with the bosses law. The class struggle is between those of us who make it andthem who take it. Squatting is a direct challenge to the minority who control society and an ancient right. In the middle ages it was only the wealthy who had more positive rights such as written deeds to property. Rather than the genocide of the homeless advocated by Gibson, we should take equal rights in all things; that is the world that these squatters, and anyone else who is responsible, are fighting for.


must be a troll, surely

16.02.2011 18:44

lol, that letter was so over the top it must be a troll. "...filth and destruction of unfathomable comprehension.." - come on, that is hilarious, someone must have made it up. Maybe the paper did it themselves to promote sales.
