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EDL Zetaboards forum hacked!

AnonBham | 06.02.2011 18:30 | Flotilla to Gaza | Anti-racism | Birmingham | Sheffield

EDL Zetaboards forums have been hacked, defaced and data has been stolen, again.

EDL Zetaboards Hack Screenshot
EDL Zetaboards Hack Screenshot

The EDL are a fanatic and right wing organisation.

The EDL's main communication base is the internet. In depth, they use free forums provided by Zetaboards to have an online community for members and non members. Recnetly, the EDL have been known to have attack Islam regardless, their view of only attacking 'Millitant Islam' is not true.

This isn't the first time the EDL have been hacked, and I persume, with past messages from the hackers who keep hacking them this won't be the last. Here's a screenshot I took of the hack.




06.02.2011 21:08

I'm sorry, I forgot to add the link.

The original hack took place here,

Here's the data that was leaked,

You can find numerous threads on the edl - .org site and the zeta boards site.



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06.02.2011 20:11

the forum seems up and running? and if somebody "stole" the data, where is it?


Did you forget to add the link?

06.02.2011 20:24

This would be more newsworthy if you'd added the link!

Miss Ing

It's the old data?

06.02.2011 22:12

Is it not - the txt file dates suggest it...


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IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

Islamic extremists are the fascists NOT the EDL

07.02.2011 15:46

Islamic extremists are the real fascists NOT the EDL! When are you people going to wake up to the threat from Islamic extremism? By the way please don't keep repeating that rubbish about all Islamic terrorists attacks being inside jobs!



07.02.2011 20:29

... if "every day" "hundreds" of poor innocent Palestinian children are "abused, raped, even killed "etc by the evil Zionist IDF, how many were abused, raped or killed (or more than one of the above) TODAY. And where?

Islamofascist propaganda watch

Jeff Marsh do Fuck Off

07.02.2011 20:29

I'm assuming any real Anti-Fascist would know how to SPELL the word "Anti-facist"

Fuck off Jeff

Another hacking by Team Poison

09.02.2011 10:25

Seems like they've been hacked again!


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