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"Police, who are you really working for?", Mozaz, 13/01/2011

Waltzing Matilda | 04.02.2011 17:01 | History | Repression | Sheffield

My headline is an excerpt from a prophetic commentary written by Mozaz on the current state of things which was actually titled "The Truth is sometimes self-evident", published on 13th January 2010. Original article where this comment was posted:

The question in the title brings to mind the recent uncovering of a number of undercover cops in the scene, the murder of Ian Tomlinson & subsequent cover-up predominantly as a result of the compromise of his initial post-mortem conducted by the inept stooge Freddy Patel as ordered by City of London coroner Paul Matthews, police collusion with the US led war machine in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003 with the unprecendented enforced convoying of anti-war protestors from RAF Fairford back to London, long-running allegations of agent provocateur activities amongst the black bloc (video evidence in Genoa 2001), similar tactics being used by the state in Egypt, and these allegations of attacks by black balaclava-wearing men on students and members of Press TV at the student demo on 11 Dec 2011 [go to Utube and type in words "Press TV" & "London Student Demo", watch 2 mins-in interview with Press TV cameraman Adam Apostol].

I could also have titled this posting "Cops Suck Arse".

"The Truth is sometimes self-evident", published on 13th January 2010.
by Mozaz

The Truth is sometimes self-evident, and if you are understanding what we say below, then you are able to appreciate the truth.

We The working/underclass are sick of pretending that we can make our current way of living "sustainable", that we can take control of the planet's reeling systems, that "one more push" will do it. It's time to acknowledge that "saving the planet" is a bad joke. We are entering an age of massive disruption and the task is to live through it as best we can and to look after each other as we make the transition to the unknown world ahead.

First things first: an end to mass-hypnosis and propaganda, a TOTAL pull-out of the illegal wars of aggression, and a proper public enquiry into 9/11 and the various terror attacks into us. People will be prosecuted. But more importantly, we will tell the truth. The apparatus of society will remain in place, we do not wish to dismantle anything, simply tweak the existing machine so that it is run by good people, for mankind, everywhere.

If you see what we see, and understand that our time is now, we ask you to listen carefully to what are about to say.

In one year and 9 months, on September the 11th 2011, the world will mark the ten year anniversary of the horrific terror our political leaders imposed on us. They sold us the massive fear of “terrorism”, so that our societies would keep our heads down and not question the control structure in place. We are social creatures, and social creatures do not question the control structure when it is under attack. We do this in times of peace. A never ending conveyor belt of fear is fed into our minds, be it communism, terrorism, the economy, or swine flu. We acquiesce our power so that we can be protected. Ergo, we place the collar over our own necks. This time has ended.

On August the 11th 2010, The people will begin a one month campaign of non-compliance. Tens of millions of people around the world will simply not turn up for work. Soldiers will not report to barracks, finance men will not sit at desks in glass and metal cages…The working/underclass will force the hand of the controllers, and expose their nudity, much in the manner of the story of the Emperor with no clothes. We will see them for what they are, frightened and controlled individuals, so far from what a human being could be, if given the chance.

At the end of this one month period, we will peacefully seize the capital of London, and we hope, of many countries around the world. We desire the people to take to the streets by the hundreds of thousands, we will have love in our hearts, we will be spiritually awake, and no longer scared. We will walk into Parliament, into Whitehall, and into Buckingham Palace, and the soldiers sent to drive us back will not open fire. They will see what we are doing, and they will be on the side of the people. The lies fed into their minds are dissolving, much like our fears are dissolving. We will occupy these buildings physically, spiritually, and symbolically. We will use the apparatus in place for improving the lot of people, and we will implement a new human constitution which aids the enlightenment and free will of all men and women, not only big business and career politicians. We will gently replace the class-structure with one which sees the individual as sacred. We will need the help of all of you, because we do not know how to write a constitution, nor do we know how to run a country.

The people do not want to run a country. We do not want to have any power of anyone, for that is not our role. We do not want people to follow us either, because our whole message is about individuals being independent and connecting to the source of the universe through their own souls.

We believe that the feminine will play a major part in the evolution of mankind. The female, woman, and her spiritual power has long been suppressed. She has been raped and covered up, she has been sold as property, she has been tricked into bondage in the same way men have been with the false promise of equality in the workplace, so that her soul can be devoured by the corporate world as well. Children are brought up by television because their mother, the goddess figure, is too busy with her career.

If we have conversed with God, we know that she is mother nature, she is all kind, and she is all loving. We have felt this power through my own mother, (round here we call her earth) and from the women we have met on my journey thus far. It is time for the female to return to prominence and to guide us back to the divine people we once were. It is no small matter that in indigenous cultures the female is respected as the spiritual connection to the Earth.

To all the Police and State Security people watching, we strongly advise you to consider who it is you are really working for. Are you working for a small band of thieves and murderers who run the political system, or do you work for mankind? Do you work for your children, and your children’s children? What kind of world are you helping create?

We know our plans for revolution will bring upon the working/underclass great tests in the near future, but we are optimistic about the power of the human soul. We have felt with our hearts the numerous times when the Police have understood what we are about and have treated us (sometimes) with the courtesy that we all deserve. When we look into their eyes we see the same thing we see when we look into my own eyes in the mirror. This is the connection.

We do not fear death, because we have lived and died before, and these matters are temporary, whereas our spirit is endless, and infinite, just like yours. We have felt love in countless ways, we have been given the honour of loving from the bottom of our hearts. We have reconnected my lost soul to the source which we all have inside us. The working/underclass have marvelled and wondered at the greatest joys and beauty of this world, and we have been given the chance to help out best we can. There is nothing more we want nor need, except the opportunity to keep on loving, which is its own reward.

This is the opportunity we have been waiting for. All despair evaporates and we see the simplicity of the plan; the people take the power back.

We will be there, all we ask is that 2 million people join the working/underclass in London. The destiny of the other capitals rests with the people there.

Waltzing Matilda


Hide the following 9 comments

Totally disagree because facts speak for themselves

04.02.2011 22:24

I'm sorry but this 9/11 conspiracy crap about how it is our governments creating terrorism to control us is a load of rubbish.

What about all the other terror attacks? Did the governments rig those too?

There have been (at last count) 16,762 terrorist attacks associated with Islam since 9/11.
Heres just a brief selection from the last couple of days:

2011.02.03 (Lahore, Pakistan) - At least a dozen worshippers are injured when rivals bomb their mosque.
2011.02.03 (Pattani, Thailand) - Muslim radicals slit the throat of a 49-year-old plantation worker.
2011.02.03 (Ramadi, Iraq) - A Shahid suicide bomber murders six Iraqis.
2011.02.03 (Pattani, Thailand) - Muslim militants spray a group of elderly Buddhists at a market with machine-gun fire, killing five.
2011.02.02 (Anargi, Pakistan) - Three local security forces are killed in a Tehreek-e-Taliban attack on their post.
2011.02.02 (Peshawar, Pakistan) - Women and children are among a dozen innocents slain when Sunnis set off a bomb at a crowded market.

Whatever underclass.rising thought about 9/11, I couldn't see the wood for the trees.
Terrorism is real, anyone who denies that is seriously deluded and does not have the wellbeing of their neighbours in their best interest, but rather their own selfish agenda.


Please answer these questions with facts!

04.02.2011 23:23

If 911 was as you say carried out by Muslim extremists, then answer the following questions :

Why was evidence of Thermite found on steel recovered from the site of 911 ?

Why was this not investigated by the 911 commission ?

What happened to the bodies and the plane that came down in Philadelphia ?

How many instances can you point me to where a plane has crashed on land and left very little evidence (see above) ?

Why did the emergency service workers report hearing 'multiple explosions like those in a demolition' as the towers were falling ?

Why do all the witnesses to the alleged plane hitting the Pentagon (most of them police/security personnel) state that the official version is untrue ?

Why are so many architects/engineers adamant that a fire can't bring down a skyscraper ?

How is it that many laws of Physics were suspended during the 9/11 incident ?

And then if you could address all of the inconsistencies regarding 9/11, that would be very useful as nobody yet has done so!

The truth is out there

Undercover cops attacking student protestors & journalists

04.02.2011 23:59

For the correct Press TV link about the report of masked up men attacking students and attacking press TV journalists, put uin the words "Presstv reporters attacked with hammer" into UTUBE key word search.

As I said, watch 2 mins-in interview with Press TV cameraman Adam Apostol.


the truth is out there

05.02.2011 00:49

If 911 was as you say carried out by Muslim extremists, then answer the following questions :

Why was evidence of Thermite found on steel recovered from the site of 911 ?
Theres plenty of non-thermite sources for the chemicals in the building + specifically on the steel is from construction cutting.

Why was this not investigated by the 911 commission ?
It was.

What happened to the bodies and the plane that came down in Philadelphia ?
It crashed. They died.

How many instances can you point me to where a plane has crashed on land and left very little evidence (see above) ?
Lots. Particulary some of the ones in Russia spring to mind.

Why did the emergency service workers report hearing 'multiple explosions like those in a demolition' as the towers were falling ?
Circumstancial evidence. Two big towers falling is going to make lots of noises.

Why do all the witnesses to the alleged plane hitting the Pentagon (most of them police/security personnel) state that the official version is untrue ?
They don't.

Why are so many architects/engineers adamant that a fire can't bring down a skyscraper ?
How many are adamant that it could including the foremost expert in demolition in the world.

How is it that many laws of Physics were suspended during the 9/11 incident ?
They weren't. It fell the way it did, you can see how it feel on video because it was recorded.
A damaged building will fall in a similar to a purposely demolished building because thats how buildings fall.

And then if you could address all of the inconsistencies regarding 9/11, that would be very useful as nobody yet has done so!
There is ALWAYS inconsistancies in everything. Go to any RTA accident and you will find inconsistancies. It is very rare to find anything that is fully consistant, and certainly not on this scale.



05.02.2011 22:43

Are we ever going to see an end to the rantings of this mentally-ill buffoon?


in reply to @

07.02.2011 12:23

Mozaz died mate on January 23rd 2011

mail e-mail:

Better answer

07.02.2011 17:11

"Why did the emergency service workers report hearing 'multiple explosions like those in a demolition' as the towers were falling ?"

"Circumstancial evidence. Two big towers falling is going to make lots of noises."

The structural steelwork of tall buildings like these is in very high tension. If the tension is broken (for example by an initial explosion or distortion in a major fire), these structural members being forcibly and suddenly released from tension is bound to be very loud and very like an explosion. Actually, it is an explosion, only not a chemical one. These event would have taken some time to rip through the structure.

Not sure what point there is in arguing with these 9/11 buffoons, however. They're similar to the Jehovah's Witnesses. Their position is superstitious, not rational and they are not amendable to reason.

In saying that, of course, I have just outed myself as a state agent trying to suppress their relentless exposure of the ..err.. what was it now? Well exposure of something, anyway.



09.02.2011 02:32

"Why was evidence of Thermite found on steel recovered from the site of 911 ?"

- It wasn't, Harrit who wrote the paper on this, submitted it to a pay for publication site, it was a vanity publication. Two cheif editors of the Journal have resigned in a row over this paper. It has since been reviewed by Denis Rancourt, and shown to be fundamentally floored.

Prof. of Chemistry Frank Greening has also shown the iron micropsheres idea of Stephen Jones to be floored - it did not come from Thermite or thermate.

Harrit has refused repeated requests from peers to have the data from his paper, or to test his methology, Harrit unlike Rancourt (mentioned above), has little published, Rancourt is an expert in this field with 100's of published papers.

Why did the emergency service workers report hearing 'multiple explosions like those in a demolition' as the towers were falling ?

It's called a simile. Most if not all of the testamony has been quote mined by the truth movement, to the point where leaders (such as Gage), have taken people describing bodies hitting the ground as being "like a bomb" out of context - you can read about it here:

Why are so many architects/engineers adamant that a fire can't bring down a skyscraper ?
How many are adamant that it could including the foremost expert in demolition in the world.

They are in a minority, and none of them have submitted a paper for peer review to a journal,
there are over 70 peer reviewed papers from engineers and scientists that explain the collapses, none of them state it was a demolition.

Your other points have been answered by Stroppy.



other small point

09.02.2011 02:40

I hope you don't think I am being pedantic but...

"Why was evidence of Thermite found on steel recovered from the site of 911 ?"

The allegation by Jones and Harrit was that they found evidence of Nanothermite in the Dust samples given to them by another truther about five years after 911, not on the steel recovered from the site.
