St Andrews occupation freezes under repression!
anon | 07.12.2010 12:56 | Education | Public sector cuts
St Andrews students are suffering from severe repression as officials and the police lay siege to their occuptation of the university. In a pathetic and inhuman act the heating was turned off leaving the students inside facing obscene conditions in order to continue their protest as outside temperatures dropped below -5C last night. Police have also stopped freedom of movement meaning that the students have been denied access to food and other amenities. The students inside are said to be dealing with the repression and keeping their spirits up. The university is now coming under mounting pressure from people acting in solidarity by sending messages to the principles office complaining about this repression.
Turn up the heat on the University principles office by emailing them to complain about its awful treatment of students.
Currently there is a media black out on coverage of the student protests by corporate media in order to starve the movement of publicity. Now it seems universitys have taken to trying to starve and freeze students as well. Please get the word out and take whatever action you can.
We will not tolerate £9,000 tuition fees!
We will not tolerate repression and inhuman treatment!
We will not tolerate being condemed to an age of austerity!
Turn up the heat on the University principles office by emailing them to complain about its awful treatment of students.

Currently there is a media black out on coverage of the student protests by corporate media in order to starve the movement of publicity. Now it seems universitys have taken to trying to starve and freeze students as well. Please get the word out and take whatever action you can.
We will not tolerate £9,000 tuition fees!
We will not tolerate repression and inhuman treatment!
We will not tolerate being condemed to an age of austerity!
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It's a Fascist Regime!
07.12.2010 13:41
The velvet gloves have been removed and the iron fist of state used against it's citizens. They have been forced to expose their true nature and purpose. That is one thing we can thank our students for and they deserve all the support and assistance that can be offered.
Even if you lose a few small battles, do not lose sight of the greater battle. Sometimes we have to retreat a little, before we can advance a lot.
07.12.2010 14:06
Solidarity from Glasgow
07.12.2010 16:01
Well done on you all. I'm sending the info round my contacts. Stay strong. You're doing the right thing. Hopefully there'll be an occupation in Glasgow soon - I know, we're late as ever!
Keep fighting.
Love and Rage
Glasgow Anarchist.
If you want utilities, you have to pay for them...
07.12.2010 17:27
There is no such thing as a free lunch
07.12.2010 18:47
We will not be forced to be taxed more!
We will not pay out for lazy layabouts who expect everything on a plate without having to work for it or pay for it themselves. They expect other people to put their hand in their pocket for them!
07.12.2010 19:21
We will not tolerate having to pay for inflated bank bonuses!
We will not be forced to be taxed more, nor tolerate having our services cut because Vodaphone, Green et al are keeping their profits offshore to avoid paying their fair share of tax.!
We will not pay out for lazy Royal layabouts who expect everything on a plate without having to work for it or pay for it themselves. They expect other people to put their hand in their pocket for them!
07.12.2010 21:13
The Anonny Mouse
Glasgow anarchists
08.12.2010 11:46
Thanks to being repeatedly grassed up by them I slept outside last night in a minus 19 celsius snowdrift, as I've had to sleep rough for the past four years due to their malicious police informants. Alice, you have no shame. The only solidarity you ever felt was with Copper, the pony your dad bought you. Faker.
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