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7/7 Inquest shows official narrative falling apart at seams

Bullshit-Detector | 26.10.2010 23:46 | Analysis

Very startling revelations of major discrepancies in the official 'narrative' of what happened in London on the morning of July 7th 2005 taken from evidence submitted to the Inquest into 7/7 as revealed and elucidated upon by the July 7th Truth Campaign on their blog on the 7/7 Inquest, at:

Five main areas identified of special interest by the July 7th Truth Campaign:
1). Curious lack of cctv images of alleged bombers on London Underground network on the morning of 7/7/2005
2). The curious case of the Jaguar at Luton station car park on both the 28th June and 7th July 2005
3). The 5th (and 6th) man/men
4). How and why did police commence investigation of Luton CCTV footage before the accused had been identified at King's Cross Thameslink station and the reasons why Luton was first identified as significant in investigation
5). Re: the Liverpool St to Aldgate East train, the discrepancy between the reported time of explosion and evidence of the time of the explosion

In detail (below), as taken from

1). Curious lack of cctv images of alleged bombers on London Underground network on 7/7:
On the fourth day of the inquests, it became apparent that a set of images of the four accused bombers disembarking from a Thameslink train (with date and time blanked out), and a further one of them entering the tunnel from King's Cross Thameslink are the only CCTV images captured of the four men together anywhere near King's Cross underground station on 7 July 2005. No other footage exists, we are told, that shows the movements of Khan, Tanweer or Lindsay after the King's Cross Thameslink was captured.

“An exchange between Mr Patterson QC, counsel for the bereaved, and Detective Inspector Ewan Kindness, [on the afternoon of 14th October] has revealed that a “temporary system" of 76 cameras installed at King's Cross malfunctioned for 20 minutes between the crucial period of approximately 8.30am - 8.50am on the 7 July 2005. This "malfunction" left just one of 76 cameras actually recording CCTV footage. The one camera which remained in operation happened to be the one which was trained on the tunnel between the King's Cross Thameslink station and King's Cross mainline station.”

“This means that:

* There is no CCTV footage from the underground showing Hasib Hussain allegedly on the Northern Line,
* There is no CCTV footage showing the "iconic" but never seen image of the four men hugging euphorically (as given in evidence under oath by a member of the travelling public that morning - Joseph Martoccia)
 There is no CCTV from the ticket gates, subways or platforms showing any of the four accused at King's Cross.
 As well as that, no cctv images recorded where Hasib Hussain entered into McDonalds in Kings Cross or where is alleged to have boarded the 91 and 30 buses, but most significantly, at significant moments in Luton station car park on the morning of 7 July 2005 (see below).


2). Jaguar at Luton station car park

At the 7/7 Inquest, cctv footage from 28th June 2005 and 7th July 2005 was shown (28th June 2005 is when the alleged bombers allegedly conducted a ‘dummy run’ on the LU tube network).

Footage from Luton station car park were observed from both dates.
View here:

At 08.08:42, police have identified on cctv footage Khan and Tanweer walking towards Luton station on the right-hand side of the station carpark (on the road approach leading to the station). At exactly the same time, a dark-coloured Jaguar can be observed parked at the bottom of the car park. One of the two alleged bombers can be observed to to turning back as they both walk ahead side-by-side, looking in the direction of this Jaguar.

Then on the morning of 7th July 2005, the same cctv camera has recorded footage of the same Jaguar parked in exactly the same location in the car-park at 06.52:03, two and a half minutes after Jermain Lindsey arrives in his Fiat Brava (at 06.49:28). There is an 88-sec gap in the cctv footage in which time the Jaguar must have entered the car park and parked (missing footage between 06.50:11 & 06.51:39). Then , within 2 minutes of the Jaguar arriving, Tanweer’s blue Nissan Micra enters the car park at 06.52:12, and at exactly the same time, the Jaguar starts up, moves off and does a 360 degree turn from where it is parked at the bottom of the car park and travels back up the car park. As it travels up the car park, the Nissan Micra parks ahead of it on the right-hand side of the car-park next to Jermain Lindsey’s Fiat Brava at 06.52:38. At this point, there is a gap of 76 seconds in the cctv footage. When the cctv resumes at 06.53:59, the Jaguar is not mobile. However, a newly parked car can be observed next to the Nissan Micra. Could this be the same mysterious Jaguar?

“Whilst there is no evidence to suggest that there is anything sinister about the coincidental movements of a dark-coloured Jaguar at Luton station on the mornings of both 28 June 2005 - the 'rehearsal' - and 7 July 2005, there is plainly evidence of more than a lack of 'recording continuously'.

What is evident is the editing of the CCTV footage at significant moments, which begs the questions:

What precisely is being cut from this footage, and Why?”

Bridget Dunne, 10/24/2010

3). The 5th (and 6th) man/men:

In the opening week of the 7 July Inquests, witnesses claim to have seen a fifth (and in some cases a sixth) man.

The witnesses in question include Sylvia Waugh, who believes she saw the men outside the flat in Alexandra Grove, Leeds where it is claimed the bombs allegedly used on July 7th 2005 were manufactured. There is also Susan Clarke, who believes she saw the men in the car park at Luton Station. Joseph Martoccia was the witness whose statement to the police in July 2005 regarding his believed sighting of the men at King's Cross station was mutated by the media into a CCTV image, so successfully, that even a former newspaper editor appeared to believe he had actually seen such an image. Yet, as detailed in this previous post, no such image ever existed. This however hasn't stopped it being described as "iconic" and even the Press Complaints Commission agreed that an image that doesn't exist and hasn't been seen by anyone is still perfectly entitled to be described as an "iconic image".

Sylvia Waugh, who says she saw the men in the early morning of 7 July 2005 in Leeds, gave four witness statements to the police. Under oath at the Inquest, Mrs Waugh claimed that she regularly saw at least 6 people entering and leaving 18 Alexandra Grove. Significantly, Mrs. Waugh states that she finds it difficult to discern differences between 'coloured people'. Indeed, after stating on four occasions during her testimony that Jermaine Lindsay, who was, according to mobile phone evidence and the official 'narrative', some 160 miles away at the time, this difficulty does seem to be the case. However, despite this, it seems reasonable to assume that Mrs. Waugh is able to count:

Q. You remember a white car. Might that have been car B that you put on the map for the police?
A. It could have been.
Q. What about the other car, what colour was the other car?
A. Like a bluey colour.
Q. There were a group of men. Can you help us as to how
many you think you saw?
A. At least six.

Source: Transcript, 13 October 2010
Morning session - page 69, lines 1-8

A few moments later, Mrs. Waugh is reminded that she told police she had seen four men getting into what seems to be the Nissan Micra in which Mohammad Sidique Khan, Shehzad Tanweer and Hasib Hussain travelled to Luton from Leeds. She recalls seeing six men in total, and two cars. The other car, according to Hugo Keith, counsel to the inquest, has never been traced. Mrs. Waugh's testimony is very confused; on more than one occasion she denies what she had said in her police statements and at one point she denies something she was recorded as saying several minutes previously whilst under oath. However, her claim to have seen four men getting in the Micra, and six men in total, is interesting when compared to the statement Susan Clarke gave to the police in July 2005, which was read out in part whilst she was questioned under oath during the inquests:

Q. [Mr Patterson] "One car had one or two males in it. The other, a lilac-coloured Nissan, had four males leaving it, all carrying rucksacks. When asked, she described all the males as not white."
A. [Susan Clarke] He then goes on to say that you handed him the piece of paper that you've told us about.
Q. So pausing there, is that an accurate note of what you told the officer on that Tuesday?
A. As far as I remember, yes.
Q. So although today you've told us that you thought that it was four, possibly five, men associated with those two cars, within days of the incident, the very first time you spoke to the police you were saying that it was two men from one of the cars, four men from the other car, all carrying rucksacks?
A. Yes.

Source: Transcript, 13 October 2010
Afternoon session - page 18, lines 24 on

Joseph Martoccia, a commuter who believes he saw the accused at King's Cross mainline station on the morning of 7th July 2005, also said he saw six men:

Q. Have you marked X as the spot where you came across a group of men?
A. Correct.
Q. Do you recall how many there were?
A. Yes. At the time, I said between four and six.
I wasn't entirely certain of the number.

Source: Transcript, 13 October 2010
Afternoon Session Lines 39-40

Interestingly, although Mr. Martoccia contacted the police the following day, he was not asked to identify the men from photographs until almost a year later, a somewhat odd approach in what was termed by Sir Ian Blair as "the largest criminal inquiry in English history". When shown a picture of Jermaine Linsday during his testimony to the Inquests, Martoccia stated that he did not remember seeing him. Moreover, Martoccia said that the man he saw heading towards the Piccadilly line – who, one would presume on the basis of the official 'narrative', would be most likely to be Lindsay, who stands accused of causing the explosion on the Piccadilly line train – was instead Hasib Hussain; the man accused of being responsible for the number 30 bus incident.

Detective Inspector Kindness of Scotland Yard's Counter-terrorism Command gave an intriguing response when specifically questioned by Mr. Gareth Patterson, representing four bereaved families, over the number of men witnessed:

Q. You're probably aware, Inspector, of why I'm asking you these questions. Presumably you were told that there's a witness, Susan Clarke, who told the police quite early on that there may have been more than four people in and around those two cars. Were you aware of that? Did you look for the number of people around those cars?
A. Yes, at the time, when we were viewing the CCTV, we were comfortable with the amount of people that were there and that we'd managed to track them to the position where we got decent CCTV images that we could say, yes, there are that number of people.

Source: Transcript, 14 October 2010
Afternoon Session Line 50 on

Shortly after this, Mr. Patterson is interrupted by Hugo Keith QC, who expresses concern over his questions “because they do appear to me to be designed to leave the impression that either there was another person at large or that in some way the investigation has been inadequate or has not properly pursued leads available at the time.” After further admonishment by both Mr. Keith and Lady Justice Hallet, Mr. Patterson is able to continue:

MR PATTERSON: If we pause it now, perhaps. Can we see four figures walking off, Inspector?
A. Yes, we can, yes.
Q. Is there a figure who hovers and lingers between the two cars for a period of time?
A. Yes, there is a person there, yes. I think that's the person that exited that vehicle that just arrived.
Q. Was that something that was investigated and looked into to see where that additional fifth person --
A. The individuals around the car were -- their movements were assessed, yes.
Q. Is that something that you dealt with or that somebody else dealt with?
A. I didn't personally follow this individual away, no.

Source: Transcript, 14 October 2010
Afternoon Session Line 55 on

More evidence revealed from transcripts relating to questioning conducted by Ms. Caoilfhionn Gallagher, representing five bereaved families at:

How and why did police commence investigation of Luton CCTV footage before the accused had been identified at King's Cross Thameslink station and the reasons why Luton was first identified as significant in investigation:

During the morning session of Wednesday 13 October 2010, the Inquest heard from Detective Inspector Kindness of Scotland Yard's Counter-terrorism Command. After being sworn, DI Kindness was questioned by Counsel to the Inquests, Hugo Keith, and stated for the record that the identification of the four accused at King's Cross Thameslink, and thus the link made to the Luton and Bedford areas, occurred on 11 July 2005:

Q. Can you recall on what day you first spotted a number of men walking through the King's Cross area, in particular through the Thameslink station carrying rucksacks?
A. It was on 11 July 2005, sir.
Q. So on the Monday?
A. It was, yes.
Q. Can you recall what it was about the appearance of those men on the CCTV that alerted you to the fact that you might have identified the bombers?
A. My officer, who was engaged in the actual CCTV recovery, was ex-military. He saw the four individuals walking through and they were walking two by two and he felt it was significant. They were carrying large rucksacks and he brought my attention to it. I concurred with him that it was a matter of priority for us.

Source: Transcript, 13 October 2010
Morning session - page 6, lines 12-25

Under further questioning by Mr Keith, DI Kindness explains the manner in which Luton was discovered as the point at which the four accused met and travelled to London:

Q. Did you then concentrate your examination upon CCTV relating to the railway network to the north of London?
A. Indeed, sir, yes, and we were looking at the route of the -- the Thameslink route up through Bedford and Luton and looking for fast-time CCTV recovery of those stations to see where the bombers had access to rail network.
Q. Were you able to access CCTV relating to, not just the stations, but the car parks at those stations, the entry points and the foyers?
A. Yes, we were, sir.
Q. What did you discover?
A. We were able to identify that the individuals had arrived at Luton underground station earlier that morning and boarded a train to London.
Q. Can you recall when it was that you discovered that they had boarded the railway network at Luton?
A. I think it was on the 12th, sir.
Q. So the Tuesday?
A. Yes.
Q. As a result of that process, how many of the men were you able to identify initially as having used the Luton railway station?
A. We were able to identify all of the men had accessed -- the four men had accessed via Luton railway station.
Q. Were you able to identify the cars that they used at the station?
A. Yes, we were.
Q. So you were able to identify that they had arrived in two cars, a Nissan Micra and a red Fiat Brava?
A. That's correct, sir.

Source: Transcript, 13 October 2010
Morning session - page 10, line 19 on

The Home Office narrative suggests that Luton was chosen due to the witness sighting of four men putting on rucksacks at Luton station, as received on the 12 July 2005. This witness, Susan Clarke, gave her evidence to the Inquest during the afternoon session of 13 October 2010. She describes handing a note of the cars she had seen at Luton station on the morning of the 7 July to a British Transport Police officer at St. Pancras station. This note was handed over on Tuesday 12 July 2005. [Transcript, 13 October 2010, afternoon session - page 14, line 14 on]. Officers attended her place of work at 11.45am on 12 July 2005 and Ms Clarke was interviewed for two and a half hours at Holborn police station.

So this would appear to be how the Luton station CCTV came to be favoured and examined over and above seven other possible stations of focus. Or, at least it would be if either the narrative or DI Kindness were actually relating the facts of the matter. Fortunately for the bereaved and the wider public, the carefully plotted course of Mr Keith's questioning was exposed by further questions interjected by Mr Patterson and Ms Gallagher, the counsels for the bereaved.

MS GALLAGHER: You say that you focused upon Luton station as a result of information received on 11 July. Is that right?
A. [DI Ewan Kindness] That's correct, yes.
Q. In that document which I've made reference to, I think you have it before you, my Lady, the Anti-terrorist Branch SO13 record -- do you have that document before you?
A. No, I don't, no.
Q. Is it possible for a copy to be provided?
MR KEITH: You can have my copy. (Handed)
MS GALLAGHER: This is a record of an officer viewing CCTV. It seems to be by a DC Stephen Bain. Was he part of the same team?
A. Yes, he was, yes.
Q. If you just look in the box at the top, it's on the left, five boxes down, "Date viewing commenced: 10 July 2005, 20.00 hours" and "Date viewing ended:11 July 2005, 23.30".
A. Yes.
Q. So is it possible that, in fact, that information was received on 10 July rather than 11 July, Inspector?
A. [DI Ewan Kindness] That's absolutely correct. It's an error. It should have been the 10th.

Source: Transcript, 13 October 2010
Afternoon session - page 65, line 15

This leaves the one crucial and compelling question: Why were the police reviewing CCTV footage from Luton station and car park on 10 July 2005, when the accused apparently weren't identified on King's Cross Thameslink CCTV until a day later, 11 July 2005?

More importantly, why has it been deemed necessary to concoct the story about the discovery of CCTV at Luton on 12 July 2005?

The Inquests now need to scrutinise the actual manner in which the four accused were identified, and re-examine how, when and why the link to Luton station was made and how, when and why the CCTV was recovered, as the evidential log shows, by 10 July 2005.

Bridget Dunne, 10/16/2010

Re: the Liverpool St to Aldgate East train, the discrepancy between the reported time of explosion and evidence of the time of the explosion

Mr Hugo Keith QC, Counsel to the Inquests, has maintained that Circle Line train 204 from Liverpool St to Aldgate East underwent a power-surge related to an explosion at 08.49 mins on 7/7/2005.
Mr Hugo Keith QC: "... and would explain that the times referred to are approximate times recorded by the power control operation in the handwritten logs. The times I have referred to are the actual times extracted from the power system computerised event logs. "In summary, the times recorded by the power control room are 08.49 in respect of Aldgate East, 08.49.43 in respect of Edgware Road and 08.49.52 in respect of King's Cross/Russell Square."
Source: Transcripts, 18 October 2010
Morning Session, page 9, Lines 6-19

J7 from their inquest blog:
“Curiously, the Trackernet images from Aldgate on 7 July 2005 doesn't appear to have made it into the Inquest bundle of evidence, or at least not yet, although the Trackernet images of Edgware Road have. A trackernet image of the time of the explosion has been annotated by J7 using the Working Time Table for the London Underground, which the J7 Truth Campaign have obtained through a Freedom of Information Request.” Published on their website ( ).

“All other trains in this image are also in their correct places, according to the Working Timetable, if the time of this explosion is 08.46.30, the time that train 204 was in transit to Aldgate, not 08.49”.

Furthermore, you can observe in the cctv footage of train 204 at Liverpool St departing the eastbound platform at Liverpool Street at 08.45:41 (ref: - the cctv shows the time of 07.45 – which is taken to be a result of the time settings of that camera having not been adjusted for GMT). Then, from a camera on the westbound platform adjacent to the one just mentioned on the eastbound platform, large billows of smoke can be observed to emerge at 08.46:40, indicating the explosion occurred less than a minute after Train 204 departed the Liverpool Street eastbound platform to Aldgate East station.



Hide the following 15 comments

oh dear

27.10.2010 01:54

*puts face in palm, groans*

- here we go, 911's bastard son conspiracy is going to clog the indymedia airwaves, time to go to the countryside methinks!

- Hey, what's going to be 77's 2.25?

face palm

In Defence of EMPIRE

27.10.2010 08:27

Isn't it great that so many activists are such STAUNCH defenders of the OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY?

At least there are some lefties who can see through the RULING CLASS BULLSHIT, like people Michael Parenti:

face palm: PISS OFF to the countryside and dig yourself into a hole and please don't come out.


Muslims don't carry out bomb attacks do they?

27.10.2010 08:50

The 7/7 terrorist attacks must have been an inside job because there have been no recorded cases in history of muslims carrying out bomb attack have there? And there are no preachers of hate in Britain either are there?

Reality Check

"It's time to play the music..."

27.10.2010 10:07

Nice to see the conspiracy muppets are still on air.

Have they dried up about the Jews and bombs under trains and fake evidence now and concentrating on apophenia?

Jim Henson

Inquest making 7/7 truthers look a bit silly

27.10.2010 13:56

I love the way the 7/7 "troofers" seem to be ignoring the fact the inquest is making them look dafter and dafter.

In the posting above it was suggested as massive proof of a conspiracy that there was no CCTV covering the moment Hasib Hussain entered McDonalds. Maybe not (and I think the troofers watch far too much Spooks and assume CCTV works perfectly everywhere.)

But the inquest was shown CCTV showing him doing loads of stuff in Kings Cross station, including covering the time he spent in the McDonalds. (see below)

The eye witness accounts being heard by the inquest are also messing up a lot of the troothers claims that there was no proof these guys did it.


Footage of the final one of the July 7 bombers to detonate his device was shown today to the inquest into the 52 victims of the terrorist attacks in 2005.
It showed Hasib Hussain, at age 18 the youngest of the four, having first to buy a replacement battery to be able to set off his bomb, and thereby missing the prearranged moment to detonate allegedly agreed with the others.
After trying to contact them by phone (when they were already dead), he is seen on CCTV getting off one bus and on to another outside King's Cross station, before finally setting off his device.
In one clip, he is seen to set down the "highly unstable" rucksack outside WH Smiths at King's Cross and rummage around in it for a considerable time before removing what police say is a battery.
The next video played to the court shows him buying a 9 volt Duracell Plus at £4.49, paying with a five pound note. CCTV footage outside a nearby McDonald's records he spent eight minutes inside the restaurant; police believe he was replacing the bomb's battery.
On the inquest's fourth day, families of the victims watched Hussain's onward journey to board a No 30 bus. He then exploded his bomb at Tavistock Square, killing 13 people and injuring 110.
A number of CCTV cameras around King's Cross filmed Hussain emerging from the concourse on to a pavement packed with commuters holding umbrellas; many had been evacuated from the underground following the explosions, when Mohammed Sidique Khan, Shehzad Tanweer and Jermaine Lindsay had blown themselves up to devastating effect.
He is seen to weave through the crowds, as if unsure of where he is going. At 9.17am, he is seen at Gray's Inn Road, with a mobile phone to his ear. The court was told by Hugo Keith QC, counsel for the inquests, the call was to try to contact Lindsay, "who is of course, dead by then".



NO CCTV from KX underground, MacDonalds or Bus

27.10.2010 14:27

"There are reams of footage showing Hasib Hussain in and around King's Cross and the Euston Road, but what about the footage from Hussain's infamous trip to MacDonalds, where it is claimed he inserted a 9 volt battery, purchased minutes before from W.H. Smith, into his 'malfunctioning explosives'?

Q. Finally this, Inspector: the movements of Hasib Hussain, you've shown us the various bits of footage of his movements and of the buses. Was there any footage from inside McDonalds restaurant where he seemed to be present for some 8 minutes?
A. There was no footage. We recovered the CCTV from McDonalds, but unfortunately the system was -- the recording was stopped prior to him going into that location.
Q. So there were cameras, but for some reason they weren't recording?
A. There were cameras and, in fact, you see the office manager in the office going to the video machine and switching the "stop" button and it stops."

For more strange CCTV events like this, SEE:

- Homepage:

logic please

27.10.2010 15:42

If the conspirators are so mighty, evil and ambitious, why dont they manufacture CCTV footage to plug the gaps?

tom roof

I take it back...

27.10.2010 15:52

Haven’t got time to debunk all the truther rubbish about this. But earlier I noted, with a shrug, that maybe the original poster was right when he said:

“As well as that, no cctv images recorded where Hasib Hussain entered into McDonalds in Kings Cross”

In fact, he’s talking rubbish – as the inquest transcript shows. Hussain *was* shown by CCTV entering McDonalds.


7 Q. We can see from our map at E6 that McDonalds is located
8 to the east of King's Cross, and this shot is from
9 the --
10 A. This is from the --
11 Q. The front?
12 A. -- front of King's Cross looking towards McDonalds'
13 shopfront, and we'll see him from the right-hand side
14 cross over and enter McDonalds.
15 Q. How long is he in McDonalds for, roughly?
16 A. Approximately 8 minutes.
17 Q. May it be supposed that during that time he puts the
18 battery which he's purchased into the bomb?
19 A. Absolutely.
20 Q. Is this him coming out now?
21 A. Yes, that's correct.
22 Q. So this is some 8 minutes later?
23 A. Yes, across York Way, back towards King's Cross.

Next the truthers will claim that because there was no CCTV trained on the bus at the precise moment when it exploded, the bus never exploded…


The State's Conspiracy Narrative

27.10.2010 16:10

"17 Q. May it be supposed that during that time he puts the
18 battery which he's purchased into the bomb?
19 A. Absolutely.
20 Q. Is this him coming out now?
21 A. Yes, that's correct.
22 Q. So this is some 8 minutes later?"

So it's OK to speculate and dare I say theorise when it's on the part of the police & the solicitor to the Inquests? That's acceptable to you? The CCTV being turned off prior to Hasib entering MacDonald's, the lack of recording from 75 out of 76 cameras at KX underground between 8.30 and 8.50 and the malfunctioning CCTV on the number 30 bus is just coincidence?

Remember that Dame Hallett has decided to sit without a jury - we have a duty to be that absent jury.

- Homepage:

Er no, just logic.

27.10.2010 17:43

"So it's OK to speculate and dare I say theorise when it's on the part of the police & the solicitor to the Inquests?"

It's noted as what the police "supposed" he was doing in McDonald's. It's not a key part of the evidence whether he needed to replace the battery in the bomb or not, or if so, precisely when. It's just a very logical explanation of what he was doing in McDonald's (unless you think that devout Muslims can't resist a Big Mac sometime).

Given that he was seen fiddling around with his bag in the station, then went to WH Smiths to buy the battery, you don't exactly have to be Poirot to figure out what he'd do with the battery he bought next.

Incidentally, the whole thing in the original post about the 76 (or whatever) CCTV cameras not working in Kings Cross has been misrepresented too. From the inquest it's clear that the problem wasn't that the cameras themselves were all off, but that the system which cycled through them was stuck on one view. But this wasn't seen by the police investigators as too much of a bad thing. The guy referred to it as being lucky because it meant there was definite footage of the group together as there was solid footage from one angle. If it had been in cycle mode there's a possibility it could have missed them.


Err. Why did he need to replace his battery?

27.10.2010 17:52

.... and he needed to replace the malfunctioning battery because?

How do you explain the switching off of the CCTV in MacDonald's prior to his entering?

- Homepage:

.. because it was malfunctioning

27.10.2010 20:38

therefore it needed replacing....

who knows why the McD's cctv was turned off 0 random chance, or perhaps it was because it would reveal him meeting the lizard king who needed a new battery for his walkman?
what do you think?


Believe everything you are told?

29.10.2010 00:17

What do I think? I'm surprised and saddened that people believe everything they are told and can repeat it verbatim - particularly when it relates to so-called Islamist terrorism.

mail e-mail:
- Homepage:

So-called terrorism?

29.10.2010 11:38

July 7 exposed massive cock-ups by the police and security services. It also showed that all those who warned that Tony Blair was wrong, and that action in Iraq and Afghanistan would inevitably lead to attacks in the UK, were right.

You seem not to imagine "Islamist terrorism" exists, Bridget. Obviously it's been exaggerated in different countries to suit their differing political ends (see Russia, and in the US, the Patriot Act). But to suggest it doesn't exist shows astounding ignorance of modern history and geopolitics. Do you really think every IED planted in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq is put there by the CIA?

If 7/7 was a secret MI5 / Illuminati plot - what was the point? It didn't help the argument for war - the UK was there already. If anything, it undermined it. If you really want to play the conspiracy game you could try arguing that it was all a cunning plot to bring in civil rights changes (a la the Patriot Act), but the main ones the Government wanted (such as the detention one) were then defeated by a bunch of elderly peers in the House of Lords. So it seems an impossibly huge risk for no real reward.

If you think the CCTV stuff means the bus guy wasn't on the bus - why arrange it that way, and who was the bloke the witnesses did see on the bus with the bomb? Why let the original guy wander around in the open in a busy area of London if he wasn't on the bus that blew up. You'd need just one witness to say "Actually, I saw him in Starbucks half an hour after the explosion" or "Strange, I saw him getting into a black limo on Euston Road" and there would be a real question about the official narrative. That would be something. At the moment there's no convincing evidence for a conspiracy, and the weak stuff put forward by the truthers hinges on you believing that public transport works perfectly 100 per cent of the time and 100 per cent of CCTV systems are switched on and working perfectly too at all times. And you have to be out of touch with reality to believe that.


Shape up and get real!

29.10.2010 17:26

"July 7 exposed massive cock-ups by the police and security services. It also showed that all those who warned that Tony Blair was wrong, and that action in Iraq and Afghanistan would inevitably lead to attacks in the UK, were right.

You seem not to imagine "Islamist terrorism" exists, Bridget. Obviously it's been exaggerated in different countries to suit their differing political ends (see Russia, and in the US, the Patriot Act). But to suggest it doesn't exist shows astounding ignorance of modern history and geopolitics. Do you really think every IED planted in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq is put there by the CIA?

If 7/7 was a secret MI5 / Illuminati plot - what was the point? It didn't help the argument for war - the UK was there already. If anything, it undermined it. If you really want to play the conspiracy game you could try arguing that it was all a cunning plot to bring in civil rights changes (a la the Patriot Act), but the main ones the Government wanted (such as the detention one) were then defeated by a bunch of elderly peers in the House of Lords. So it seems an impossibly huge risk for no real reward."

You only need to look at the French Sarkozy Government to see the lengths that these so-called Governments are willing to go to to terrorise their own damn people.

Eiffel Tower evacuated (maybe it will work, maybe it wont!!!)

Osama Bin Laden threatens France (this'll definately work, or will it!!!)

Waging war against the muslims (always a good one to use, everybody is frightened of muslim women that are invisible!!!!)

French government up shit street (crap, maybe this war on terror aint so good after all!!!!)

Its always the case. Government get into trouble and what happens, the ugly spectre of "what happened in 2001 might still be useful to us now" rears its ugly head.

This is what the The War on Against Terror has become. A convenient "do it all" logic for the capitalist private marketeers to bully people into remaining obediently passive while these degenerates profit from the public purse.

Labour were the same, it isn't about anything other than the "modern" politico feeding from the public tit because there is more money in public "service" now than there has ever been in the past. Terrorism is the new tactic of a new ruling class of quasi-capitalists who make their money by "serving" the public from the public purse.

Norvello, can you explain to me what's the fucking point of offering their own fucking narrative for them and apologising and making excuses for them?

You really are a fucking tit son!

Your problem is you have spent so much time being fucked up the arse you've actually grown to like it!!!!

You've got no idea just how talentless and fucking useless these idiots are. You also have no fucking idea the lengths they will go to to protect their privilege.

7/7 wasn't a conspiracy because the guys who carried out that attack WERE there, WERE carrying explosives, WERE fucking annoyed at what we had done to Iraq and WERE fully aware that taking action meant more than sitting at home sucking their thumbs. The only conspiracy, is that the UK security services and private defence contractors have spread the idea that the British Government and security services somehow, in some way, knew about it all. In reality they knew ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Not about the plot, not about the bombers, not about the people who are still at liberty and who know the real truth of it.

The Government and security services were caught playing with its penis and with its thumb in its mouth.

How do I know this?

One bus, three trains, 52 dead and a fucking mile of interviews and "accounts" from people who were never there, but who can be counted on in a crisis appearing on the BBC as so-called "experts".

A big fucking REALITY CHECK.