New Islamophobic Kids On The Block
Islamophobia is racism | 04.10.2010 01:38 | Anti-racism
It appears some members of EDL have broken away from the main group and are recruiting for their own campaign to target what they call 'Islamism'. In reality, just like the EDL they wish to target Muslims, as the sole aim of this group is to confront Muslims and no other religious or racial group. Their facebook group is littered with racism towards Muslims and other minority groups (no change there then). As with EDL, a tiny number of Muslims have been hoodwinked by the racists into believing they only wish to make a stand against 'miltant' Islam - we've all heard that one before.
Their facebook group -

Their website -

Their group description is basically a distraction away from their real intentions. So far they have had various outings in central London, with one outing ending up in an altercation in Whitechapel (the current favourite haunt for right wing groups). Exactly what went on we haven't been able to get to the bottom of yet, though it involved members of the local Muslim community.
Make no mistake, underneath the non-racist image presented yet again by Islamophobic groups, lies the usual loathing of Islam and Muslims in line with groups such as SIOE, EDL and BNP. All fascist groups need to be challenged in this climate of hatred towards Muslims - NiceOnesUk are no exception.
Smash fascism.
Islamophobia is racism
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