English Defence League [EDL] pre Bradford meet & party Sat 7th August in Seaham
Anti racists | 05.08.2010 14:38 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | Sheffield | World
The English Defence League are an Islamophobic and racist organisation whose leadership and foot soldiers have links to the BNP, Combat 18, Blood and Honour, White Pride, English Shieldwall, English Nationalist Alliance and UKIP. The EDL have rioted in Stoke, Luton, Bolton, Dudley etc. They have been photographed and filmed giving Nazi salutes and with swastika flags. They are planning yet another riot in Bradford on the 28th August described by them as "the big one" [partly because the UAF have stirred it up as the "big one"]. This Saturday 7th August the EDL or "North East Infidels" are meeting at the Red Star Seaham for a pre Bradford meeting & an EDL party.
The EDL are meeting at the Red Star in Seaham, [North East England] 6.30 - 9.30pm to discuss Bradford and for a party. There will be kareoke and a raffle. The prizes for the raffle are EDL t-shirts, hoodies, badges and hats all donated by Tommy Robinson.
The EDL have arranged transport [probably a coach ie Johnsons] with pick ups from Luton and Cambridge. [No other pick up locations have been given as yet that we know of]. The EDL have booked five rooms at a Travelodge in Sunderland for the weekend. Tickets all in are around £35. English Defence Youth [EDY] will be attending.
Alex and the Bandits will be playing. Alex and the Bandits are an EDL band and have created an EDL song... "E E EDL" to rock guitar.
We ask that no one goes to this event or Travelodge with the intention of violence etc.
The English Defence League have been responsible for placing pig's heads on Mosques, pulling the clothing from Muslim women, smashing up shops, cars and homes of Asian people. They have sent death threats to peaceful anti EDL campaigners including women. Whenever the EDL "march peacefully" the shops in the cities affected have had to close which is affecting thousands of people. The EDL claim to support our troops but endanger and compromise our soldiers. Serving members of the British Army have been attending EDL meetings, marches and rallies wearing EDL shirts. This means that the British Army are attacking British Muslims, British civilians. The MOD have not [as yet] banned serving soldiers from attending EDL events and meetings or wearing EDL clothing. The EDL have an Armed Forces Division. This is very upsetting fro Britsh civilians. The British Army are attacking British people while taking part in EDL activity against British Muslims.
In Dudley a pigs head was placed on a Mosque by the EDL. Prior to an EDL protest in Dudley an EDL supporter threatened to break into Dudely zoo and find a boar, cut off it's head and the place the head in the Mosque to "teach Dudley a lesson". Dudley zoo is close to Dudley Central Mosque. Recently, EDL supporters placed a pigs head at Finsbury Park Mosque a few days before a planned EDL and ENA London march.
The EDL claim not to be racist but again and again are proved to be so.
Stop the EDL!
The EDL have arranged transport [probably a coach ie Johnsons] with pick ups from Luton and Cambridge. [No other pick up locations have been given as yet that we know of]. The EDL have booked five rooms at a Travelodge in Sunderland for the weekend. Tickets all in are around £35. English Defence Youth [EDY] will be attending.
Alex and the Bandits will be playing. Alex and the Bandits are an EDL band and have created an EDL song... "E E EDL" to rock guitar.
We ask that no one goes to this event or Travelodge with the intention of violence etc.
The English Defence League have been responsible for placing pig's heads on Mosques, pulling the clothing from Muslim women, smashing up shops, cars and homes of Asian people. They have sent death threats to peaceful anti EDL campaigners including women. Whenever the EDL "march peacefully" the shops in the cities affected have had to close which is affecting thousands of people. The EDL claim to support our troops but endanger and compromise our soldiers. Serving members of the British Army have been attending EDL meetings, marches and rallies wearing EDL shirts. This means that the British Army are attacking British Muslims, British civilians. The MOD have not [as yet] banned serving soldiers from attending EDL events and meetings or wearing EDL clothing. The EDL have an Armed Forces Division. This is very upsetting fro Britsh civilians. The British Army are attacking British people while taking part in EDL activity against British Muslims.
In Dudley a pigs head was placed on a Mosque by the EDL. Prior to an EDL protest in Dudley an EDL supporter threatened to break into Dudely zoo and find a boar, cut off it's head and the place the head in the Mosque to "teach Dudley a lesson". Dudley zoo is close to Dudley Central Mosque. Recently, EDL supporters placed a pigs head at Finsbury Park Mosque a few days before a planned EDL and ENA London march.
The EDL claim not to be racist but again and again are proved to be so.
Stop the EDL!
Anti racists
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good grief
05.08.2010 18:16
Who's 'we'?
Why are you putting this information out?
Are you in the EDL?
Are you in the risible UAF?
Will you go away, and take your nonsense with you?
good grief
05.08.2010 18:16
Who's 'we'?
Why are you putting this information out?
Are you in the EDL?
Are you in the risible UAF?
Will you go away, and take your nonsense with you?
Who's "we"? Us is we is.
05.08.2010 18:24
To Jabba
05.08.2010 18:25
How dare they
06.08.2010 01:21
African wild dog (Lycaon pictus)
Asian Azure-winged Magpie (Cyanopica cyanus)
Asiatic Black Bear (no subspecies-status) (Ursus thibetanus)
Asiatic lion (Persian lion) (Indian lion) (Panthera leo goojratensis (syn.: Panthera leo persica))
Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)
Black iguana (Ctenosaura similis)
Black lemur (Eulemur macaco macaco)
Black-cheeked lovebird (Agapornis nigrigenis)
Boobook owl (Ninox boobook)
Brazilian tapir (Lowland tapir) (Tapirus terrestris)
Burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia (syn.: Speotyto cunicularia))
Bush dog (Speothos venaticus)
Callimico (Goeldi's monkey) (Goeldi's marmoset) (Callimico goeldii)
Chestnut-breasted teal (Anas castanea)
Citron-crested cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata)
Coahuilan box turtle* (Terrapene coahuila*)
Collared lemur* (Eulemur collaris*)
Colombian black spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps robustus)
Common chimpanzee (no subspecies-status) (Pan troglodytes)
Common raven (Corvus corax corax)
Crested black macaque (Celebes black macaque) (Macaca nigra)
Domestic Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus f. domesticus)
Dwarf crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis)
Eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
Eastern pygmy marmoset (Callithrix pygmaea niveiventris (Cebuella pygmaea niveiventris))
Egyptian spiny-tailed lizard (Uromastyx aegyptia)
Eurasian lynx (no subspecies-status) (Lynx lynx)
Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
Florida box turtle* (Terrapene carolina bauri*)
Florida kingsnake (Lampropeltis getulus floridana)
Geoffroy's cat (Oncifelis geoffroyi (Leopardus geoffroyi))
Giraffe (no subspecies-status) (Giraffa camelopardalis)
Guanaco (Lama guanicoe)
Kinghorn's Python* (Morelia kinghorni*)
Madagascar teal (Anas bernieri)
Malayan water monitor (Varanus salvator)
Meerkat (Suricata suricatta)
Meller's duck (Anas melleri)
Mongoose maki* (Eulemur mongoz*)
Nile monitor (Varanus niloticus)
Oriental small-clawed otter (Amblonyx cinerea (Aonyx cinerea))
Parma wallaby (Macropus parma)
Pied imperial pigeon (Ducula bicolor)
Pink pigeon (Nesoenas mayeri (syn.: Columba mayeri))
Puna ibis (Plegadis ridgwayi)
Red flamingo (Caribbean flamingo) (Phoenicopterus ruber)
Red ruffed lemur (Varecia rubra)
Red-necked wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus)
Ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta)
Rothschild's giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi)
Sclater crowned-pigeon (Goura scheepmakeri sclateri)
Snow leopard (Panthera uncia (Uncia uncia))
Soay (Ovis orientalis f. aries)
South American sea lion (Otaria byronia (Otaria flavescens))
Southern African porcupine* (Hystrix africaeaustralis*)
Southern white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari pecari (Tayassu albirostris albirostris))
Speckled pigeon (Columba guinea)
Sudan plated lizard (Gerrhosaurus major)
Sulawesi babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa celebensis (Babyrousa celebensis))
Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae)
Timor monitor* (Varanus timorensis*)
Toco toucan (Ramphastos toco)
Western bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus (Pongo pygmaeus))
White-throated monitor (Varanus albigularis)
Yellow mongoose (Cynictis penicillata)
Former Holderings:
Arabian gazelle* (Ariel)* (Gazella gazella cora (syn.: Gazella gazella arabica)*)
Bengal tiger (Royal Bengal tiger) (Panthera tigris tigris)
Black-naped fruit-dove (Ptilinopus melanospila)
Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
Branicki`s Ibis** (Theristicus melanopis branickii**)
Croaking ground-dove (Columbina cruziana)
Grey junglefowl (Gallus sonneratii)
Hippopotamus (Common hippopotamus) (Hippopotamus amphibius)
Iris glossy-starling (Coccycolius iris)
Jaguar (Panthera onca)
Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
Killer whale (Orcinus orca*)
Laughing dove (Streptopelia senegalensis)
Laysan duck (Anas laysanensis (Syn.: Anas platyrhynchos laysanensis))
Mindanao bleeding-heart (Gallicolumba crinigera)
New Zealand scaup (Aythya novaeseelandiae)
Nile softshelled turtle (Trionyx triunguis)
Polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
Radiated tortoise (Asterochelys radiata)
Red-necked Sulawesi ground-dove (Gallicolumba tristigmata bimaculata)
Southern elephant seal** (Mirounga leonina**)
Spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta)
Sumatran orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus abelii (Pongo abelii))
Western bushpig (Potamochoerus porcus porcus)
Western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)
See no Boar!!!!!!
Andrew Saxon
FAO andrew saxon
06.08.2010 07:08
Concerned of gipton
Dudley Zoo
06.08.2010 12:19
EDL pub?
06.08.2010 13:16
06.08.2010 18:05
You know how it is these days, with all these muslim extreemists and all.
Homepage: http://www.clubwebsite.co.uk/seahamredstarfc/findus.pl
Please do turn up.
06.08.2010 18:51
North East EDL
All mouth
07.08.2010 15:26
Bert we never said we were going to do anything. What makes you think we were?
07.08.2010 19:28
EDL Racists say "F**K the N*****S" -
08.08.2010 19:45
EDL Racists say "F**K the N*****S"...
EDL Supporters with Nazi T-shirts & Tattoos...
EDL Nazi Wayne Baldwin...
EDL supporter abused 14 year old girl...
EDL - Casuals United promote Nazi music...
Antifa Research
Bash All Fash
08.08.2010 20:13
Yorkshire AFA
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