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The EDL are racist, fascist Nazis and Wayne Baldwin EDL Nazi proves it.

anon | 04.07.2010 11:50 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | South Coast | World

The English Defence League [EDL] are racist, fascist neo-Nazis. The man pictured is Wayne Baldwin. He is a member of the EDL and is a regular at EDL protests, marches and rallies. As you can see he has an EDL t-shirt hanging on his wall alongside a swastika flag. He is no stranger to violence and has stab wound on his stomach, something he enjoys showing off on EDL demonstrations.

The English Defence League are a group of mostly football hooligans who say that they are against "Islamic extremism" but who are against all Muslims and have marched on Mosques across the UK. Some of the EDL are black, some are Asian Sikhs and shockingly there are even Muslims who have joined the EDL or support the EDL, ie Abdul a Scottish Asian who is a regular at EDL events and others [who are not being named because they are female].
The EDL have rioted in UK towns including Luton, Stoke, Bolton, Dudley and Aylesbury. The EDL was formed by a group of hooligans from Luton.

The EDL claim that they are not a racist organisation and say that racists and Nazis are not welcome. Perhaps they would care to explain Wayne EDL Baldwin, a neo-Nazi?



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this is getting boring

04.07.2010 12:50

so, so,so,so,so,,so boring.
Of course they are racist. At the heart of them is a racist/loyalist agenda. As always.
At face value it's being used a jew front against Muslims.
Either way by hating anyone one section of society makes you...yes you guessed racist.

Of course some will not be, and not all are fash. Most are blind,lost,naive,confused.

But to say that of morons do not have a race agenda is either plain wrong.
You really are fooling no one, apart from those who follow.

See you in glasgow in sept ya filth.

Scottish antifa.

oi oi

fuck edl

04.07.2010 13:48

You can claim whatever you want- we heard your chants, we seen you act and we know about far too many bnp, bpp and other fascist/nazi scum in your ranks to think it is a coincidence. Just because you have few confused Uncle Toms in your ranks (sorry, despite trying hard couldn't really spot any Muslims- perhaps chants such "Allah was a paedo" put them off?) doesn't mean you are not racist. Also think that too many UAFers don't concentrate on is your pro-war stance, not even mentioning big pro-zionist element in EDL. You are a coalition of naive, confused people (minority) and dumb racist fuckwits of all sorts (majority). Expect resistance.



04.07.2010 15:02

What more proof do I need than what I see with my own eyes.
At demos, threats I have had, the video of bus load of EDL screaming they are gonna batter "pakis"

Many are not but are being used.

oi oi

What's that?

04.07.2010 16:29

Just naive and not nazi? The stupid prick fell off the van.

"Dirty muslim bastards". But you're not racist, are you "neptune"?

Not connected to the BNP, are you "neptune"?

"Fucking paki lover!" But you're not racist are you "neptune"?

"Allah blew our coach up"

But you're not racist or islamaphobic, are you "neptune"?

Silly little nazis end up dead when they are not looking. You are being watched.

EDL Smasher

dishonesty is dangeorus ..

04.07.2010 20:39

it is plain that there are Nazis around the EDL. But it is equally clear many EDL hate Nazis. Hence the Swastika buring stunt, the many attacks on Nazis online and the EDL beating up Nazis in Whitehall last year, after they took the piss that EDL has black and jewish members.

The EDL are ultra loyalists, conservatives. they do not fit neatly in the NAZI box anon so you can go and wave a lollipop at them with your UAF mates.

But this continual guilt by association has to stop. It is the first step for the state to fit up the Left, the @s, the activists, to prove guilt by association. So beacuse there are Holocaust deniers on STW marches, does that make STW anti-semitic? no. becuase there are trotskyists in trade unions does that make all trade unionists trotskyists? no. beacuse some AR are terrorists does that make all AR terrorists? no and so for the EDL

stop using methods of the state and the stalinists. take the EDL as it is. it is still a danger and still must be dealt with.


The word racist

05.07.2010 08:08

The word racist is being thrown about here as a random, vague allusion to something it is blatantly not.

Hating a section of society does not make you racist. However unpleasant it is, whatever you want to call it it, is not racism.

Hating a religion does jot make you a racist. Just as hating gays does not make you racist.

Hating someone simply because of the colour of their skin, or their ethnic background, makes you racist.

Dealing with the edl needs clarity and intelligence and a political awareness that must reach beyond the traditions of petty left sloganeering.

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