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Show your support to stop Stoning Sakina in Iran's islamic regime

Kawah | 19.06.2010 14:13 | Gender | Repression | World

An innocent woman is jailed and waiting to be stoned under Iran's islamic law.

This innocent woman ( Sakina Mohammadi Ashtiani ) was arrested 4 years ago and found guilty under Islamic law due to adultery. At that time she was punished with 99 slashes, but her case was taken to court again and she was given death penalty by stoning!.
Sakina has a two children whom are seeking support from all progressive and freedom fighters people to support them that they could stop stoning their mum.

Sakina has asked for amnesty and her children are desperately waiting for her release.

International campaign against stoning woman ask all progressive people to rise their voice and do support innocent woman whom is jailed by Iran's islamic regime.

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19.06.2010 16:51

should we be interfering in the culture of the religeon of peace?? its the law of the country if this was white people you wouldnt complain it stinks of racism

our bussines?


19.06.2010 18:39

There are 3,297 people awaiting ritual murder by (ligitimate?) government officials in the USA the home of peace and democracy.

Is it somehow better to have anonymous government employees murder people in dark government building than communities murdering their own, out in the open?



19.06.2010 19:30

to right mate who are we to tell these people how to punish there criminals if she hadnt been caught sleeping around they wouldnt be using her for target practice all these bleeding hearts moaning we will never understand there culture so we should mind our own bussiness were hardly perfect


anything goes eh?

19.06.2010 22:26

"to right mate who are we to tell these people how to punish there criminals if she hadnt been caught sleeping around they wouldnt be using her for target practice all these bleeding hearts moaning we will never understand there culture so we should mind our own bussiness were hardly perfect"

Sorry but I just can't see how burying somebody up to their neck and then throwing rocks at somebodys head until they are dead is suitable punishment for sleeping with somebody out of wedlock!

If you think this is acceptable then you need to see a psychiatrist!

Either that or you need to fuck off to Iran.

Human being


20.06.2010 00:54

It is a well known fact that this woman worked for the CIA. Mossad is responsible for these so-called stonings, it is all a plot to make people not worry about the Israelis and their demonic blockade.


Stoning woman is a Horrific and barbaric islamic law

20.06.2010 12:49

annon if you still believe this barbaric law ,, then honestly you should be deported to your county [ Somalia ] , and enjoy Islamic law among your community,, but you are not welcomed to civilized society.

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What the fuck?

20.06.2010 13:22

It's incredible that people are defending this act of state murder on this site. It shows how far the political context we work in has veered to the right, and the bizarre toleration of religious fascism among people who should know better.

Most indymedia readers are very aware of executions in the US and elsewhere. We have also taken to the streets to oppose killings by the police in the UK. And we oppose a theocratic state's murder of a woman in Iran.

The pre-historic mindset of the individual saying it's her fault for 'sleeping around' boggles the mind. Why don't you mosey on down to the Natural History Museum and take your place among the dinosaurs where you belong!


first two comments sound like trolls to me

20.06.2010 14:11

The first two comments by "our bussines?" and "anarchist" sound like trolls from right-wingers to me.

Both with blatant spelling errors which look like they were done by the same person.

I reckon some EDL-type sympathiser trying to imply that anarchists and IM readers are pro fundamentalist Islam and pro cultural relativism.

To the people who are astonished that someone should defend stoning on this site, I say be a bit more cynical and read between the lines. Remember all comments are totally anonymous, there is no way to build up a reputation as a good poster here, so every comment must be critically viewed in that light. Indymedia is a troll's paradise.


This is pure blood lust

21.06.2010 03:22

Several things.
I am against the death penalty in all cases but in the USA and only in some states only murder is punished in this way following a very long legal process. Barbaric yes but not as disgusting as what this poor woman is facing. It is similar to China where people can be murdered by the state for so called "crimes" such as "hooliganism".

What has happened to the man? Men get murdered as well for daring to "fornicate", has he escaped?

This is nothing to do with anything more than bloodlust and ritual murder. It is the same as burning someone for being a "witch", utterly disgusting, unacceptable an atrocity.

I strongly suspect that her trial was not exactly fair. A fair trial is a rare thing even with legal aid and a competant brief.

I am horrified that anyone could possibly defend or try to understand such a crass disrespect for another life and such misogynistic, hateful, tyranny.

By the way women who have been raped have been stoned to death, a child who was the victim of a nonce was hung in Iran whilst he recieved lashes. Stoning anyone to death even if they have committed the most heinous offence is an absolute fucking disgrace let alone those who have not harmed a soul.

The stone throwers may find themselves burning in their own hell one day, I have nothing but utter disgust for them as I have nothing but utter disgust for those who laughed as their neighbours burned for being old, confused or intelligent.

Lynn Sawyer

a reflection

21.06.2010 18:00

This is a classic example of why the UK is so much better than the middle-east.
Its not our fault they live 800years behind us.

Next time some Islams come to this country tells us how we should run things, it would be best to think twice about who you are supporting. If anyone is going to try bring the death penalty here it will be the Islam freaks. Diversity does not work, keep your vile ways in your own cesspit.


Consequences and Example to Society, one sided?

02.08.2010 13:14

I know it’s painful for any person to feel the way Sakina does, especially as she thinks of her children. I’m sure she regrets what has happened to her, and hates the punishment and wonders why it’s so harsh. I can feel for her. However, you did not post the whole story, the part where her re-trial was due to the involvement of the person with whom she committed adultery being the killer of her husband.

Should there be no consideration to both sides of the story? Rather than asking herself question:

"Many nights, before sleeping, I think to myself how can anybody be prepared to throw stones at me; to aim at my face and hands? Why?

Perhaps the question should be about what her action sets as an example to others around her;

(a) the action she took before she was discovered to have sinned to badly
(b) the one that she may have participated in directly or indirectly (i.e.: her husband being killed), and,
(c) the action she is about to endure (the stoning)

There is no doubt that sin will continue to occur in society even when punishment is set as an example; certainly, it will happen far less frequently. So I support punishment, and I am hopeful that if I commit sin and that society decides to punish me that I will contemplate it in the following way.

I think she should spend the time she has to repent. After all whatever you believe in, there are consequences to every action, and whether you believe in a God or not, such repentance allows everyone to become peaceful with themselves and with each other, instead of the animosity being raised by these counter arguing articles. There is Mercy to be had here, but you must allow such mercy to be shown in the example of consequence for actions

Also, the published articles, even by so called Amnesty Organizations, is deplorable - Has it gotten so bad that it is important enough to ignore that a man (her husband) was killed? Could she not have been a part of some unbiased circumstance/action that was less than defensible as it related to him? The article is what I object to - Since it is so one-sided and aims only to shine light on Shari’a Law as if it is a barbaric system. Incredulous…!!!

Everyone has laws to preserve the sanctity of family and society in their own communities. Why try and impose yours upon another in the name of Civility, when it is that very same civility that you are not willing to consider furnishing to the same party you are demanding it from?

May we all have the foresight and be granted the Grace to stay in God's Mercy and Guidance. Al7amdulilah.


Sharia Lies

08.11.2010 13:18

The interpretation of Sharia Law varies from nation to nation, province to province and district to district. The one common factor that links all, is the often poorly educated and low intelligence of the Mullah or Head-Man of a province or district whose job it is to interpret Sharia law and it's implementation.
There is no doubt, in the minds of right thinking people, that the interpretation of the Qur'an and especially Shariac Law, is heavily weighted in favour of men. Even if a case is prima facie in favour of the female, he may suffer some form of punishment, yet, sympathies will be bestowed upon the male. Conversely, if it is the reverse, all manner of hatred will be heaped upon the female, and she will be punished most severely. Muslim males from the demographic I have outlined above, will lie endlessly to preserve the status quo. I wonder if they realise that in the eyes of decent intelligent Muslims, and the rest of the enlightened world, they shame themselves and Islam as a whole.

Victor Lebraun

Victor Lebraun
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