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Local activists protest circus cruelty

led | 15.04.2010 20:30 | Animal Liberation | Culture | Education

Local activists protest circus cruelty

Evening circus demo
Evening circus demo

In the eerie Toton twilight, Nottingham animal rights activists are currently holding daily protests against the notorious Great British Circus pitched at the Japanese Water Gardens (which already has moral black marks against it for the condition of its fish tanks and its exotic pet shop).

There were no problems with the police and the response from the public was generally positive.
One customer came out appalled by the visible signs of beatings she had seen on a tiger.

Forcing animals to perform in travelling circuses which is condemned by the RSPCA as "very harmful", may soon become illegal especially after the damning conclusions of a Bristol university study into circus animal welfare which is the most respected scientific analysis of the topic to date. Animal circuses are already banned on most council land across the country because of the cruelty.

In the woefully small cages of the Great British Circus, tigers, camels, zebras and horses must spend most of their lives, the little exercise they get being "broken in" and trained to perform their unnatural repertoire for gullible punters most of whom will never see the fear and suffering they are causing by patronising such medieval forms of entertainment.

For more information on animal circuses see the Captive Animal Protection Society website:

To get involved with Nottingham Animal Right's efforts to stop all animal cruelty, see:



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Next stop Leicester

16.04.2010 00:45

Good work! They were demo'd a few times at the previous stop in Grimsby. The circus's next stop is Leicester - I don't know if anything's been arranged there?


More tour/demo dates, including Leicester next

16.04.2010 17:02

Poster available from
Poster available from

The `Great` British Circus are in Leicester next, at Leicester Road, Glen Parva on the A426 - Tuesday 27th April 2010 to Sunday 16th May

If you are planning protests, take care, and let us know at - we'll spread the word.

Meanwhile join the opening night demo at 6.15pm on Tuesday 27th April.
Details at

This circus have many animals including lions, zebras, camels, llamas, horses, ponies, goats and reindeer, and now elephants and a tiger.

See possible locations for the forthcoming season, projected from last years tour, at

Also links to other campaign contacts and past reports including the classic "ringmaster loosing his rag -whilst- being interviewed by BBC!"

Details of all other animal circuses all over uk here too.

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