David Irving Run Out Of Town
Benny Riefenstahl | 28.03.2010 13:03 | Anti-racism | South Coast
Far-right holocaust denier David Irving was prevented from holding a meeting in Brighton today. 20 anti-fascists mobilised to shut down the meeting.
Far-right holocaust denier David Irving was prevented from holding a meeting in Brighton today. 20 anti-fascists mobilised to shut down the meeting.
The manager of the venue threw Irving and his four neo-Nazi hangers-on out as soon as he found out who Irving really was, but the fascists called the police and refused to leave without police presence. A police van and car responded and the Nazis promptly scarpered with their tails between their legs.
Brighton remains a no-go zone for fascists – previously Irving has had his holocaust denial literature confiscated and destroyed by anti-fascists, and the National Front were run out of town by marchers at Brighton Gay Pride in 2007.
The manager of the venue threw Irving and his four neo-Nazi hangers-on out as soon as he found out who Irving really was, but the fascists called the police and refused to leave without police presence. A police van and car responded and the Nazis promptly scarpered with their tails between their legs.
Brighton remains a no-go zone for fascists – previously Irving has had his holocaust denial literature confiscated and destroyed by anti-fascists, and the National Front were run out of town by marchers at Brighton Gay Pride in 2007.
Benny Riefenstahl
Hide the following 25 comments
Great Job...
28.03.2010 13:24
holocaust denial
28.03.2010 14:59
jo blogs
more of this sort of thing
28.03.2010 15:30
dudley dave
Matty Bailey is a fan of... "Young and Gay"
28.03.2010 18:22
But it says "Matty Bailey is a fan of..." "Young and Gay" as well as "I Am British And Against Any Muslim Extremist Group Protesting In The UK".
Assuming this isn't just a troll identity set up in the name of someone else, I wonder how they square that circle given the well-known BNP homophobia? These fascists are weird.
about matty...
28.03.2010 18:57
His comments are here....
Brilliant work!
28.03.2010 21:56
Are you sure this is accurate?
28.03.2010 22:05
Raul Reeve
What the fuck is this?
28.03.2010 23:43
This isn't anti-facsism, it's social fucking networking
Enkel Arms
more info...
29.03.2010 00:03
nice one
29.03.2010 01:07
in solidarity
How about...
29.03.2010 02:45
2. was it a public meeting/had people paid to get in?
3. did irving organise the event himself?
4. If not who was the group who organised the meeting?
5. What was the venue?
6. Were people present at the meeting when it was stopped?
7. how did you actually prevent the meeting?
8. Were those present for the meeting confronted about their own reasons for being there?
9. Did any of you come into contact with the facsists? If so what was the outcome?
10. His "his four neo-Nazi hangers-on". Were they recognisable faces? Do we know what, if any group they belong to. Were they acting as security? (In fact any information on these characters would be useful intelligence).
Basic stuff. Not kids-on-campus macho posturing. A string of jargon words does not make an "anti-fascist" action.
Enkel Arms
to enkel
29.03.2010 07:52
Nah Dave
29.03.2010 10:27
Had to go to irving's site to get the BASIC info on this. No-one doubting the effect, and to be honest can't knock those who turned out for it. That isn't the point. He's doing a tour around the UK, it would've been good to have genuine, decent info on what to expect instead we get the worse kind of sniggering schoolboy posturing.
Next time mate, get someone else to do the report back eh? It's a genuine fucking embarrassment.
Enkel Arms
to Enkel Arms
29.03.2010 13:27
1.) find the venue where the event is taking place (not gonna tell you how in here though.. :) )
2.) speak with the owner/manager just befoire mneeting is due to start, not before. They had it booked as a "book reading club", nothing specific so owner didnt even know its Irvings lecture.
3.) no serious security, couple of ageing skinheads and assorted weirdoes so with few determined people it shouldnt be difficult to close it down. As I said in that case owner of the pub had no idea about the nature of lecture and didnt even think twice about kicking them out.
Most of your questions cant be answered in here due to obvious reasons.
Now get off your arse and start organizing ;)
Why the hysteria about a historian?
29.03.2010 21:30
I've seen Irving speak. He did not deny the Holocaust. He did reveal various Allied war crimes such as refusing to accept Japan's surrender one month before Hiroshima, condemning thousands of civilians and soldiers. He also described Axis war crimes - so why the hysteria? Some say it's because 'far right' types come to his meetings. Well, when myself and some other lefties went to his meeting, Indymedia commenters said we must be Nazis! They uncritically printed what Zionist websites said about 'holocaust denial'. Thanks to this Indymedia site for allowing contrary views.
Raul Reeve
e-mail: raul1009@yahoo.com
charlatan, not historian
30.03.2010 03:40
The Irving trial took a look at what he'd written and said and found that not only was he a Holocaust denier, a racist, and an anti-Semite, but that he lied again and again - intentionally lied - in his historical writings.
Proved. Documented.
Why are you defending the racist Irving? Why are you defending a racist liar?
Irving a proven charlatan
Reply to criticisms of my plea to be careful when condemning Irving
31.03.2010 01:25
Raul Reeve
e-mail: raul1009@yahoo.com
Why am I defending Irving?
31.03.2010 03:43
Raul Reeve
e-mail: raul1009@yahoo.com
Irving has stopped pretending to be a simple historian
31.03.2010 14:48
do keep up
Irving has stopped pretending to be a simple historian?
31.03.2010 15:12
Raul Reeve
e-mail: raul1009@yahoo.com
speak for yourself, Irving fan
31.03.2010 16:16
You're showing what it takes to be an Irving supporter: an iron-clad ability to wave away anything you disagree with as 'unimportant' 'biased', whatever it takes to ignore it.
not a fan of Uncle Adolf
01.04.2010 08:26
you're lucky they are allowing your posts even though they would say you are defending a racist and Hitler supporter.
I asked for scientific evidence to support the Holocaust gas chamber genocide and they deleted all my posts and the responses to it. A bit 1984-like.
real history
01.04.2010 13:56
David Irving earned the destruction of his reputation the hard way: by lying, lying again, and lying some more. But there are people who just love to be lied to, and Raul seems to be one of them.
not a fan of Uncle Adolf
Not a fan of uncle Adolf, Winston, Franklin or Joe
01.04.2010 18:15
Raul Reeve
it's right in front of you
01.04.2010 21:29
Sure, reading Irving is great if you want to stop after every sentence and wonder what the lie he's slipped into it is. And if you have no basic problem taking an internationally despised racist anti-Semite at his own word.
not a fan of Uncle Adolf