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David Irving Run Out Of Town

Benny Riefenstahl | 28.03.2010 13:03 | Anti-racism | South Coast

Far-right holocaust denier David Irving was prevented from holding a meeting in Brighton today. 20 anti-fascists mobilised to shut down the meeting.

Far-right holocaust denier David Irving was prevented from holding a meeting in Brighton today. 20 anti-fascists mobilised to shut down the meeting.

The manager of the venue threw Irving and his four neo-Nazi hangers-on out as soon as he found out who Irving really was, but the fascists called the police and refused to leave without police presence. A police van and car responded and the Nazis promptly scarpered with their tails between their legs.

Brighton remains a no-go zone for fascists – previously Irving has had his holocaust denial literature confiscated and destroyed by anti-fascists, and the National Front were run out of town by marchers at Brighton Gay Pride in 2007.

Benny Riefenstahl
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Display the following 25 comments

  1. Great Job... — IHTF
  2. holocaust denial — jo blogs
  3. more of this sort of thing — dudley dave
  4. Matty Bailey is a fan of... "Young and Gay" — anon
  5. about matty... — pete
  6. Brilliant work! — Bobsleigh
  7. Are you sure this is accurate? — Raul Reeve
  8. What the fuck is this? — Enkel Arms
  9. more info... — helpful
  10. nice one — in solidarity
  11. How about... — Enkel Arms
  12. to enkel — dave
  13. Nah Dave — Enkel Arms
  14. to Enkel Arms — antifascist
  15. Why the hysteria about a historian? — Raul Reeve
  16. charlatan, not historian — Irving a proven charlatan
  17. Reply to criticisms of my plea to be careful when condemning Irving — Raul Reeve
  18. Why am I defending Irving? — Raul Reeve
  19. Irving has stopped pretending to be a simple historian — do keep up
  20. Irving has stopped pretending to be a simple historian? — Raul Reeve
  21. speak for yourself, Irving fan — not a fan of Uncle Adolf
  22. Lucky — insidejob
  23. real history — not a fan of Uncle Adolf
  24. Not a fan of uncle Adolf, Winston, Franklin or Joe — Raul Reeve
  25. it's right in front of you — not a fan of Uncle Adolf