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Calais Migrant Solidarity Benefit, London , Fri 26th Feb -Lineup!

Monsieur Mouchoir | 24.02.2010 19:14

Benefit Gig for No Borders & Calais Migrant Solidarity

26th February 2010 @ 195 Mare Street, Hackney E8 3QE

6pm onwards: Food / Film / Info
8pm ? 2am: Music

* Captain of the Rant (A'capella / Punk / Lyrical)
* 52 Commercial Road (experimental / post-rock)
* Rabies Babies (punk / rock / thrash)
* Jakal (punk / reggae / ska)
* Deferred Success (acoustic / folk / punk)

For more information on No Borders / Calais Migrant Solidarity check out

Monsieur Mouchoir
- Homepage:


Display the following 7 comments

  1. Looks good — anon
  2. would love to — cripple
  3. Disable access — noborderer
  4. access details — Monsieur Mouchoir
  5. thanks but — cripple
  6. there is a ramp — resident
  7. great — cripple