Boycott Moda Show Brick Lane : They sell fur and cause a nuisance to neighbours
Ollie Emery of Brick Lane | 31.01.2010 16:56 | Animal Liberation | South Coast | World
Boycott Moda Show in Brick Lane! They sell fur and cause a nuisance to neighbours. My name is Ollie Emery and I live in the flat above Moda Show on Brick Lane. I am writing an open letter to Moda Show on behalf of residents in Brick Lane in order to make you aware of the situation facing residents and local businesses in the area. Moda Show are a fur shop nuisance! Read my letter in the box below.
Ollie Emery
Upstairs Flats
220 Brick Lane
E1 6SA
Re : Moda Show Fur Shop Nuisance
Dear Moda Show,
I am writing in order to make you aware of the situation facing residents and local businesses in the area.
Your shop Moda Show is selling fur and causing and has been causing a nuisance for over a year now and every week consistently causes nuisance to residents and businesses in the area. In recent months, the number of residents, businesses and protesters against your shop has increased, the noise from your music in the shop has got louder, the police presence due to trouble caused by you has got stronger and the previous good atmosphere of the area is diminishing.
I feel it would be worth it for you to stop selling fur. At present you are causing distress to local residents and affecting other local business trade.
If you are interested in coming to a mutual agreement with locals [stop selling fur] then please email me at
Ollie Emery
Upstairs Flats
220 Brick Lane
E1 6SA
Re : Moda Show Fur Shop Nuisance
Dear Moda Show,
I am writing in order to make you aware of the situation facing residents and local businesses in the area.
Your shop Moda Show is selling fur and causing and has been causing a nuisance for over a year now and every week consistently causes nuisance to residents and businesses in the area. In recent months, the number of residents, businesses and protesters against your shop has increased, the noise from your music in the shop has got louder, the police presence due to trouble caused by you has got stronger and the previous good atmosphere of the area is diminishing.
I feel it would be worth it for you to stop selling fur. At present you are causing distress to local residents and affecting other local business trade.
If you are interested in coming to a mutual agreement with locals [stop selling fur] then please email me at

Ollie Emery
Ollie Emery of Brick Lane
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