Athens: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire claim National Bank bombing
atgr | 28.12.2009 21:37 | World

On Monday night, the group conspiracy of cells of fire posted a communique on Athens Indymedia (greek original: ) claiming Sunday night’s attack on the national bank and insurance agency on Sygrou Avenue in Athens. The explosion was very strong, marking an upgrading in the group’s capacities – as they themselves note in the communique. They send “comradely greetings” to anarchist bank robber and prisoner Yiannis Dimitrakis, to Chilean anarchists Freddy Fuentevilla and Marcelo Villaruel, to Gabriel Pompo da Silva (who went on hunger strike on December 20 in the prison of Aachen, Germany) as well as Ilias Nikolaou, Polykarops Georgiadis (another two anarchist prisoners in Greece) and finally, Charis Chatzimichelakis and Panayiotis Masouras, as well as the third person in pre-trial detention in connection to the conspiracy of cells of fire case, who they name by initials only.

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