The EDL, the BNP and Stoke by ‘Malatesta’
Malatesta | 20.12.2009 10:47 | Anti-racism | Birmingham | World
The EDL, the BNP and the possible co-operation of local football firm ‘the Naughty Forty’ has serious public order implications at the January demonstration in Stoke.
The EDL, the BNP and Stoke by ‘Malatesta’
The sudden stepping down of Stoke BNP group leader councillor Alby Walker interestingly coincides with growing anxieties over the January protest by the EDL in the same city, the potential support of local BNP members, the involvement of the local football firm and an enormous bill for heavy policing. Following the EDL’s last performance, the cost to Nottingham is now put at £200,000. This does not bode well for the forthcoming EDL shindig. The way to avoid a repeat of this large sum being passed onto the people of Stoke is to ban the demonstration.
Stoke BNP
Alby Walker has stepped down as group leader after 3 years amidst “rumours of growing friction within the group over its future leadership and political direction.” He is only 1 of 9 other councillors but this still bodes ill for Stoke BNP as Walker is seen as someone who can actually perform rudimentary council work. It is a generally acknowledged fact that BNP councillors do not have a great record: when they realise that they are not leading the Aryan revolution but have to sit in on dull meetings about street lights and refuse collection many first lose interest and then their positions through laziness, boredom or failure to get re-elected. The list of crap councillors is as entertaining as it is inept.
However, Stoke BNP are seen by some to have created a stronghold and one that is unwilling to be influenced by party HQ down south or by other northern Nazi factions. One poster on the Northwest Nationalist forum claims: “Stoke BNP have been rather strange. They seem to have kept themselves away from both Griffin and us.” Another replied: “Stoke BNP have got it right, they don’t like interference from head or regional office and have some great people … Stoke is BNP heaven for canvassing.” Stoke has a large white working class community and their various resentments are something that the BNP have capitalised on.
The Stoke Firm
Stoke City’s football firm The Naughty 40 or N40 have established a reputation for being game. The Stoke hooligans were also involved with the Oldham riots in 2001 when the N40 joined up with Oldham’s Fine Young Casuals and caused mayhem. However, Mark Chester, N40 member and author, thinks that this connection was overplayed and wrote “with the Stoke firm racism was never an issue, so never on our agenda – and I must reiterate that.” They had originally gone for a ruck with the Oldham lads but then became embroiled in the rioting. Whether the N40 still comply with Mark Chester’s sentiments will be seen in January.
It is important to understand the football firm mentality here. Despite the fact that many teams are sworn enemies and harbour long held grudges, during England games in particular, these rivalries are often put aside for the ‘greater good’ of ‘supporting’ England by smashing up bars and urinating in the streets. In 2001, the Stoke and Oldham firms put their differences aside and attacked the Asian community, sparking reprisals. Although the EDL/Casuals United comprise many different firms it is unlikely that the N40 will attack them for ‘taking liberties’ on their turf. Firms have long kept in regular contact through mobile phones and the internet to organise rows but despite this technology the increased surveillance and heavy policing means it is very difficult for them to meet up. What the EDL does is give the chance for firms to get together, drink heavily and have a go at the police and any Muslim or anti-fascist protestors whilst carrying out a ‘legitimate political protest.’ Something which they are unable to do on match day. It is a justifiable fear that the N40 may well link up with local BNP supporters and the EDL with the inevitable outcome of multiple arrests, scuffling, the EDL being kettled into a Wetherspoon’s or similar and the people of Stoke ending up paying for it all.
The EDL, Nazis & The BNP
The EDL continued claims to be non-violent, non-racist, non-BNP and non-Nazi have been shown time and again to be a complete and utter falsehood. A quick survey of arrests at EDL demos seems to counter any idea that they are for peaceful purposes. They claim to our English heritage but how urinating on Nottingham Castle does this remains unclear. 16 EDL were arrested in Nottingham, 7 on Public Order Offences. The documentary footage clearly shows the EDL having a go at the cops when they were kettled in at the Castle. At the Manchester do police arrested 44:
“Twenty-nine were arrested on suspicion of public order offences, four were arrested for affray, three for possession of an offensive weapon – one of whom was also arrested for possession of drugs. Three men were arrested on suspicion of racially aggravated public order offences. Five were arrested for on suspicion of breach of the peace.
Hardly non-violent: a further 90 arrested in Birmingham in September and 35 at the one in July. There have been skirmishes with opposing demonstrators but the majority of friction is between the EDL and the cops. The EDL does not seem to be promoting peaceful demonstrations in any way and whatever the leadership says about liaising with the cops, video evidence shows that they have little control over who comes on the demos and how they behave. The EDL claim to be not-anti-Islam but anti-Extremism but how these demonstrations actually stop this is extremely vague. Picketing a mosque is one thing but holing up in city centre pubs with the inevitable police containment seems pointless and further illustrates the fact that they just want to drink, fight and cause trouble.
There are documented examples of the EDL singing racist songs like and images of them Sieg-Heiling. Despite attempting to stamp out the Sieg Heil brigade the leadership of the EDL have systematically failed to do so. Any resolution of demonstrators to not salute is swiftly dissolves in gallons of lager. As for the claims to be multi-ethnic, the vast majority of people on their demos appear to be white, shaven headed, angry looking geezers.
Despite the BNP’s Nick Griffin calling the EDL a “proscribed organisation” members are clearly involved and have been connected to the EDL, not least the likes of Chris Renton who set up the website and Liverpool BNP member Liam Pinkham, who has been done for racially aggravated intentional harassment. The EDL claim to hate Nazis and there was an altercation earlier this year between Combat 18 members and the EDL which ended with a C18 member being battered with a fire extinguisher. Others have put this down to inter-firm rivalries. Regardless, what the leadership say on their websites and what happens on the streets are usually completely different things. On the website they claim that they will stop the Sieg-Heiling. They have not.
The EDL claim that the images are biased and they are really holding their arms aloft in traditional football style. The evidence does not support this. They claim that they do not want Nazis on their demonstrations but then the likes of Michael Heaton, associated with the Aryan Strike Force, the tiny BFF and the NF is photographed in attendance. Heaton has undeniable Nazi links and has also just been arrested for soliciting murder. The EDL leaders are keen to publicly discourage any anti-social behaviour but perhaps not meeting in the pub might help with this. On the EDL’s sister website, Casuals United they appeal for calm:
“things like charging at police and singing "Harry Roberts" songs aren't gonna get Joe public to join demos … I know a lot of you are ex-lads, but this ain't a football match, its a serious protest group.”
These appeals seem to fall on the waxen ears of protestors.
The Nazis & EDL
On Northwest Nationalists, the far right anti-Griffinite site, there is a difference of opinion over the outcomes of Stoke with one poster having seen “this one half caste guy about 45 with the stoke mob with a 70s style afro who was stood on a table taunting the old bill shouting B,B,BNP.” To their general amusement. Others are not impressed and between the UAF and the Zionist stooges” they “couldn't care less which of these gangs ends up with more casualties.” This accusation of being covertly run by an ‘evil Jewish cabal’ is a common worry on these websites: “there is clearly a Zionist influence behind the scenes of the EDL.” The BFF website also agrees: “because there [sic] are part of ZOGs footsoliders [sic].” However, illiteracy apart, for some at NWN, “at least the edl get of [sic] there arses and get out on the street.” The determinedly non-Nazi, non-racist, EDL responded to comments by inviting the NWNers to the demo:
“maybe tag along to one theres two in the midlands stoke and dudley in new year. you colud [sic] then find out for yourself what there all about.”
Inviting known Nazis to your demo is probably not the best way to ‘stamp out’ the Sieg-Heiling.
That the situation in Stoke is potentially volatile is beyond doubt: the EDL will hope to pull numbers, local BNP supporters (not necessarily members) will no doubt get involved and the Naughty 40 and other firms may drop by with tea and cakes. There will be a large anti-fascist counter demonstration and a massive police presence. When all the smoke clears, as with Nottingham, it will be the good people of Stoke who end up paying for it all. The only way to avoid this, the inevitable violence and arrests, the general disruption to the city is to ban it.
The sudden stepping down of Stoke BNP group leader councillor Alby Walker interestingly coincides with growing anxieties over the January protest by the EDL in the same city, the potential support of local BNP members, the involvement of the local football firm and an enormous bill for heavy policing. Following the EDL’s last performance, the cost to Nottingham is now put at £200,000. This does not bode well for the forthcoming EDL shindig. The way to avoid a repeat of this large sum being passed onto the people of Stoke is to ban the demonstration.
Stoke BNP
Alby Walker has stepped down as group leader after 3 years amidst “rumours of growing friction within the group over its future leadership and political direction.” He is only 1 of 9 other councillors but this still bodes ill for Stoke BNP as Walker is seen as someone who can actually perform rudimentary council work. It is a generally acknowledged fact that BNP councillors do not have a great record: when they realise that they are not leading the Aryan revolution but have to sit in on dull meetings about street lights and refuse collection many first lose interest and then their positions through laziness, boredom or failure to get re-elected. The list of crap councillors is as entertaining as it is inept.

However, Stoke BNP are seen by some to have created a stronghold and one that is unwilling to be influenced by party HQ down south or by other northern Nazi factions. One poster on the Northwest Nationalist forum claims: “Stoke BNP have been rather strange. They seem to have kept themselves away from both Griffin and us.” Another replied: “Stoke BNP have got it right, they don’t like interference from head or regional office and have some great people … Stoke is BNP heaven for canvassing.” Stoke has a large white working class community and their various resentments are something that the BNP have capitalised on.
The Stoke Firm
Stoke City’s football firm The Naughty 40 or N40 have established a reputation for being game. The Stoke hooligans were also involved with the Oldham riots in 2001 when the N40 joined up with Oldham’s Fine Young Casuals and caused mayhem. However, Mark Chester, N40 member and author, thinks that this connection was overplayed and wrote “with the Stoke firm racism was never an issue, so never on our agenda – and I must reiterate that.” They had originally gone for a ruck with the Oldham lads but then became embroiled in the rioting. Whether the N40 still comply with Mark Chester’s sentiments will be seen in January.
It is important to understand the football firm mentality here. Despite the fact that many teams are sworn enemies and harbour long held grudges, during England games in particular, these rivalries are often put aside for the ‘greater good’ of ‘supporting’ England by smashing up bars and urinating in the streets. In 2001, the Stoke and Oldham firms put their differences aside and attacked the Asian community, sparking reprisals. Although the EDL/Casuals United comprise many different firms it is unlikely that the N40 will attack them for ‘taking liberties’ on their turf. Firms have long kept in regular contact through mobile phones and the internet to organise rows but despite this technology the increased surveillance and heavy policing means it is very difficult for them to meet up. What the EDL does is give the chance for firms to get together, drink heavily and have a go at the police and any Muslim or anti-fascist protestors whilst carrying out a ‘legitimate political protest.’ Something which they are unable to do on match day. It is a justifiable fear that the N40 may well link up with local BNP supporters and the EDL with the inevitable outcome of multiple arrests, scuffling, the EDL being kettled into a Wetherspoon’s or similar and the people of Stoke ending up paying for it all.
The EDL, Nazis & The BNP
The EDL continued claims to be non-violent, non-racist, non-BNP and non-Nazi have been shown time and again to be a complete and utter falsehood. A quick survey of arrests at EDL demos seems to counter any idea that they are for peaceful purposes. They claim to our English heritage but how urinating on Nottingham Castle does this remains unclear. 16 EDL were arrested in Nottingham, 7 on Public Order Offences. The documentary footage clearly shows the EDL having a go at the cops when they were kettled in at the Castle. At the Manchester do police arrested 44:
“Twenty-nine were arrested on suspicion of public order offences, four were arrested for affray, three for possession of an offensive weapon – one of whom was also arrested for possession of drugs. Three men were arrested on suspicion of racially aggravated public order offences. Five were arrested for on suspicion of breach of the peace.
Hardly non-violent: a further 90 arrested in Birmingham in September and 35 at the one in July. There have been skirmishes with opposing demonstrators but the majority of friction is between the EDL and the cops. The EDL does not seem to be promoting peaceful demonstrations in any way and whatever the leadership says about liaising with the cops, video evidence shows that they have little control over who comes on the demos and how they behave. The EDL claim to be not-anti-Islam but anti-Extremism but how these demonstrations actually stop this is extremely vague. Picketing a mosque is one thing but holing up in city centre pubs with the inevitable police containment seems pointless and further illustrates the fact that they just want to drink, fight and cause trouble.
There are documented examples of the EDL singing racist songs like and images of them Sieg-Heiling. Despite attempting to stamp out the Sieg Heil brigade the leadership of the EDL have systematically failed to do so. Any resolution of demonstrators to not salute is swiftly dissolves in gallons of lager. As for the claims to be multi-ethnic, the vast majority of people on their demos appear to be white, shaven headed, angry looking geezers.
Despite the BNP’s Nick Griffin calling the EDL a “proscribed organisation” members are clearly involved and have been connected to the EDL, not least the likes of Chris Renton who set up the website and Liverpool BNP member Liam Pinkham, who has been done for racially aggravated intentional harassment. The EDL claim to hate Nazis and there was an altercation earlier this year between Combat 18 members and the EDL which ended with a C18 member being battered with a fire extinguisher. Others have put this down to inter-firm rivalries. Regardless, what the leadership say on their websites and what happens on the streets are usually completely different things. On the website they claim that they will stop the Sieg-Heiling. They have not.

The EDL claim that the images are biased and they are really holding their arms aloft in traditional football style. The evidence does not support this. They claim that they do not want Nazis on their demonstrations but then the likes of Michael Heaton, associated with the Aryan Strike Force, the tiny BFF and the NF is photographed in attendance. Heaton has undeniable Nazi links and has also just been arrested for soliciting murder. The EDL leaders are keen to publicly discourage any anti-social behaviour but perhaps not meeting in the pub might help with this. On the EDL’s sister website, Casuals United they appeal for calm:
“things like charging at police and singing "Harry Roberts" songs aren't gonna get Joe public to join demos … I know a lot of you are ex-lads, but this ain't a football match, its a serious protest group.”
These appeals seem to fall on the waxen ears of protestors.
The Nazis & EDL
On Northwest Nationalists, the far right anti-Griffinite site, there is a difference of opinion over the outcomes of Stoke with one poster having seen “this one half caste guy about 45 with the stoke mob with a 70s style afro who was stood on a table taunting the old bill shouting B,B,BNP.” To their general amusement. Others are not impressed and between the UAF and the Zionist stooges” they “couldn't care less which of these gangs ends up with more casualties.” This accusation of being covertly run by an ‘evil Jewish cabal’ is a common worry on these websites: “there is clearly a Zionist influence behind the scenes of the EDL.” The BFF website also agrees: “because there [sic] are part of ZOGs footsoliders [sic].” However, illiteracy apart, for some at NWN, “at least the edl get of [sic] there arses and get out on the street.” The determinedly non-Nazi, non-racist, EDL responded to comments by inviting the NWNers to the demo:
“maybe tag along to one theres two in the midlands stoke and dudley in new year. you colud [sic] then find out for yourself what there all about.”
Inviting known Nazis to your demo is probably not the best way to ‘stamp out’ the Sieg-Heiling.
That the situation in Stoke is potentially volatile is beyond doubt: the EDL will hope to pull numbers, local BNP supporters (not necessarily members) will no doubt get involved and the Naughty 40 and other firms may drop by with tea and cakes. There will be a large anti-fascist counter demonstration and a massive police presence. When all the smoke clears, as with Nottingham, it will be the good people of Stoke who end up paying for it all. The only way to avoid this, the inevitable violence and arrests, the general disruption to the city is to ban it.
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Harry Roberts is our friend
20.12.2009 11:54
The EDL are a racist, physical force political movement. They should be opposed by everyone who is against racism. Racism divides the working class so it has oftem been promoted by the employing class.
The EDL and the BNP both support Israel, if a network as lose as the EDL can be said to have such specific politics. This means that they might be described as Zionists. It does not imply that they or their leaders are Jewish.
Hitler was a Zionist (Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators, Hitler Looks at Zionism):
Racist Zionists like Nick Griffin or Lord Sacks should be confronted.
It's not consistent to call for something to be banned and to call yourself Malatesta. Malatesta opposed all bans.
Anti Police
It's interesting to hear that EDL members said "Charging at police and singing "Harry Roberts" songs aren't gonna get Joe public to join demos". It adds to arguments that there are some elements of the EDL who should abandon racism and join the class war.
Working Class Defence
People have a right to defend themselves against military occupation but groups supporting the London Bus Bombings should be confronted.
There is never an excuse for collaborating with the police or with the fash.
The EDL is not fascist or racist!
20.12.2009 12:13
EDL Stoke
The Links Between the EDL and BNP
20.12.2009 14:03
The relationship seems more like the Fiore experience of the "Strategy of Tension". The EDL is, for the most part, a pack of useful idiots. The muppets of the terraces. Given the atrocious bookeeping of the BNP, it seems that a return to the traditional is in the offing. Happy Uncle Nick has his pension assured and can dump the minions. The EDL offers him an exit strategy from all the Usefuls.
Nick Griffins Accountant
soft lads
20.12.2009 15:20
Oh yeah,,,,the majority. You lefties are just a bunch of trouble causing scum. The protests would be peaceful if you didn't rouse your unwashed heads to the cause that's apparently the flavour of the month amongst you soft lads.
Not that it makes much difference though, you barely got 200 out to oppose us in Nottingham and before that at Leeds and Manchester your soft-lads started to leave as soon as it was obvious we EDL were going to get almost a thousand turn up.
Face it lads, the EDL is here to stay, the EDL continued to grow and nothing you unwashed can do is going to stop us.
See you in Stoke soft-boys ;)
The usual solution
20.12.2009 18:01
There speaks a typical 'liberal' 'anti-fascist'. Such people love bans for anything they don't agree with. They are also prone top squawk about infringement of their liberties if anyone should ever dare to suggest that their authoritarian, elitist and anti-free speech activities are restricted in the slightest way.
'Anti-fascists' who disrupt the gathering of others are criminals. They hate anyone hearing views they dissgree with and use intimidation and violence to prevent their expression. They don't belong in today's Britain. They belong in Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia. 'Anti-fascists' are the UK's modern totalitarians.
disappointing article
20.12.2009 18:12
1) we should never call for bans .. this is fundamental. practically it is insane as the laws they use and the precedents it creates will impact upon us more than the far right and theoretically it is mad as we are supposed to be AGAINST fascism and any ban is a form of fascism.
2) your analysis that to an extent the EDL is an outlet for lads with too much energy who can no longer have a cheap and cheerful row on a saturday due to policing, is fair. But then you slide into pretty patronising middle class crap Who gives a fuck if the urinated on Nottingham Castle or that they get drunk in Weatherspoons? And golly gosh some of them are a little bit tasty! Your middle class distaste for these " white, shaven headed, angry looking geezer" does not help us in the slightest and is in fact part of the problem.
3) and you continue this utterly flawed argument that because there are known fascists on their demos then they are fascists, that because there are known racists on their demos then they are racist. This is the bullshit the state and the media pull on us all the time. It is theoretically wrong to argue in this way and practically it has led to fundamentaly wrong conclusions, e.g. arguing for state bans. Concentrate on what the EDL say and do and we both know who we mean. Tommy Robinson from Luton, Leisha form essex, Joel Titus from London, Kelway from Pompey ( and brum), Jeff Marsh from Cardiff etc. Yes they are playing the role of fascists but no they are not on paper and in action racists or fascist
4) and you continue with the BNP links. Have you ever had a look at the left? or the @ scene? or AR??? Do you know there have been fascists in AR? etc etc You claim that the EDL have not stopped Seig Heiling yet the only supposed Seig Heiling is utter debateable.
5) while your knowledge seems in depth it is not in depth enough. the EDL are based largely on ex squaddies and also football firms. There is a strong antipathy to politics of both sides in both these groups. Sadly as the left and @s have rejected the non Trade Union working class ( as er racists!) we have no influence and increasingly the far right are being listened to in these areas
so to conclude to argue for a state ban is 100% wrong. what we need to be doing is become active in the communities these people live and work, making our politics more relavent than that of scapegoating and loyalism .. yes we are playing catch up but if we don't start now we may never catch up
get ready Durrutti
20.12.2009 20:07
Casual Observer
Repy to Durti
20.12.2009 22:08
"But then you slide into pretty patronising middle class crap Who gives a fuck if the urinated on Nottingham Castle or that they get drunk in Weatherspoons? And golly gosh some of them are a little bit tasty! Your middle class distaste for these " white, shaven headed, angry looking geezer" does not help us in the slightest and is in fact part of the problem.
BUT there are contradictions between somebody proclaiming support for English Heritage, and then urinating on an historical English Castle. A group of blokes up for a row perhaps says more about the vast majority who do NOT involve themselves in these sorts of EDL activities. Lets be clear about this, the EDL are only an irrelevant touring sideshow, representative of nothing but themselves.
Then Durti sed this
"and you continue this utterly flawed argument that because there are known fascists on their demos then they are fascists, that because there are known racists on their demos then they are racist. This is the bullshit the state and the media pull on us all the time. It is theoretically wrong to argue in this way and practically it has led to fundamentaly wrong conclusions, e.g. arguing for state bans. Concentrate on what the EDL say and do and we both know who we mean. Tommy Robinson from Luton, Leisha form essex, Joel Titus from London, Kelway from Pompey ( and brum), Jeff Marsh from Cardiff etc. Yes they are playing the role of fascists but no they are not on paper and in action racists or fascist".
Has anybody else spotted the huge contradiction here in what Durti wrote? 'They are playing the role of fascists', and then DUrti contradicts himself by saying they are 'not on paper and in action racists and fascist'. Just because somebody doesn't say I AM RACIST AND FASCIST does not mean that they are not. Indeed, if they are 'playing the role of fascists' then they to all intents and purposes are likely to be of far more use for fascists than anybody else.
Class War
@ class war
20.12.2009 22:59
"Has anybody else spotted the huge contradiction here in what Durti wrote? 'They are playing the role of fascists', and then DUrti contradicts himself by saying they are 'not on paper and in action racists and fascist'. Just because somebody doesn't say I AM RACIST AND FASCIST does not mean that they are not. Indeed, if they are 'playing the role of fascists' then they to all intents and purposes are likely to be of far more use for fascists than anybody else. "
D02 says
no there is no contradiction here at all and this is absolutely the crux of the matter and what points strongly to them being manipulated. In the same way that trade unions/ists have been manipulated there is no contradiction between EDL people being against the BNP but their activity helping the BNP. ( and i have argued this pretty much since the off on urban if you want to check)
think about this again ;) manipulating people is the oldest trick in the book
But in fact it is their relationship with the state that is FAR FAR FAR more important than that with the BNP. We currently have soldiers dieing at a terrible rate in Afghan. There should be an resistance to this. We currently are facing massive attacks in spending and already have massive unemployment. there should be resistance to this.
But out pops the EDL. I honestly believe most of them are people who are angry generally and specifically really angry against Islamists and Jihadis ( and why not?) and are not out and out racists or fascists
BUT BUT BUT what they are doing and what they are confronting is a fucking distraction .. and who does it suit?? The state down to the fucking ground
troll alert
20.12.2009 23:10
Wake up! You are not allowed to disagree with people
Excellent article
20.12.2009 23:37
21.12.2009 10:54
Look, middle class kids get their adrenaline kicks from snow-boarding in the Alps, bungee jumping in the himalayas etc. Working class kids get their kicks from having a ruck. And god knows, we all need a bit of a pick-you-up sometimes, don't we?
So these kids want to sink a few pints and kick some coppers. So? That's a bad thing how? The racism is just a convenient tag to pull it all together. It would be football, but that's been stamped on by over-inflated 'football-related' sentences and stupid levels of policing. So a political excuse does the job nicely.
You want to tackle racism? Have a go at the real fascist wankers at the Daily Mail and their mates. They are the ones that stir it all up, with daily stories of sponging refugees and Polish millionaire brickies.
Or maybe get together an alternative scene for kicking it off, that isn't racist. Harry Roberts is our friend, he kills coppers...
Lincoln Loyal Supports Combat18, the NF AND THE BNP!
21.12.2009 12:24
It is not rocket science why they chose Stoke to meet!
Lincoln Loyal is the EDL's Lincolnshire Organiser, leading the LTE firm who rely on at least a dozen hardcore football hooligan thugs to every march.
Hey, KKKelway and the usual suspects, here is EDL Organiser Lincoln Loyal's flag.....
Fascist-Loving Durruti Exposed As Being the EDL's Wigan Mike!!!
21.12.2009 12:53
A proper army marches on its stomach, but the EDL marches on its stomach.
Just because Durruti calls himself "Durruti", means nothing as far as anti-fascist credentials go. I could call myself "Mother Teresa", "Ghandi", "Martin Luther King", or the "Dal'ai Lama", "Nelson Mandella", but it wouldn't mean I have the credentials of these people.
The Real Durruti is dead. Indymedia's Durruti is an imposter!
Durruti is actually Wigan Mike Heaton in disguise, not a trade unionist. anarchist etc that fellow trolls say he is, as his posts are so full of praise for fascists and the EDL's campaign of hate against Muslims, he has given the game away.
You can deny you are Wigan Mike, but we all know the truth, so don't troll with bullshit nonsense about you being a diamond geezer!
No wander Wigan Mike wants to play down the Hitler salutes. When Wigan Mike went for a piss up in a Welsh 'Spoons for a day with a party of Bolton Wanderers Hooligans, all forty of them did Hitler salutes and they were caputured by BBC and Sky News cameras as well as the Press Association.
Pretty soon, you will only have a lubricated white dildo for company in your prison cell, Wigan Mike!
Shelley Grrrrl
21.12.2009 13:05
Leading the undeniable straight-armed Hitler salutes was affirmed National Socialist Mike Heaton AKA Wigan Mike.
88 of course means dear old Adolf Hitler. On his myspace, he says: - By the Gods, "THORS HAMMER and ODIN will smite down my enemies"......
Cardiff Lad
21.12.2009 13:07
21.12.2009 13:35
Another "Accidental" Hitler Salute
21.12.2009 13:55
Another Hitler salute!
21.12.2009 14:10
21.12.2009 14:26
The EDL just cannot stop paying straight-armed tributes to the EDL.
Sod off back to Stormfront, trolls!
The EDL Burn Anti-nazi flag in Wales
21.12.2009 14:36
Irish Ulsterman
Why The Straight Arm Salute ???????????????????????
21.12.2009 14:52
KKKelway and EDL trolling chums will tell us he was swatting an invisible fly, or some crap like this.
Note only one hand, and no-one else is raising their hands around him.
The EDL are indeed a toxic mixture of football pissheads and hardcore white supremacist NF/BNP/C18 types.
Hope the EDL like us reminding the peeps of these damning photos.
TELLING IT LIKE IT IS...............
sort it
21.12.2009 18:17
And i will keep thinking this until i see more evidence, like a video a mass salute from within their ranks.
here and now
21.12.2009 20:02
One Chelsea fans sieg heils + ALL Chelsea fans are fascist
Can you spot the fascist sieg heiling in this picture?
yes trying too hard ..
21.12.2009 21:31
whatever it is entirely superficial way to try to understand a movement .. and has led to completely wrong tactics
Racists - I can't see any racists x3
21.12.2009 21:59
"Posting a few pictures of a few people doing nazi salutes is not going to convince people that the EDL as a whole is a nazi organisation, I'm still no sure about the EDL, but I don't believe that the group as a whole are nazis."
Nazi salutes at every demo - means that they are at the very least a group that is a) attractive to nazis and b) tolerant of nazis.
"kinda get the feeling 'people' are trying too hard"
To ignore of trivialise 'Hitler Salutes'? I'd agree with you
"and you know what AR/SHAC has had a fair few fascists involved over the years but does anyone say they are then fascists?"
Show us the photos of Hitler salutes at AR demos then.
Now what was it that Nick Griffin had to say about the EDL? Oh yes ......
"“I’ve no doubt that this is something designed to spark physical clashes between Muslim communities en bloc and the people who are coming in to hold a demonstration. They are out of it. The people who are going to get it in the neck, who are going to get the blame when it all goes wrong, are ordinary white working class communities.
“The people behind this are pushing for a low level civil war.”
Almost like he thinks they are racist demos. What the *&$£ would he know about racist demos eh?
eyes shut tight
"The people behind this"
22.12.2009 13:54
The people who believe they are behind the EDL believe they will achieve low level conflict. They think they can keep it all at arms length.They are wrong. they have not realised it yet. They have spent too much time dwelling on Bologna Station.
Luther Blisset
tower bridge
23.12.2009 18:09
was at a rts in nottingham way back. 78 arrested, and no we were not overly violent scum.
also a curiosity, back then when it was.that rts, there was a crew of notts riot police who quite frankly scared the shite out of me when having thrown me in their van announced that this is "your worst nightmare. we really are fascist!". hmmm. wonder if they still about.
who the fuq
24.12.2009 01:06
Wren and Scampi
what are you lot doing
24.12.2009 14:49
26.12.2009 17:32
Think about it
27.12.2009 12:39
Get a grip
28.12.2009 13:01
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