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REMINDER solidarity demo outside Danish embassy 4pm onwards today!

Climate activist | 17.12.2009 11:05

There will be a mass demonstration outside the Danish Embassy in London in solidarity with those unlawfully arrested and detained in Copenhagen during the Climate Summit protests. Today on Thursday the 17 December from 4pm onwards. The address of the embassy is :- 5 Sloane Street, London SW1X 9SR. Nearest tube Knightsbridge.

As many people as possible need to turn up to protest at the Danish state's appallling treatment of climate protesters and its denial of free speach. Spread the word far and wide! We need to tell the Danish government that we will not be intimidated by their violence against protesters.

Climate activist


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17.12.2009 13:54

smash the fucking windows!

annoyed anarcho rebel

The mechanism of the police state in Denmark

17.12.2009 13:58

Non-Danes should know that it has often occurred to demonstrators who have been picked up in a crowd that they have been presented with two policemen who have
"seen" them setting fire to a barricade, hitting a policeman etc. - this very often leading
to a conviction on clause 119 or 134 (1-2 months in jail)
In May, a number of such cases were thrown out of Court, after hard work by the Defense.
The policemen complained loudly that the usual practice of two police witnesses leading to automatic conviction was no longer followed. The present tightening of the law is a result of these complaints - thus in itself a testimony that perjury in connivance with judges has been used to frame demonstrators.
Police Inspector Per Larsen dismissed it as a sad case of "sloppy police reporting".
Cases like these are covered by a small group of hand-picked journalists, maintaining the image that violence is always started by the demonstrators. This is important because in the
western part of the country people do not have direct acess to this information - which is commonly known in Copenhagen - and that is where the Right parties collect their majority
The newspaper Politiken is complicit in this.
The same journalists often serve as channels of "leaks" - often involving material from the
Intelligence services - to produce character assassinations of persons or organisations..
This system functions primarily under Conservative governments protected by top judiciary.
I hereby accuse the Conservative party of treason against the Constitution for maintaining this system and violating freedom of assembly (§ 118,2)
Such charges must be raised by the justice minister himself - who is of course inhabile.But if he dismisses a case raised on a number of such examples the dismissal itself will be illegal. In that way it might be possible to gain further support from other instances behind the case.
